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Does anyone here seriously follow a football team


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Motion I have up given all hope....


Get a ticket and go the game, your opinions are stereotyping the men, women, children who pay good money to see their team play...


You don't know football, your opinions are flawed in EVERY sense...


For instance this Tumour boy thing only 1 or 2 people shouted it at him, and by your rational sense of thinking thats what we all do....


You are using social issues against football fans, when it is present everywere, as an EXAMPLE look at what happend in Big Brother? Is everyone who watched BB or Participates in BB a racist? No!


Your notions on the game are stupid and un-founded and are stereotypical...


I'm off to bed you wreck my head! :shock:


Btw did you see them videos?



Not gonna bother with an overly long post. I think my arguments are perfectly valid. You don't like them, so you don't. Your decision.


Let's see shall I take my kid to a sport where fans are aggressive, segregated and where's there's a possibility of hearing things like 'Hey tumour boy, why couldn't you have died 3 years ago?'


Or do I take him to see a rugby match where all the fans are mixed, get along great, have fun chatting and having a banter, and meeting up with the gentlemen players in the bar afterwards who are always on hand for a chat?


Tough on.


Oh Shut up you are talking rubbish


You don't like my points so you call them rubbish. Don't like them, don't read them. But don't tell me to shut up. As I said, hostile atmosphere in here. Wanna know what that reminds me of? I think you can guess.







Clearly an expert at getting your points accross, not to mention the art of discussion.

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You are speaking from pre meditated opinions, a stereotypical view point inserted into you by the media...


You have never been to a football match, and probably won't because you will still have this view that we are all blood thirsty Tumour Boy calling chavs who go around looking for a fight...

and meeting up with the gentlemen players in the bar afterwards who are always on hand for a chat...You can also do that with football players if you go the right places, they are very friendly, I have met Michael Owen, Danny Murphy, Emile Heskey, Gerrard, Sami Hyypia, Stephane Henchoz, all great people who I shook hands with and where very friendly...


You are aboslutely deluded, you are blinded and I give up with people whose opinions are not their own...


Lol, in other words- "You destroyed my argument so I'm not going to acknowledge your post".


The thing is his opinions aren't valid, he doesn't know nothing about the game, obviously, he has never experienced a football game yet


Its fustrating yet funny because he thinks he knows what he is talking about, but in actual fact he hasn't got a clue!

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Lol, in other words- "You destroyed my argument so I'm not going to acknowledge your post".


I love it when I read a stupid post like this, finding out the person's age makes it all become clear.


Trust me, he didn't destroy any of my arguments.


You are speaking from pre meditated opinions, a stereotypical view point inserted into you by the media...


You have never been to a football match, and probably won't because you will still have this view that we are all blood thirsty Tumour Boy calling chavs who go around looking for a fight...

and meeting up with the gentlemen players in the bar afterwards who are always on hand for a chat...You can also do that with football players if you go the right places, they are very friendly, I have met Michael Owen, Danny Murphy, Emile Heskey, Gerrard, Sami Hyypia, Stephane Henchoz, all great people who I shook hands with and where very friendly...


You are aboslutely deluded, you are blinded and I give up with people whose opinions are not their own...




The thing is his opinions aren't valid, he doesn't know nothing about the game, obviously, he has never experienced a football game yet


Its fustrating yet funny because he thinks he knows what he is talking about, but in actual fact he hasn't got a clue!



Read my posts, I said I've been to many football games.

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Was an agreement to Twighlight Link's arguement...:)


You don't like my points so you call them rubbish. Don't like them, don't read them. But don't tell me to shut up. As I said, hostile atmosphere in here. Wanna know what that reminds me of? I think you can guess.


Hostile....Jesus christ lad are you ok?, and what does that remind you of, oh yeah that News Paper article you read!

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I think everyone needs to chill out a bit! Motion doesn't like football...fine, actually better than fine cos if we all liked the same thing thent his thread would be pretty damn boring!:hehe:


Motion's point about footballers lack of respect toward the ref does, to a certain degree, reflect the attitude of the fans and I think this should be another thing that is concentraited on more than it is at the mo!


Motion does have some good points but I do feel you concentrain on all the negatives of football. I doubt I will ever turn up to a match where everone makes fun of the managers dead family and we have a massive on pitch battle while all the racists in the crowd, being all of them, pile high the children on a massive fire which the players set alight with their bad language! (Damn that took a stretch of the imagination!) while across the road there is a crisis at the rugby stadium because they ran out of cream for their scones...:grin:


Seriously you points make it seem like every football match is like WW3!:heh:

But I understand what your trying to say, I just think you should maybe re phrase it cos everone else is reacting like you just set their hair on fire!


EDIT: Jesus, what is up with everyone and these personal attacks, who gives a rats arse how old anyone is as long as their argument is valid!?

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I love it when I read a stupid post like this, finding out the person's age makes it all become clear.


Trust me, he didn't destroy any of my arguments.





Read my posts, I said I've been to many football games.


I think everyone needs to chill out a bit! Motion doesn't like football...fine, actually better than fine cos if we all liked the same thing thent his thread would be pretty damn boring!:hehe:


Motion's point about footballers lack of respect toward the ref does, to a certain degree, reflect the attitude of the fans and I think this should be another thing that is concentraited on more than it is at the mo!


Motion does have some good points but I do feel you concentrain on all the negatives of football. I doubt I will ever turn up to a match where everone makes fun of the managers dead family and we have a massive on pitch battle while all the racists in the crowd, being all of them, pile high the children on a massive fire which the players set alight with their bad language! (Damn that took a stretch of the imagination!) while across the road there is a crisis at the rugby stadium because they ran out of cream for their scones...:grin:


Seriously you points make it seem like every football match is like WW3!:heh:

But I understand what your trying to say, I just think you should maybe re phrase it cos everone else is reacting like you just set their hair on fire!


In my opinion they aren't his personal opinion, his opinions stem from stories, not experienced, stories, news articles and word of mouth...


He doesn't hate football, he thinks he hates it


Oh and Motion did you see them vids I sent a link for you to look at!

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In my opinion they aren't his personal opinion, his opinions stem from stories, not experienced, stories, news articles and word of mouth...


He doesn't hate football, he thinks he hates it


Oh and Motion did you see them vids I sent a link for you to look at!


Its quite possible. But they are his opinion, whether he choses to base it on the press or not. He has said he has been to a few football matches before so I really doubt that his opinions are completely based on views of others.

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I think everyone needs to chill out a bit! Motion doesn't like football...fine, actually better than fine cos if we all liked the same thing thent his thread would be pretty damn boring!:hehe:


Motion's point about footballers lack of respect toward the ref does, to a certain degree, reflect the attitude of the fans and I think this should be another thing that is concentraited on more than it is at the mo!


Motion does have some good points but I do feel you concentrain on all the negatives of football. I doubt I will ever turn up to a match where everone makes fun of the managers dead family and we have a massive on pitch battle while all the racists in the crowd, being all of them, pile high the children on a massive fire which the players set alight with their bad language! (Damn that took a stretch of the imagination!) while across the road there is a crisis at the rugby stadium because they ran out of cream for their scones...:grin:


Seriously you points make it seem like every football match is like WW3!:heh:

But I understand what your trying to say, I just think you should maybe re phrase it cos everone else is reacting like you just set their hair on fire!


EDIT: Jesus, what is up with everyone and these personal attacks, who gives a rats arse how old anyone is as long as their argument is valid!?


Firstly, thank you for your support. I am focusing on the negative I suppose.


That little scenario made me laugh though :bowdown: BUT... hmmm, scones at a rugby match??? Afraid not mate. Pasties, pies and beer...


And with regard to that last comment, you're a god among insects. As I said, when people don't like what I say they resort to abusive attacks. Meh, whatever turns them on, it's not like it affects me in any way.


Wow well done you've been to many matches motion. Doesn't mean you understand the sport.


Your opinion. You're entitled to it.


He doesn't hate football, he thinks he hates it


No I actually hate it. Pro football that is. Amateur stuff is great.


Oh and Motion did you see them vids I sent a link for you to look at!


Yup, thanks for the links.

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Firstly, thank you for your support. I am focusing on the negative I suppose.


That little scenario made me laugh though :bowdown: BUT... hmmm, scones at a rugby match??? Afraid not mate. Pasties, pies and beer...


And with regard to that last comment, you're a god among insects. As I said, when people don't like what I say they resort to abusive attacks. Meh, whatever turns them on, it's not like it affects me in any way.




Your opinion. You're entitled to it.

Oh I don't think you should take him seriously motion... look, he's 19!

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Its quite possible. But they are his opinion, whether he choses to base it on the press or not. He has said he has been to a few football matches before so I really doubt that his opinions are completely based on views of others.


He says he has, but even them the understanding of the sport takes time, I mean its only been recently over the past 3 -4 years I have managed to fully understand, teams, fans, the whole concept of the game.


Considering I have been following Liverpool with guideance from my father for over 10 years then I think I done quite well..


If I was an outsider to the game I would understand were he is coming from, but he does not have an understanding of the game its so evidently clear from his arguements and this whole Gentlemens player thing.


He is stereotyping the players


He is stereotyping the fans


All on a few incidents which he read in the paper, now I am not dimissing these incidents but it is like me thinking that African American Rappers are drug taking killing machines, but they aren't!

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That little scenario made me laugh though BUT... hmmm, scones at a rugby match??? Afraid not mate. Pasties, pies and beer...


Funnily enough thats what football fans are served inside the staidum, SO THAT MEANS, That rugby fans them selves are hooligans...


You see what I did their got 2 + 2 and got 5!

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He says he has, but even them the understanding of the sport takes time, I mean its only been recently over the past 3 -4 years I have managed to fully understand, teams, fans, the whole concept of the game.


Considering I have been following Liverpool with guideance from my father for over 10 years then I think I done quite well..


If I was an outsider to the game I would understand were he is coming from, but he does not have an understanding of the game its so evidently clear from his arguements and this whole Gentlemens player thing.


He is stereotyping the players


He is stereotyping the fans


All on a few incidents which he read in the paper, now I am not dimissing these incidents but it is like me thinking that African American Rappers are drug taking killing machines, but they aren't!


I'm kinda in the same boat as you. I only really got fully into football about 5 or 6 years ago! I really don't think it takes that much time to understand the players and the fans but I don't think motion really meant to stereotype the fans or the players...We have discussed the fact that sweeping generalisatins are just not useful and I think, I may be wrong, that he appreciates this is not the case!

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Its quite possible. But they are his opinion, whether he choses to base it on the press or not. He has said he has been to a few football matches before so I really doubt that his opinions are completely based on views of others.


I'm kinda in the same boat as you. I only really got fully into football about 5 or 6 years ago! I really don't think it takes that much time to understand the players and the fans but I don't think motion really meant to stereotype the fans or the players...We have discussed the fact that sweeping generalisatins are just not useful and I think, I may be wrong, that he appreciates this is not the case!


Do you have an Aura around you to automatically calm someone...Jaysus


Anyway back to the point,


Let's see shall I take my kid to a sport where fans are aggressive, segregated and where's there's a possibility of hearing things like 'Hey tumour boy, why couldn't you have died 3 years ago?'


Or do I take him to see a rugby match where all the fans are mixed, get along great, have fun chatting and having a banter, and meeting up with the gentlemen players in the bar afterwards who are always on hand for a chat?


Now you know as well I do as a football fan he has totally got the wrong impression of football, its fans and its impact...


It's horrible to see someone with such a strong un-founded opinion, posting things so wrong and un-truthful, it makes me angry to be honest

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Do you have an Aura around you to automatically calm someone...Jaysus


Anyway back to the point,


Let's see shall I take my kid to a sport where fans are aggressive, segregated and where's there's a possibility of hearing things like 'Hey tumour boy, why couldn't you have died 3 years ago?'


Or do I take him to see a rugby match where all the fans are mixed, get along great, have fun chatting and having a banter, and meeting up with the gentlemen players in the bar afterwards who are always on hand for a chat?


Now you know as well I do as a football fan he has totally got the wrong impression of football, its fans and its impact...


It's horrible to see someone with such a strong un-founded opinion, posting things so wrong and un-truthful, it makes me angry to be honest



So my preferences and opinions are wrong are they?

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That little scenario made me laugh though BUT... hmmm, scones at a rugby match??? Afraid not mate. Pasties, pies and beer...


Funnily enough thats what football fans are served inside the staidum, SO THAT MEANS, That rugby fans them selves are hooligans...


You see what I did their got 2 + 2 and got 5!


That kind of comment isnt helping...


Do you have an Aura around you to automatically calm someone...Jaysus


Not usually...but I'm in that sort of mood...and I think everyone was being quite unfair to motion!


Now you know as well I do as a football fan he has totally got the wrong impression of football, its fans and its impact...


It's horrible to see someone with such a strong un-founded opinion, posting things so wrong and un-truthful, it makes me angry to be honest


Yea, true! And when I read his post I was initially a bit angry but then you have to ask why he has these views!...ok, now I just sound like a hippie...

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