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Just gonna mention that I'm making some video blogs.

I released a third one today. Where I talk about Component and how to easely and cheaply connect more component devices to your TV.


I'm also working on "project Useless"

Which hopeflully will get me mention on gonintendo, Maxconsole and kotaku.


1. My first Wii impresion

2. Wii blue light - Youtube link

3. Component -


I may start making some videos for N-E also :)

And don't worry. I won't spam for my videblog any more :bouncy:


I know the contest answer, but i don't have gears of war or a 360.. so i shouldn't have posted it. Aaand i posted it on the blog page, not the youtube page, so give it to the first person to comment on youtube.


Good blogging.


I watched the first one, and it was much better than I expected. I don't mean any offense by that, but I just generally have a prebiased opinion of most video blogs as being poop. I'll watch the others later one after I get my arse into gear and do some work.


Tnx rummy :) I would agree. Many Vblogs are utterly shit. But I would think my ones are rather good :) And if you liked the first one your inn for a threat as I think it's the worst one :P

I know the contest answer, but i don't have gears of war or a 360.. so i shouldn't have posted it.


I won a Viva Pinata t-shirt from Diemetrix, despite not owning a 360, but it's a nice a t-shirt. Thanks again Diemetrix:bowdown:


This will sound weird but I like your accent, it makes you videos more interesting to watch than say some 15 year old slurping on a beer trying to act cool.


Tnx to gamespot I now have over 1000 views and a lot of people are subscribing to my vids. I think I'll post my next Vblog on gamespot to let them have a chanse to win the Zelda poster :)

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