ShadowV7 Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 You can lower the donation for the shop to 200 rupees if you delivered hot spring water to the Goron at the west Hyrule Castle bridge.
motion Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Yeah that's what I did. Malo's Castle Town shop is erm, odd. I'm sure some of you will love it but it's a tad over the top I think.
Emasher Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 how do you get the hot spring water to the goron south of hyrule castle
The Peeps Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 You need to get the bridge repaired first if I remember correctly
Emasher Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 yea i already have the hyrule malo mart open. does the water cool faster if you warp.
The Peeps Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Did you speak to the old goron outside of the old store in kakariko?
ShadowV7 Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 You need to buy spring water from the shop in Hyrule Market after you deliver Hot Spring water from the Goron meddititing outside the Kakariko shop.
stuwii Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 just completed abiters grounds which has a really weird structure the mid boss is not in the middle and both of the bosses are very easy.
fanman Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 stuwii said: just completed abiters grounds which has a really weird structure the mid boss is not in the middle and both of the bosses are very easy. The final boss in arbiter grounds was so cool though.
motion Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Crap things about TP: - For the most part, rubbish soundtrack. - Very dodgy looking graphics in places. - Still far too easy. - Hyrule Field may be bigger but there's pretty much nothing to do in it. - Kakariko Village is a joke. Empty, devoid of anything to do, population count of about 2. - Castle Town deceptively big. Again, not much to do. - Hardly any sidequests. - Dungeons 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are tiny. - Travel time between dungeons 4 and 5, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 8 and 9 is practically non existant. - Coolest items hardly get used apart from in their temple. - Very few note-worthy characters - Buggy Z-Targeting/camera - NO SENSE OF URGENCY, DANGER, FOREBODING. Link could have sat in the field for 10 years and nothing would have happened. No sense of time scale like Majora's Mask. - We have no clue what the final boss WANTED to do and no evidence that he was actually doing anything. - Link and final boss don't meet until the last second, big mistake. - Ending feels rushed. - Second half of game feels rushed. - No spells, medallion type weapons or magic. - Link picking up and marvelling at rupees every 5 seconds (and randomly) - Castle town is no where near as cool as Clock Town or Windfall Island. - Story seems to have been made up as the developers went along. - Boss fights, while cool, are WAY too easy still. - Not the 70 hour adventure we were promised, more like 30-35. - No character, magic, soul in the entire game bar a couple of moments. - Zora's domain and Goron mountain were a joke. A waterfall and a room where they fight? Give me a break. - Graveyard was no where near as cool as the one from OoT - Puzzles are very simple. - Nothing to do in Desert bar 1 thing, compared to Gerudo fortress + training ground, Desert Collusus and Wasteland from OoT - Cutscenes showed promise but got crap after dungeon 4. At the end of the day, I think that Twilight Princess is a fantastic game when you compare it to other games on other platforms etc... but as a Zelda game, it's disappointing. OoT was far more special/magical/epic, Majora was way cooler, moodier, darker, Wind Waker looked amazing and felt very magical.
Emasher Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 ShadowV7 said: You need to buy spring water from the shop in Hyrule Market after you deliver Hot Spring water from the Goron meddititing outside the Kakariko shop. does his last longer or something?
motion Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 The Peeps said: ^ Wrong thread There are plenty of people in the rant thread that don't want to accept anything wrong with the game so I see nothing wrong with doing the same here. This is a thread to talk about Zelda TP, good or bad. The other thread is pointless emasher said: does his last longer or something? Why not just 'try' it. There's an idea.
Nintendork Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Many of your problems Motion are either for artistic effect, or atmosphere. Kakariko, Castle Town, Hyrule field. Two or three of your problems fail to consider that Twilight Princess is not your first Zelda- 70 hours wasn't promised by Nintendo JP- it was hype mongering exagerated from something someone's brother's aunt said in a review. With all the sidequests I'm sure there is closer to 70 hours, most certainly for newbies. I haven't finished it but in your long list of pop shots you appear to have a couple of valid points.
motion Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Nintendork, sidequests probably add about 5 hours to this game, if that. Very true, if TP is your first Zelda game I see no reason why you wouldn't love it. I love it and I've played every Zelda game, still I believe my points are very valid.
Nintendork Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Okay perhaps sidequests have been exagerated as a component in the game, I was aware that this kind of junk added significantly more. But I've been in for about 10-15 hours and I'm only up to the third dungeon.
fanman Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Including collecting all heart pieces, golden bugs and poes? That takes freaking ages if you aren't cheating.
motion Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Nintendork said: But I've been in for about 10-15 hours and I'm only up to the third dungeon. Very true, but as I said the game speeds up considerably after dungeon 4.
fanman Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 motion2000 said: Very true, but as I said the game speeds up considerably after dungeon 4. It's still real quality stuff. I'm at dungeon 7 now, and dungeons 4-6 have been my favourite so far.
motion Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 4, fair enough. I said after 4 it speeds up. 5, again fair enough. But still too small. 6, you mean that linear, 1 room per floor, empty mess? I mean come on 'Under the Well' in OoT was bigger and better!
fanman Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 motion2000 said: 6, you mean that linear, 1 room per floor, empty mess? I mean come on 'Under the Well' in OoT was bigger and better! The puzzles were quite fun, I thought. It was bigger than under the well... and it generally looked cool.
motion Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 They were indeed fun puzzles, but still far too linear and the whole thing felt rushed.
fanman Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 I thought it was similar to the tower of the gods in the wind waker in the way that the puzzles were organized.
ShadowV7 Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Quote - Hyrule Field may be bigger but there's pretty much nothing to do in it. There's enough to do in it.There's bugs,poes,heart pieces,hidden caves and kill enemies. Quote - Kakariko Village is a joke. Empty, devoid of anything to do, population count of about 2. Somewhat exaggerated.Not much of a difference in the number of things you have to do in TP Kakariko and OOT Kakariko. Quote - Castle Town deceptively big. Again, not much to do. Again not much you had to do in OOT Castletown either.There was more in TP Castletown. Quote - Hardly any sidequests. There are sidequests which take a while to complete. Quote - Dungeons 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are tiny. I agree that dungeons 8 and 9 are small.But other 3 aren't that small. Quote - Travel time between dungeons 4 and 5, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 8 and 9 is practically non existant.If the travel times where big you'd probably start moaning about them. Quote - Coolest items hardly get used apart from in their temple. It's like that in other Zeldas aswell.Nothing new. Quote - Very few note-worthy characters There are a lot of note-worthy characters. Quote - Buggy Z-Targeting/camera I had no problem with the camera. Quote - NO SENSE OF URGENCY, DANGER, FOREBODING. Link could have sat in the field for 10 years and nothing would have happened. No sense of time scale like Majora's Mask. That's because in MM you had a time limit,there isn't one here so you don't get the same urgency feeling. Quote - We have no clue what the final boss WANTED to do and no evidence that he was actually doing anything. To start,get stronger,get out the twilight realm,get the Tri-Force,take over hyrule,take over both realms. Quote - Link and final boss don't meet until the last second, big mistake. Exaggerated saying it was a big mistake.We were aware of the problem for quite a while so it didn't matter if they meet earlier.What would of changed at the end? Maybe Ganon saying "You again!" It's no big deal Quote - Ending feels rushed.- Second half of game feels rushed. Really beggining to nitpick now. Quote - No spells, medallion type weapons or magic. You really sound like you wanted another OOT Quote - Link picking up and marvelling at rupees every 5 seconds (and randomly) Exaggerated again,picks up and looks at once per Rupee apart from green until you switch it off. Quote - Castle town is no where near as cool as Clock Town or Windfall Island. Again exaggerated a bit by saying "no where".Windfall there's barely anything,there is Grannies house,a little forest and a T-Force map.Windfall isn't "cool" enough to be no where near Castle Town. Quote - Story seems to have been made up as the developers went along. No,they would of planned the story and key events and then worked around them untill they all fit in. Quote - Boss fights, while cool, are WAY too easy still. The only game I would say that had harder bosses was MM.Bosses were easy in OOT and MM. Quote - Not the 70 hour adventure we were promised, more like 30-35.2 Points here.1)We were'nt promised it would take 70 hours 2)It would maybe take 70 hours to complete the whole game including all the sidequests. Quote - No character, magic, soul in the entire game bar a couple of moments.- Zora's domain and Goron mountain were a joke. A waterfall and a room where they fight? Give me a break. Really exaggerated again surprisingly.There was much more than a fighiting room and a waterfall.Have you actually played it? Quote - Graveyard was no where near as cool as the one from OoTBoth graveyards.Just about no difference between each other apart one having a grave digger.There almost on the same level but not no where different.I mean I might be wrong,was one tombstone cooler than one on TP? Quote - Puzzles are very simple. They usually are. - Quote Nothing to do in Desert bar 1 thing, compared to Gerudo fortress + training ground, Desert Collusus and Wasteland from OoT It's not the same place as it was in OOT.If you took enough time to explore you would know that there is thing's to do. Quote - Cutscenes showed promise but got crap after dungeon 4. There was good cut scenes after temple 4 At the end of the day,you seriously exaggerate your complaints. For one it sounds like you've only done the main story.There is a lot more to do if you took the time to look about and explore.Some of your claims are hypocritcal,and apply to OOT and MM but you fail to realise that. Some claims sounds like you havn't played the game much at all and just rushed through it. To emasher,the Springwater in the market is easier to get to the goron.If you got springwater from somewhere else it would of cooled down once you entered the market.
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