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Tales of Symphonia Official Thread


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If only that were true, i really hope they do make a sequel coz ToS was GREAT.
personally I wouldn't want a sequel... I'd prefer a prequel:


telling the story about Kratos, yggdrasil... etc... while they were young...


It could be great if they did something like...

Martel having a affair with kratos and yggdrasil with his sister complex

would go bollocks with the idea

If they were to make a sequel... well it's already a prequel to ToP, there are places that are equal I'd like to have a game between the two games, closing the gap, etc. (but not with the same characters)

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Oh i didn't know the difference between prequel and sequel, and what you wrote in the hidden message would be a Great story. I just hope that Namco realise that ToS fans want another one. :grin:
If... they release a "Tales of" game in Revolution it will probably have some relation with ToPhantasia, and thus, ToSymphonia(IMO)...


Tales of Phantasia was the only previously released game on a Nintendo console... followed by ToS who is the only one in the series that has a direct conection to another game.


I don't think It makes sense to stray from that formula (well... perhaps on TotT in DS, it does) because there's so much to be told. so yeah, I hope we get a "Tales" exclusive for Revolution.


And... after seeing Red Steel I'd like in-game graphics like this:




That could be, next gen cell-shading (based on Fire Emblem:PoRadiance FMV's) but Namco could drop the "chibi"/miniature representation in-game, trying to close the gap betwen the game and the FMV's.

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Just completed ToS today. What a fantastic game it is, definetley one of my favourite games of this generation. Great lifespan too, I cloced 50 hours and I'm sure I didn't do everything.


Found the final boss a bit easy though... but I guess that's becasue I had all the best weapons (like Zelos' baseball bat) and I was quite highley levelled due to the fact I tended to go for battles instead of avoiding them like other games becasue the battle system is just so darn fun.

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Raine is the sex.


I'd like to of been Genis there :heh:


And yeah I'd love a ToSII, with in game graphics like the cutscenes in tos like I said earlier in this thread.


That would be superb! I'd find it more impressive graphically than realistic looking next gen games .

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Yes it will, and when it does you will feel complete yet empty inside. Complete because you finished the goal of the game,

re-unite the two worlds.

Empty because it ends. But then there is a lot of other stuff to do. I.e side quests and all so if you start a new game don't save over your completion file.

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Yes it will, and when it does you will feel complete yet empty inside. Complete because [EDITED]. Empty because it ends. But then there is a lot of other stuff to do. I.e side quests and all so if you start a new game don't save over your completion file.
ins't that a big, big spoiler? he didn't finish the game yet... :(
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Tales of Phantasia was the only previously released game on a Nintendo console... followed by ToS who is the only one in the series that has a direct conection to another game.



What? This is news to me? Are you saying Tales of Phantasia coming to the GBA takes place in the same world as Symphonia?


I love to see both a prequal to TOS and a sequal, the prequal telling the story of Kratos and Mithos (as mentioned before) and the sequal about Lloyd quest to get rid of the exshperes.


FOr me TOS was the Ocarina of Time of the Gamecube, everything about it sucked me in and wouldn't let go, gameplay, characters, stroy, the world that was created, all amzaing.:bouncy:


I remember when i first got it and was going on holiday a few weeks later, the last night before i left i still hadn't finished the game and where i was i thought it was nearly over so i said i'd get it finished... needless to say it was one of those times when it looked like the end but it really wasn't. But it still looked like it was nearly there so i kept saying "Ok i'll finish this and then go to bed", but everytime i completed my "goal" another twist or something would happen and again i'd say "Ok i'll finish this then go to bed"....


In the end i did finish the game before going on holiday... however i didn't get to bed that night, and i actually mean that, i'm not exagertaing i must have played 12 hours straight maybe more that day/night/morning, not even Ocarina of Time had me glued to my control pad like TOS did.


I'm really looking forward to TOP on the GBA and TOTT on DS because of TOS, but i'm still aware that only a true sequal to TOS would satisfy me. I just want to see the characters grow more and explore that world again... prolly mostly due to the characters, they were so great you actually related to them like real people.:weep:


Oh and BTW... SHEENA OWNZ all the ladies in in the game, especially in the formal dress she gets. I normally don't like choosing to be "mean" when i play games, but with Collette i make an exception so Lloyd and Sheena end up together (come on that match makes much more sense). In fact if ever i was to Cosplay i'd be Lloyd and i'd get (force) me girlfriend to be Shena:awesome:

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Well in the last game I played Lloyd and Sheena did end up together. I remember on my last play through I stayed up until 4am playing it. Only because I wanted to get most of the summon spirits before going to Tethe'alla.

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