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Remarkable events of 2006


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Here is a top 10 of NiSuTe Europe's remarkable events that took place in 2006


1; E3 is Game over

2; Phantom Developer wrecks his investment (the first Ferrari Enzo!)

3; Sony's price tag on the PS3

4: Nintendo releases Zelda on the Wii first.

5; Nintendo leaves the Cube for dead

6; The Nintendo Wii and DS Lite are the most wanted consoles this Christmas

7; Konami and Square Enix decide to go multi format

8; The movie industry drops Sony's PSP UMD

9; X Box 360 Life Arcade most popular



What is your most remarkable event top 10?

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I can't say any of my most remarkable events would have anything to do with gaming at all...


In no particular order...


1) Scotland beating France 1-0 at Hampden

2) Saddam Hussein being sentenced to death

3) Tony Blair announcing he will step down as Prime Minister in the near future

4) A 6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes central Java in Indonesia, killing more than 6,000, injuring at least 36,000 and leaving 1.5 million people homeless. This was hardly on the news at all.

5) Zidane headbutting Materazzi in the World Cup Final

6) North Korea test-firing nuclear missiles

7) Andre Agassi retires from professional tennis at the US Open, 20 years after he first started playing professionally

8) Michael Schumacher retiring from Formula 1

9) 1,800 people die when a mudslide occurs on Leyte Island in the Philippines.

10) U.S. Midterm elections: Democrats win control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1994.

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I don't pay attention the world as much as young Moria, but I can say that I took a beautiful shit last night. It had a little ridge along it indicating it was the ideal consistency, a milky brown hint in it's colour.


Like warm Play Dough, it was.


If I had to rank it, I'd put it at 9 or 10 in my list.

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I don't pay attention the world as much as young Moria, but I can say that I took a beautiful shit last night. It had a little ridge along it indicating it was the ideal consistency, a milky brown hint in it's colour.


Like warm Play Dough, it was.


If I had to rank it, I'd put it at 9 or 10 in my list.


Dude, I was eating when I read that.


Anyway, unless last night was new year's eve, then its a remarkable event of 2007. :heh:

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I don't pay attention the world as much as young Moria, but I can say that I took a beautiful shit last night. It had a little ridge along it indicating it was the ideal consistency, a milky brown hint in it's colour.


Like warm Play Dough, it was.


If I had to rank it, I'd put it at 9 or 10 in my list.


http://www.ratemypoo.com/ Next time don't forget to put it there.

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