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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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Acquired my first treasure map and I'm in the grotto right now :bouncy:


So now I can buy all maps in the DQVC that have been released so far?


You can't buy maps, you get them from beating grotto bosses (btw you won't be able to beat the grotto boss yet ;):heh: Not until probably until near the end of the story or the post game) or completing certain quests.

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You can't buy maps, you get them from beating grotto bosses (btw you won't be able to beat the grotto boss yet ;):heh:


Ah, I see.


Hm, some of the enemies in this grotto are quite a threat. And I'm still in level 1 :D Guess I won't even try the boss then...


I assume chests appear in grottos?

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I read that maps are randomly generated. The first map I have is called "Granite Tunnel of Woe Lv. 1".


Will the layout of the grotto always be generated again when I enter it?


No, the layout, area type, monsters, chest ranks and boss are randomly generated when you obtain the map. It's fixed after that. When you first enter the grotto you will fill out the map as you go along, after you beat the boss the map will stay completed and will be fully completed even if you didn't completely fill out the map.


When you close the map (pressing Y on the overworld) the chests and boss will be reset the next time to visit, but everything else will be the same.

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When you close the map (pressing Y on the overworld) the chests and boss will be reset the next time to visit, but everything else will be the same.


I wish the maps automatically reset once you beat the boss and leave. Having to put a map away only to instantly go back in to bring it out again is an annoyance. :heh:

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You can't buy maps, you get them from beating grotto bosses (btw you won't be able to beat the grotto boss yet ;):heh:


I fought against him. With a bit of luck I would have won. I'm at level 22/21 right now. Might try it again soon.


I'm on a boat,

I'm on a boat.

Everybody look at me 'cause I'm sailin' on a boat.

I'm on a boat,

I'm on a boat.

Take a good hard look at the motherfucking boat.


Yeah, I'm on a boat motherfucker. Take a look at me!


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I read that maps are randomly generated. The first map I have is called "Granite Tunnel of Woe Lv. 1".


Here's some advice, dr4hkon.


The "Granite" part tells you the difficulty the monsters start at. The "Tunnel" part is the quality of the Grotto (treasure, etc) and often gives you a hint as to what elemental type the Grotto will be. The "Woe" part gives you a clue as to which boss you might find and the "Level" is how deep it is.


You can only hold 99 maps, so I recommend making a note of which boss each Grotto has, and keeping the shortest Grotto for each boss.

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Sailed with the boat to the snow region, whatever it is called. I've only encountered very few metal slimes. The first time was in The Hexagon and the second in the cave before you fight Leviathan. There it was the Metal Medley.


I want more :D


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Does having a Thief's Theory on each character up your drop percentage or is the one enough?


How would you get more than one? :heh:


dr4hkon, keep at it, and don't worry too much about Metal Slimes. Yes, they are rare, but you'll be able to get plenty of EXP anyway. By the way, which character classes are you using and which weapons?


I had a little go earlier, fighting the outstanding (literally) Legacy Boss. However, he's so time-consuming I only got him from Lv.41 to 46. Hmm.. maybe when the novelty of the 3DS has worn off. I really want to do it.

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By the way, which character classes are you using and which weapons?


The main character is still a minstrel with a Steel Broadsword equipped. Then there is the thief with an Assassin's Dagger I've stolen just now. My priest uses a Steel Lance and the priest has a Staff of Sentencing.


I might change everyone's vocation soon and do some training. Will end up fighting low level monsters with everyone still at level 1.


Would it be quicker to have a highlevel character and help them powerlevel the others? Even if it is, I still won't do it, but I'd like to know :p


Been saving a lot (for me it is a lot :p) of Gold. I have 43000 gold coins at the bank. I hope DQVC will have something interesting next week.

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I might change everyone's vocation soon and do some training. Will end up fighting low level monsters with everyone still at level 1.


Would it be quicker to have a highlevel character and help them powerlevel the others? Even if it is, I still won't do it, but I'd like to know :p


I wouldn't revocate everyone at once, personally. Do one or two and hit up the Bad Cave north of Bloomingdale and cull some Metal Medleys for a while. :hehe:

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I was hoping your response would reveal whether or not the quest is redoable with freshly level fortied thieves. :D


Nah, I think that'd be a wild goose chase for you. I'm almost certain if you once more approach the character who gives out the Quest, you will find he now has a white speech bubble rather than a blue one (ie. it's not repeatable).


Would it be quicker to have a highlevel character and help them powerlevel the others? Even if it is, I still won't do it, but I'd like to know :p


No, that'll be worse, as your highest-level character will get proportionately more EXP. It's best to change everyone to Lv.1 and then level them up together. I'm sure you will be able to complete the game without changing vocations at all. Well done on choosing a Priest with a spear as one of your characters.


I'll tell you as much about levelling as you want, but I know you don't want any spoilers. Here's a spoiler-free hint though: grinding to level 38 gets you 102 skill points, grinding to level 45 gets you 126 (then you start to get a lot less). You can save up points instead of spending them, change into a different vocation and spend them in any skill tree you want. For example, let's say you want to max-out a weapon, but don't want to spend time as the vocation that uses that weapon... The good news is you don't have to.


Been saving a lot (for me it is a lot :p) of Gold. I have 43000 gold coins at the bank. I hope DQVC will have something interesting next week.


Very sensible of you. 40,000 Gold will generally get you some very good armour, if it's available.

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You can save up points instead of spending them, change into a different vocation and spend them in any skill tree you want. For example, let's say you want to max-out a weapon, but don't want to spend time as the vocation that uses that weapon... The good news is you don't have to.


That is indeed a very useful information. When a skill tree is at level 100 the character can use that weapon/shield with any other vocation, right? Do the skills belonging to the skill tree be available, too?

For example if a character has the sword tree with a minstrel at 100, will he be able to use, let's say, Dragon Slash while being a priest?


Edit: Actually that is a pretty dumb question. If that was true then you would have only one "class" in the end...which would be stupid.

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That is indeed a very useful information. When a skill tree is at level 100 the character can use that weapon/shield with any other vocation, right? Do the skills belonging to the skill tree be available, too?

For example if a character has the sword tree with a minstrel at 100, will he be able to use, let's say, Dragon Slash while being a priest?


Yeah, you'll keep the skills. I recommend investing at least one characters skill points in spears for Thunder Thrust and Multithrust, also Psyche Up is useful from the Martial Artist class.


Edit: Actually that is a pretty dumb question. If that was true then you would have only one "class" in the end...which would be stupid.


This is actually something I'm not too fond of, I felt the classes lose their specialities in weapon sets once they start learning everything. It won't really be a "problem" until the post game though. It is useful having access to every weapon/skill I suppose.

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That is indeed a very useful information. When a skill tree is at level 100 the character can use that weapon/shield with any other vocation, right? Do the skills belonging to the skill tree be available, too?

For example if a character has the sword tree with a minstrel at 100, will he be able to use, let's say, Dragon Slash while being a priest?


Yes, absolutely.


Edit: Actually that is a pretty dumb question. If that was true then you would have only one "class" in the end...which would be stupid.


Not a dumb question at all. Eventually, there are only three things which separate the vocations:


1) Coup de Grace and Co-op de Grace


2) Spells


3) Clothing

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Not a dumb question at all. Eventually, there are only three things which separate the vocations:


Hm, why bother with vocations then? Just give us 500 levels, every skill tree on each character and enough enemies to level up. Maybe I'm missing a vital argument in favour of vocations, but to me they just seem useless now.

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Hm, why bother with vocations then? Just give us 500 levels, every skill tree on each character and enough enemies to level up. Maybe I'm missing a vital argument in favour of vocations, but to me it just seems useless.


Ah, well, I forgot the 4th thing - stats! A Warrior has the highest Resilience in the game, so is a great fighter. A Thief has the highest Deftness out of those first six vocations, so is the best (for now) at stealing and Critical Hits. Martial Artist has the highest Agility, so is more likely to act before an enemy. The reason I forgot it is because technically you can get Seeds of... (Whatever) and boost everyone's stats to 999 in everything. However, this would be by far the most tedious thing in the game and is certainly not recommended.


And spells, don't underestimate spells. Only the Priest can learn the best healing spells, only the Mage can learn the best fire/ice skills etc. Skills are transferable, but spells are not. They're very important too.


Coup/Co-op de Grace is also very important. Again, it's vocation-exclusive.


And finally, clothing. Only the magic users can wear the best robes, only the fighters can wear the best armour. These things I've listed never, ever merge. The skills do, but that's good.


Don't worry, there's a lot of difference between them. :)

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That's a relief.


Didn't think of the stats. And yes, I underestimated spells.


This game gets better and better every second I play it and with every little bit of information I get from the three of you.


I command everyone with a DS and a tiny interest in RPGs to play this game!

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Do bosses in grottos "level up" with you? When I first fought the boss in my first grotto he really had to bring his best to kill me (and with a little luck he did :().


But after I've leveled up a bit he raped me in one turn. He attacked twice (which is normal). One dealt pretty much 90 damage to every character (this attack only did 50-60 in the first battle) the second was pretty much the same.

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