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Zelda WW vs Zelda TP vs OoT

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LOL right I've given up on you knowing anything about Zelda because of those two paragraphs you just wrote.


1. IT IS THE TEMPLE OF TIME IN WW. Where do you think you pull the Master Sword out from?


2. The last two temples aren't actually temples? So why did both the game and characters in the game call them the "EARTH TEMPLE" and the "WIND TEMPLE"?


3. I've probably played more Zelda than you mate, of course I've played and won TP. It's the 3D Zelda that's lacking in depth the most. There's nothing to do in the entire game apart from cheap thrills like fishing, poe hunting and erm... bug collecting.


4. First of all I never said I don't like TP. I love it. But even if I didn't like, you think that doen't make me a 'true' Nintendo fan? LMAO. That's hilarious. Because as a true nintendo fan you're supposed to love everything about everything Ninty ever makes. Give me a break.




The list of things to do in TP must be easily 4 times less than WW or MM.


TP lacks soul, as the majority of people on these boards have agreed.


WW felt magic. TP feels empty, hollow and unimportant. Not to mention poorly planned out.




Rafting adds, what, 15 minutes?


Fishing? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Rollgoal? Fun for 20 minutes.


Apart from that, nothing much else.



You pulled the master sword from the castle, so don't give me any rubbish

And can you just accept the fact that most people agree with me, not you! Geez, some people...

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You pulled the master sword from the castle, so don't give me any rubbish

And can you just accept the fact that most people agree with me, not you! Geez, some people...


Fine, I accept your point that it was Hyrule Castle, although how a single room with a basement can be called a castle I'm not sure.


I see you conveniently decided to ignore points 2, 3 and 4 of mine. Not got an argument against them?


More people agree with you? That's hilarious mate. That's a classic. You haven't had one intelligent word come out of your mouth since you registered.

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Fine, I accept your point that it was Hyrule Castle, although how a single room with a basement can be called a castle I'm not sure.


I see you conveniently decided to ignore points 2, 3 and 4 of mine. Not got an argument against them?


More people agree with you? That's hilarious mate. That's a classic. You haven't had one intelligent word come out of your mouth since you registered.


haha no. The last are 2 not temples as in places of worship, but temples as in dungeons. You're complaining about the lack of fishing? And the mini-games? I can imagine how much you'd of cussed Ocarina when you found out it had a little fishing pond and a few short side-quests, which were frustrating at first and easy second time around. I did not mean to call you a non zelda fan, and am sorry mate. It is just that I was angry when I hear you slag off one of ninty's finest hours. You have no idea how long and hard that game was to make, and you just slag a great game off? It is not fair.

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haha no. The last are 2 not temples as in places of worship, but temples as in dungeons. You're complaining about the lack of fishing? And the mini-games? I can imagine how much you'd of cussed Ocarina when you found out it had a little fishing pond and a few short side-quests, which were frustrating at first and easy second time around. I did not mean to call you a non zelda fan, and am sorry mate. It is just that I was angry when I hear you slag off one of ninty's finest hours. You have no idea how long and hard that game was to make, and you just slag a great game off? It is not fair.


LOL whatever, the Earth temple and the wind temples, funnilly are temples. Regardless of how you spin it. And who are you to say that they're not places of worship, and even if they're not... what, like the Lakebed Temple in TP looks like a place of worship?


I'm not complaining about a lack of fishing, I think they've done a good job getting fishing in there. I'm complaining about a lack of depth as many people on this thread have as well. The towns (Kakariko especially) are a joke, nothing to do, maybe 8 buildings, 4 of which are shops. There's less side quests than there were in MM and WW. Hyrule is very barren.


What you have to realise is that OOT is 10 years old, the first 3D Zelda of it's kind. Of course it's not perfect NOWADAYS, but back then it was. I just think that after 4 years making this game, we should have got a more in-depth better thought out game. You love it fine, I just think it's a huge disappointment.

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Get over it mate, a lot of people were left disappointed with TP and prefered the other 3D zeldas. You only have to look at the poll I started to see that. You just can't accept that the game has flaws.


Once again, I'll say it since you seem to have a problem reading. Kakariko OOT was 11 years ago, and the first 3D town in a Zelda game. You'd think that after 11 years and 2-3 more 3D games they would have extended the town a bit. But as such TP Kakariko has:


A bomb shop.

A hot spring.

Malo mart.

And a house.


Population: 2 (not including the children)

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I'd give it up THE ganondorf. Twilight Princess is an outstanding game, you know that, I know that and thats all that matters in the long run. :wink:


Kakariko of eleven years ago would be the one of a Link To the Past would it not? Bah, I'm lost in all this. Kakariko in Twilight Princess is a new one, a different one and one where everyone had been sorted out by the beasts of twilight. Tis a different world, I didnt see the cucco woman (why can I not mind her name?!) She was even in Minish Cap but didnt make it to the Wii Zelda? Holy moley.



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I don't care if monsters killed everyone, that's a nice convenient/lazy way of not populating Kakariko/Hyrule with stuff to do.


It gives the story a bit of meat - it actually shows that people are in danger, lives have been lost, there actually is a reason for you to try and stop it!


If anything it makes the story far more compelling!

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It gives the story a bit of meat - it actually shows that people are in danger, lives have been lost, there actually is a reason for you to try and stop it!


If anything it makes the story far more compelling!


I didn't remember the fact that monsters killed Kakariko. That shaman guy didn't seem to care much, and nor did anyone else in Hyrule Castle town.


Sense of danger isn't a problem during the first 3-4 temples, it's after that that's the problem.

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Wind Waker had its outstanding points, too. Did anyone do that thing where you take the photos to some geezer? I dont think I even found the island for it. :red:


That's in Forest Haven. There's a little island just beside the one where the Deku Tree is. You have to get there the first time using the deku leaf, if I remember correctly. Or maybe you hit a switch with a seagull to drop the ladder, I don't remember how you access it the first time. But after that there's a ladder that you simply climb. Also, to open the hatch that leads into the geezer's place, you have to complete a sidequest for the kid that is there, I just don't remember what it is. Also, for the geezer to make figurines you need the colour pictograph.

Anyway, that photo quest is really fucking long. And since you don't know about it at the begining of the game, it clearly something to complete in the second time you play it. Or the 3rd. Or the 10th, whatever. I gathered some 20 or 30 figurines, not sure. It gets boring cause you can only carry 3 photos at a time and plus you have to play the Sun's Song everytime so that a day passes between photos submitted...

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Get over it mate, a lot of people were left disappointed with TP and prefered the other 3D zeldas. You only have to look at the poll I started to see that. You just can't accept that the game has flaws.


Once again, I'll say it since you seem to have a problem reading. Kakariko OOT was 11 years ago, and the first 3D town in a Zelda game. You'd think that after 11 years and 2-3 more 3D games they would have extended the town a bit. But as such TP Kakariko has:


A bomb shop.

A hot spring.

Malo mart.

And a house.


Population: 2 (not including the children)

OK, I agree with you over kakariko. But they were not being lazy, just didn't have time. I understand how good ocarina was, but after alttp you expected a good game. Please calm down and recognise other opinions instead of your own.

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They didn't have time?? They made the game in 4-5 years! That's a huge amount of time.


LOL, that's funny, you're telling ME to recognise others opinions? This from the man who said "And can you just accept the fact that most people agree with me, not you!" Please.

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Sense of danger isn't a problem during the first 3-4 temples, it's after that that's the problem.


Thats more than in OoT, tho. The only sense of danger is when you get out of the Temple of Time and see the destroyed Hyrule castle market. Then you realise that pretty much noone was killed in the "attack"...


Majora's Mask had a great sense of danger. What with the 3-day cycle.


Wind Waker...not really much danger there, either.

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OOT was 11 years ago, and the first 3D Zelda, progress is a must in computer games terms and there hasn't been any in that sense with TP.


OOT: destroyed castle town, Ganon's castle, Zora's domain frozen, Dragon released in death mountain, Kakariko village attacked by shadow being, Nabooru kidnapped in Spirit temple, Goron's imprisoned in fire temple etc etc...


So your reasoning about there not being any sense of danger in OOT is complete bollocks Cube.


TP... after Arbiter's grounds let' see....


erm, Yeta is taken over by evil... and erm... there's a dragon in City in the Sky... wow.


Lazy story-telling.

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LMAO, are you 12 years old? I'll "cuss" as you say TP all I want.


You can't accept what I'm saying that's fine.


And funny, from the poll on the Favourite Zelda game, OOT seems to be winning.


And you can't even figure out how to go around Hyrule field to get to the hidden village... what does that say lol.

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What you mean the poll that copied from the retro section which copied MY mario thread? You've probarbly got lots of accounts in which you can vote numerical times to ensure OOT is winning. I'll bet that's what it is. I am not 12, no, its just you need to get with the times. And stop arguing before you get us both banned!

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And funny, from the poll on the Favourite Zelda game, OOT seems to be winning.


By like one vote.


I knew that poll was just to justify your anti-TP stance.




Also, Kakariko's size and population are counter-balanced by the fact that a lot of storytelling goes on there with the Ordon kids. For me, that evened it out, plus seeing it envisioned that way was actually sort of cool.

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What you mean the poll that copied from the retro section which copied MY mario thread? You've probarbly got lots of accounts in which you can vote numerical times to ensure OOT is winning. I'll bet that's what it is. I am not 12, no, its just you need to get with the times. And stop arguing before you get us both banned!


Because the idea of a 'favourite game series' thread is completely unique to you is it? I've got 1 account funnilly enough and it probably won't let you have numerous ones with the same IP anyway.


Get with what times, that TP is a major disappointment and a lot of people on these forums agree?


By like one vote.


Two actually, with Majora's two behind TP.


I knew that poll was just to justify your anti-TP stance.


Not at all, I was just curious to see what the majority on this forum preferred, TP or OOT. Seems to be OOT.


Also, Kakariko's size and population are counter-balanced by the fact that a lot of storytelling goes on there with the Ordon kids. For me, that evened it out, plus seeing it envisioned that way was actually sort of cool.


Ok. I see it as lazy adding yet more to the already shocking lack of depth in TP.

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OOT was 11 years ago, and the first 3D Zelda, progress is a must in computer games terms and there hasn't been any in that sense with TP.


OOT: destroyed castle town, Ganon's castle, Zora's domain frozen, Dragon released in death mountain, Kakariko village attacked by shadow being, Nabooru kidnapped in Spirit temple, Goron's imprisoned in fire temple etc etc...


So your reasoning about there not being any sense of danger in OOT is complete bollocks Cube.


Because of what I felt about the "danger" in the game, I didn't bother to complete it until about half a year after completing Majora's Mask. Twilight Princess, I just couldn't stop playing.

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