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Pikmin Wii


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Yeah I'd say Pikmins well into development. The Wii suits the game to a T. What would we look for in a Wii version though? More of the same except with the obvious Wii-mote enhancement? Or do we want the series furthered more in other departments like, for example, more types o' Pikmin?


Id hazard a guess that theres a DS one in the works aswell, and wouldnt be suprised if theres some link up in the pipeline, too. :wink:

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I've long said a DS version could be absolutely perfect. Selecting Pikmin wouldn't be easier than with a stylus.


Huge fan of the first two games so hopefully a third is in the works, though we've heard literally nothing about one. Miyamoto once made a comment about a third title, but it's believed this became the second half of Pikmin 2 after the credits - the return to rescue Louie.


Everything crossed though!

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I thought Pikmin on the DS would be great, but I think with the Wii, you could have literally thousands of Pikmin on screen without any slow down. It would be cool. And you just know that there would be amazingly cute noises coming out your wiimote.

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