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Banks - Direct Debits - Charges


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Yes Banks and there charges :nono:

Right we have had NTL Broadband for years and we know how crap there customer service is. Well as some of you may know they have recently changed to Virgin Media ... and it appears the customer services is still the same.


So the story, NTL used to take the money for the Broadband outta the bank via direct debit every month on the 17th without fail, but last month they decided without notice that it was fine to take the money on the 2nd. Now as there was no money in the account.. the bank has stuck a £30 charge on it :nono:


So we get on the phone to the bank ... and after trying to be nice.. and then shouting at them for charging me for basicly nothing because they didnt pay NTL... we get on the phone to NTL!

Now this is where the fun starts, the guy on the other end of the phone admits that maybe its there fault but the best the can do is take 30 off of the phone and broadband bill next month. That would have been fine if i didnt need the money. So after ages of getting no where and not getting the money back im stuck.


Who should i phone next? the bank telling them there arseholes charging me for basicly nothing or phone back the scum at Virgin Media and tell them there in the wrong and i want my £30 because it was there fuck up?

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I think it's ridiculous that banks charge you for being overdrawn, if you're overdrawn surely that means you don't have the money to pay them anyway? So you're just gonna get further into debt until it spirals out of control and they take your house... probably.

Banks confuse me so I get my mum to do it all for me haha


That sucks though mate, you're probably not the only one either. Not sure if there's anything you can do about it though, I think I remember a case where someone sued the bank for unfairly charging them for being overdrawn but I don't remember all the details so I don't advise sueing anyone ;)


Try and blag free tv/phone for a month :p worth a try

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Ring Virgin up, ask to speak to the manager and tell him whats happened and you need the money, if hes fussy on the phone say look this is the number for my bank you my details like my name etc if you do not want this to go further ring them and sort it out.


Then hang up.


That will work i think.

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Yep i agree with that but i dont even have an overdraft! and they never give NTL/Virgin media (whatever they wanna call themselfs) the money! so they are charging me for them trying to take it when it wasnt there.


Tell NTL if they don't sort it you'll cut them off and go to BT or something and that your sick of being messed around, they'll soon get off their asses for you then.

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You should be able to claim the money back. The BBC have an article on their website somewhere.


Edit - Found it


Nice link :bowdown: Cant believe its that easy! The bank have fined me about £200 in the last few years because of stuff like this. Worst one was the £50 fine because the cheque didnt clear in time to pay the donation i make to the Red Cross i make every quarter :mad:

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Get yourself on http://www.consumeractiongroup.com


Bank charges are actually illegal and if you challenge your bank they will back down and reimburse you (eventually). Same goes for anyone charging you obscene amounts for going overdrawn or missing a payment. Companies are allowed to charge an amount that is in proportion to the amount you have gone overdrawn, which shouldn't work out as any more than a couple of pounds. It certainly doesn't cost them 30 quid to send out a letter telling you that you've gone over your limit.


I'd recommend everyone on N-E who has had any charge like this to pop on that website and get all the necessary documents to get you cash back. I'm about six months into my claim and im set to get about £4000 back, my house mate is even further in his claim and could get around £6000. Most claims take up to 18 months and the banks will try every trick they can to stop you getting your money back but they will not let it go to court (despite threats to the contrary) as they have no legal standing.

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I had almost exactly the same problem a while ago. I wrote a rather angry letter to Halifax's head office informing them that I would not be paying the charges, and that I would like to close the account with immediate effect. To be honest I wasn't expecting much, and was just doing it to vent my anger. However, I promptly got an apology, and had the money refunded into my account :). I was still pissed off with them and followed up on my promise of closing the account and switching banks though :p


However, I think in your case it's NTL/Virgin you should be having a go at.

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I hate yelling at people on the phone. After spending ages on hold I lose the will power to go through with it.


Ideally the bank should stop NTL from making the withdrawal if your account is empty that way NTL can just send you a letter about outstanding payments.


NTL sucks pants anyway.

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