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Strange Email, claims to be from Nintendo of europe


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I got this in my mail today

FROM:<[email protected]>


This message from Nintendo of Europe is to give you some STARS!!!!


Please click on the link below to receive your stars. http://www.nintendo-europe.com/NOE/en/GB/home/index.do?dsource=emailTest&userId=%2FpWG7tvluhM55M0TZXlYGK29becHtciN






If you have received this message in error, please delete it. You will receive no further correspondence from Nintendo.



Please do not reply to this message.

I don;t thrust it since the email adress isn't one of nintendo, and two i don't have a vip account or club account by nintendo UK but by nintendo Benelux

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I posted about this as it was happening the MPotD thread but no one said anything. In my emails to my hotmail account, the link wasnt linked like, so I tried copy and pasting(I have like 6 of the emails, each with a different code each time), but it wouldnt finish loading, wouldn't even get a page cannot be displayed error...

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I got that same email yesterday, three times...


It's a conspiracy! Nintendo is trying to kill us all! Or trick us into giving our credit card information so they can rip us of by sending us five Wii's we do'nt need and some stock of GameCube that they had to clear out. No seriously, check here: http://www.engadget.com/Nintendo_emails_to_clear_out-GameCube_Stock_early . Briliant.


EDIT: they seem to have deleted the page...

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