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To Sell my 360 or not to sell

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Well since I got Wii I have hardly touched my 360, even before Wii I had played it that much for a few weeks. At the moment it is just being used as a DVD Player. I have a lot of great games:



Perfect Dark Zero


Smackdown Vs Raw 2007


Tomb Raider Legends

FFXI (Un used)

Dead or live 4


Alien Hominde (XBLA)

Marball Ultra Blast (XBLA)

Zuma (XBLA)

Street Fighter 2 (XBLA)

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (XBLA)


Thats not a bad line up, I suppose the reason for not playing on my 360 that much is time, when I do have an extra hour or so free I spend my time playing Virtual console or a game like Wii sports. When i have a few hours spare I play Zelda, Red Steal, COD3 and the longer VC games like Zelda OOT. I just don't play it really at all. I brought Alien Hominde from marketplace, like it but have not touched it since.

I also have a few gamecube games I need to complete as well as a good collection of dreamcast games and a DS for on the go.

Should I give up on my 360 or wait?

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If you don't think you'll play it then sell it!


However, there are alot of games you don't have in your collection such as Gears of War, Lost Planet, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, GRAW, GRAW 2, RS: Vegas etc...


then there are awesome games in the future such as, Halo 3, Banjo Kazooie, Alan Wake, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Resi 5, Stranglehold, Turok, Haze, PGR 4 etc... etc...


Though if you don't have the time to play games all that much then there may be little point!

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I have played Gears of War, Lost Planet, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, but if I buy them i know i will not play them.

There are many games that interest me but its all about time I will give it another couple of months yet.

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You need more games...I've had mine for 6 weeka and I have...actually Im not going to say, u just need to know it is a lot!


Get Viva Pinata and/or Crackdown...

Plus next month, Virtual Tennis 3!!


TBH I found the opposite, I havn't touched my Wii for 2 months now but I can't stop playing with my 360!

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Sell it to me for £180 without the games and I'll be your friend. :)


Or Sell everything to me for £80 and I'll give you my PSP and games.

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no point selling it as you will definetly get some use of it in the future, owning just a wii won't meet you gaming needs over the next 5 years so if you do sell it you will only end up buying another one or Ps3

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I say keep it, because I reckon you'll want more games for it eventually.


Also XBOX360 = Best system EVER.

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I have played, Prey, Gears Of War, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Crackdown and a phew others I will probably keep hold of it for a while unless my washing machine is really nakad then I might have to sell it.

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You need more games...I've had mine for 6 weeka and I have...actually Im not going to say, u just need to know it is a lot!


Get Viva Pinata and/or Crackdown...

Plus next month, Virtual Tennis 3!!


TBH I found the opposite, I havn't touched my Wii for 2 months now but I can't stop playing with my 360!


Going from you're sig im counting 12 games + Live Arcade stuff! Christ!


Where do you get the time to play them all? I got 4 games + LA:U with my system 4 weeks ago, bought GoW 2 weeks later and hardly played it! Most of my time is split between Oblivion and Tony Hawks :p

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I'd say keep! Just because i bought an xbox 360 on tuesday and i'm really loving it! The only action my wii has had since i got it is a look on the everybody votes channel and wii tennis with some friends yesterday. . . . .

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Thing is, I know if I sold one of my consoles, a game would get released or something big would be announced shortly after I sold it, and I'd think "....fuck!"


At the end of the day, it's your decision. Maybe you just haven't clicked with the system yet, or something.

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Going from you're sig im counting 12 games + Live Arcade stuff! Christ!


Where do you get the time to play them all? I got 4 games + LA:U with my system 4 weeks ago, bought GoW 2 weeks later and hardly played it! Most of my time is split between Oblivion and Tony Hawks :p


I havn't completed most of them and I mostly play on the weekends and Wednesday, my day off from uni. I get bored of games quite quickly but if I have loads to play at once I play them in rotation and I find they last longer.

And apart from Crackdown, the most I've payed for a 360 game was £22 and most were even cheaper! :heh:


I admit its still absurd!

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If you don't think you'll play it then sell it!


However, there are alot of games you don't have in your collection such as Gears of War, Lost Planet, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, GRAW, GRAW 2, RS: Vegas etc...


then there are awesome games in the future such as, Halo 3, Banjo Kazooie, Alan Wake, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Resi 5, Stranglehold, Turok, Haze, PGR 4 etc... etc...


Though if you don't have the time to play games all that much then there may be little point!

I think you forgot something called Call of Duty? :heh:

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