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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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Right so... I've completed 1% of the Alchenomicon. What should I make? Recommend me great claws, sword or spear recipe. I probably don't have any items that are too rare. Pointers appreciated as alchemy isn't really a selling point for me. :heh: (sometimes I even wish there was an optimise button so I could get the game to equip everyone with the best gear I currently have)


Inferno blade

= Fire blade x 1 + Sunstone x 1 + Rockbomb shard x 3


Storm spear

= Lightning spear x 1 + Thunderball x 5 + Gold bar x 1


Orichalcum claws

= Combusticlaws x 1 + Orichalcum x 2 + Hephaestus' flame x 2


From this FAQ: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/937281-dragon-quest-ix-sentinels-of-the-starry-skies/faqs/60451


If you wait until Feb 25th, you can get a guaranteed Metal Slime Sword (from Quest 165), which is great for hitting the "evasive" enemies like Metal Slimes, Gem Slimes and Platinum King Jewels. Upgrade that to a Liquid Metal Sword and then Metal King Sword:


Liquid metal sword

= Metal slime sword x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 + Slimedrop x 6


Metal king sword

= Liquid metal sword x 1 + Orichalcum x 1 + Slime crown x 1




By the way, I've now got the Knockout Rod! I only need the Deft Dagger now to complete my collection.


The latest Quest was elaborate, wasn't it, although I thought the reward was laughable this far into the game!

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The latest Quest was elaborate, wasn't it, although I thought the reward was laughable this far into the game!


Yeah it was pretty rubbish. I wonder if he has a role in another quest.


I'm quite looking forward to see how/if he protects us.



For some reason some of the older story DLC quests involving Stornway I couldn't play have unlocked, so I cleared all but 2. i like how the DLC expands a bit on the story, although it's not necessary to play the main game, they add a bit of background to some of the stories.

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I toyed with the AI party commands briefly in DQ IV and V just to see what it would do but I always preferred to be in control. In DQ IX I never tried it once... until today. I was fighting the Trauminator down a grotto. He had a wonder turn and wiped three of us out, leaving only my paladin. I flicked through her spells and abilities and didn't see anything to do, nor did I have any useful items. In my head I'd lost the fight at this point so I tried to run knowing there was no chance it would work but hoping that there was a 0.00001% chance I might succeed. Didn't work. He used his normal attack and only hit her for 1HP so I thought I may as well attack him back. I went for a thunder thrust and was successful. After that I was wondering what to do to lose this fight quickly so I could regroup in Stornway. I hopped through the menu's and came to the tactics screen. I thought meh why not, and set her as fight wisely.


Guess what? Next turn, she cast kerplunk which resurrected everyone at the cost of her! Why didn't I think of that! Genius! I left everyone else on fight wisely and used metal slash (or whatever its called) and let the AI do the rest for the other three characters. There was a few times I would have used multiheal that they just used some herbs but aside from that they did me proud. There was one time my martial artist got wiped out and subsequently zinged in the same turn so it looks like the AI can choose what to do as they please. I like it.


The downside is I didn't get any drops other than a new map from Trauminator. Still, much better than a rare defeat and costing me half my gold. :grin:

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Guess what? Next turn, she cast kerplunk which resurrected everyone at the cost of her! Why didn't I think of that! Genius!


Awesome! I played most of my first Dragon Quest (VIII) with the AI set to "Fight Wisely". It's great fun and a brilliant way of teaching you what the moves do. Probably the best AI I've seen in a game, to be honest. Anyway...



...Grazza the Psaro Slayer, more like!



RedShell's bit...



...But, the challenge is becoming stiffer.



Has anyone got the Alchemiracle for the Shield, Robe or Toga yet? I've made three Devilry Drinkers, never getting a Soul Sucker. Should I make a 4th (I've got the Orbs, that's not a problem)? Whilst you have a significant chance of charming the Legacy Bosses, I've noticed that Erdrick's Shield actually has more Style, +1 defence and only 0.5% less chance of blocking (than the Devilry Drinker).

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Awesome! I played most of my first Dragon Quest (VIII) with the AI set to "Fight Wisely". It's great fun and a brilliant way of teaching you what the moves do. Probably the best AI I've seen in a game, to be honest. Anyway...


I've left them on fight wisely to see how it pans out for a while. I just flipped the DSi open there and had a quick battle on Slime Hill. Four LMS and one Metal Medley. I went for a metal slash on LMS A, assuming everyone would do the same but they went for the Metal Medley. :wtf: Do they give more exp than LMS?


Has anyone got the Alchemiracle for the Shield, Robe or Toga yet? I've made three Devilry Drinkers, never getting a Soul Sucker. Should I make a 4th (I've got the Orbs, that's not a problem)? Whilst you have a significant chance of charming the Legacy Bosses, I've noticed that Erdrick's Shield actually has more Style, +1 defence and only 0.5% less chance of blocking (than the Devilry Drinker).


Alchemiracle...? I will likely never have that. :laughing: Despite your pointers and link about the claws, I've still got my guys equipped with bought stuff. Like Kestral Claws!

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I've left them on fight wisely to see how it pans out for a while. I just flipped the DSi open there and had a quick battle on Slime Hill. Four LMS and one Metal Medley. I went for a metal slash on LMS A, assuming everyone would do the same but they went for the Metal Medley. :wtf: Do they give more exp than LMS?


Nope, they have less HP which I guess is why they went after the Medley.

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Yeah I think the AI's idea of fighting wisely and mine is a bit different when it comes to metal baddies. I've watched them completely ignore metals in a few battles in favour of killing off she-slimes and stuff. :blank:


Set the tactics to Show No Mercy and fought some Liquid Metals, but all my team mates did was use a basic attack. Not exactly "no mercy", bit pointless really. Best to use Follow Orders when Metal hunting.

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Alchemiracle...? I will likely never have that. :laughing: Despite your pointers and link about the claws, I've still got my guys equipped with bought stuff. Like Kestral Claws!


Keep at it. You can get some really cool weapons out of Rank 8 chests. I really would like this game to have a "donate items" feature, because I'd love to send you my Metal Slime equipment (which is Rank 9). It's funny to think I once wanted it so much - now I've got loads to spare, like RedShell said!


I imagine Mortamor at Lv 99 is going to be ridiculously difficult, he's bad enough at Lv 1. :heh:


Yep, he's the one who's given me that feeling even more than Estark. He seems to have so much HP when you think of how many targets there are. Have you used whips and boomerangs on him? I upgraded my Meteorang and Gringham Whip for this purpose (just the one Agate each)... don't know how far that'll get me, but it makes it a bit more fun for the moment.


Wasn't Quest 163 cool? I used your "Thief's Co-op de Grace" technique whilst I was at it to nab myself a 2nd suit of Victorious Armour, which is very useful if a boss only uses fire and/or ice. Instead of making a 4th Devilry Drinker, I used my Agates to upgrade my Glorious Armour and I got the Alchemiracle "Legendary Armour". It's yellow.

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Best to use Follow Orders when Metal hunting.


Yeah I think you could be right there. Probably best all the time because I reckon if I went into a grotto with them fighting wisely, all MP would be consumed by the time I get down two floors! Constant Gigaslashing is not what I'd call fighting wisely gals!


Keep at it. You can get some really cool weapons out of Rank 8 chests. I really would like this game to have a "donate items" feature, because I'd love to send you my Metal Slime equipment (which is Rank 9). It's funny to think I once wanted it so much - now I've got loads to spare, like RedShell said!


It would be such a Godsend if you could Wifi me some items. :grin:


Btw! I Googled to try to find out if there was any claws I could buy that maybe I'd missed during the game due to money constraints. I came across a DQ wiki site and ended up... alchemising a set of claws! I don't think I got as far as Combusticlaws as they needed a Sunstone (which needed further alchemising... as if I was gonna get embroiled in that!) but nonetheless, my Martial Artist has an all new pair of claws now. :hehe: Maybe this is finally my first few steps down the slippery path of alchemy... time will tell.

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This weeks DQVC items, includes some S rank weapons:


  1. Stardust Sword
  2. Poker
  3. Deft Dagger
  4. Bright Staff
  5. Gringham Whip
  6. Knockout Rod
  7. Hero Spear
  8. Metal Slime Spear
  9. Demon Spear
  10. Pruning Knife
  11. Gladius
  12. Wyrmwand
  13. Sage's Staff
  14. Wizardly Whip
  15. Demon Whip
  16. Queen's Whip
  17. Dragon Rod
  18. Orichalcudgel
  19. Falcon Blade
  20. Miracle Sword
  21. Metal Slime Sword
  22. Mystifying Mixture
  23. Malicite
  24. Sage's Elixir
  25. Yggdrasil Leaf
  26. Saint's Ashes
  27. Astral Plume
  28. Lucida Shard
  29. Enchanted Stone
  30. Reset Stone


Also, Maya is the special guest this week.

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Yep, whatever you do darksnowman, get on DQVC this week! Items 1-6 on Ike's list are Rank 10 (the best). The Metal Slime Sword and Spear are Rank 9, but still excellent for grinding as they don't really "Miss". Enemies can still dodge, but you don't actually miss. Highly recommended.


I beat Nimzo last night. Thought it was going to be easy and I could do it with two Gladiators, as his status effects can largely be combated with Metal King Gloves and Lucky Charms. From Level 91 onwards though, I needed to switch to my Paladin strategy and he ended up taking 16 turns (one less than Psaro). I'm pretty sure I can get that lower though.


Nice to see Maya too.

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They're particularly useful for Metal Slime hunting, as they are more effective against them than normal weapons.


Yeah, that's what I mean. With a normal weapon, you can "Miss" a Metal Slime even if it doesn't dodge. With a Rank 9 weapon, though (Metal Slime Sword and Spear are the only ones), you always hit the target. Falcon Slash with the Metal Slime Sword usually knocks off 2-3 HP.

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Yeah, that's what I mean. With a normal weapon, you can "Miss" a Metal Slime even if it doesn't dodge. With a Rank 9 weapon, though (Metal Slime Sword and Spear are the only ones), you always hit the target. Falcon Slash with the Metal Slime Sword usually knocks off 2-3 HP.


I've missed loads using Metal Sword/Spear using Falcon Slash/Multi-thrust. It wasn't until after I upgraded the them to Liquid Sword/Spear I started to never miss.

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Thanks for that. It's so annoying how the game doesn't highlight who the new guest is. :shakehead

I can't remember all those different names damnit! :heh:


Haha, no problem. Interestingly, you can't get the accolade for equipping all of her stuff if your hero is Male, he can't wear a piece of her clothing even with the Wear It All award.

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Finally got the Deft Dagger (and a 3rd Stardust Sword)! It's funny how I've got duplicates of everything else, but the Deft Dagger never popped out of a chest.


Have any of you fought a Blight Knight yet? It's the last "normal" monster I need to complete my Monster List, but it's only found in very high-level ice Grottoes, and ice Grotto maps seem to be almost as rare as the 2% drops.


I got the Alchemiracle for the Boots and Armour. The Shield and Helm are more problematic though, because they require high Resilience (The Warrior's natural Resilience only gives a 20% chance), so when I get time I need to get my Thief Team to steal Seeds of Defence - harder than it sounds. I'm giving them to my Hero as a Paladin, not as a Warrior, because although he needs to catch up the Warrior in terms of Resilience, there's no way I'm going to use a Warrior instead of a Paladin in the boss fights.

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I didn't have a chance to check the shop yesterday but I will the rest of the week. I probably missed some kick ass equipment yesterday. :(




Four thief+10s right, you hardcore so and so?


Even if its not, don't break the illusion. :heh:


A level 99 Thief for his Coup de Grace and three level 99 Rangers (higher Deftness). Won't tell you if any of them are Revocated. :heh:


How high has anyone here beaten Dragonlord? I've got him to level 75, but he's massively harder than the previous five.

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Bought a metal slime sword today and I'm running down an ice grotto to see if this Blight Knight pops up. :heh:


LMAO! Well done on the Metal Slime Sword. As for the Blight Knight, it's literally the hardest/last monster to appear in an ice Grotto, so it'd be hilarious if you found one!

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