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What did you want to be when you grow up?


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I wanted to be a footballer or in a band.


I did used to be in a football team but knew as most school boys that would never happen.


As for the band, I cant play any musical instrument so that ruined that idea.


I have ended up working for the Government instead. :/

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Ok, here's the skinny, somebody is going out for their birthday in a few weeks and I'm invited along, but of course as alot of girls seem to like doing, she wants it to be fancy dress with a theme of what you wanted to be when you were older when you were little.

That's what's important here, what did you WANT to be when you were LITTLE, not like what do you want to be now, unless it's the same, but yeah, you get the gist.

The reason I'm making this is partly for the fun factor, but also because my memory/ambition as a child was clearly limited, and I have no idea what to go as that isn't something boring(i used to say i wanted to be a 'reporter', which i think was the equivalent of a journalist but I didn't know that then because I was like 5 and not many 5 year olds know the word journalist, but I digress!). So, basically, post all your childhood ambitions so that me and my friend can totally jack your five year old dream jobs, due to our rubbishness.


you clearly need to go in a mac coat, trilby and armed with a note pad.

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