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Everything posted by Shodan
Thanks, I will do. I was just wondering if you have any idea how much it is likely to cost to get it repaired or will it vary from case to case?
My 360 just died on Friday, It's out of warranty... How much am I looking at to get it replaced? It has one red light in the lower right-hand quadrant of the light ring. It was part of the launch batch that MS offered to repair for free but I've heard this applies ot the US only.
Fixed. Good work with the cue man, welcome to the foum.
Ten Reasons Why You Don't Need a PlayStation 3
Shodan replied to DiemetriX's topic in Other Consoles
Listen to this man, Oblivion is bigger than all the previous GTA games and the graphics are still stunning. Personally I thought GTA San Andreas was too big for its own good, far too much driving through featureless countryside for my liking. If rockstar create a smaller but massivley more detailed city that would be great, theres no need for them to make the map huge just because they can - ala San Andreas. There is no reason why DVD space should ever become an issue in this generation of games. -
Your car falls in a river. What would you do?
Shodan replied to Flaight's topic in General Chit Chat
Open window, let water rush in, make pressure equal, open door, LIVE! -
I think it'll probably be the rumoured starfox racing game from a fwhile back. The space setting would be perfect for using the revmote.
The name has grown on me a bit, it's still fairly odd though, it will sink in eventually. An Englishman, Irishman and Scottsman find a magic slide. A genie appears and tells them "go down this slide and whatever you shout you will find at the bottom". They think this is great, so up steps the Englishman*. He leaps onto the slide without hesitation screaming "monnnnnney!!" as he falls, sure enough he lands in a huge room filled with crisp, new £50 notes. Hearing his friend's screams of delight the Irishman* steps up, throws himself down the slide screaming "women!!!" and sure enough lands in a room surrounded by the most beautiful women he has ever seen. Overcome with joy and excitement the Scotts man* steps up and leaps down the slide screaming "weeeeeeeee" and sure enough crashes in to.......... a fucking Nintendo console....... brilliant. Variation on an old classic for you there, bit of humor. Maybe help any pain sink in... *substitute the order or nationality of the men to avoid offence, hell use animals or fruit if you like
The name is crazy, but how about this for an advert? Please excuse the terrible Paint job, I didn't have much time. The What Is It? slogan is from an idea I saw on GAF or Gamesradar. It could be very effective at drumming up public interest, so long as people see the advert and see "Wii" rather than hearing "wee" from word of mouth the perception of the console could be pretty good. P.s. I had to get "Revolution" in there somewhere: peace: http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/2176/wii3cs.png
At least the immature shop assistants will have fun... I much preferred Revolution
See what I did there?
Look Around You. Classic. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-513338382074362963&q=look+around+you&pl=true This one especially http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2333189681837727477&q=look+around+you&pl=true
The flap is not actually a flap! It is a button... When pressed it opens up the left hand side of the console revealing a screen with a direct video link to Nintendo HQ and to Reggie's desk. The screen can also be used for playing games. This is proven by this picture, the side looks suspiciously like it moves, and also the flap really does look more like a button... http://uk.media.revolution.ign.com/articles/697/697733/img_3480718.html This allows Nintendo to live up to the comments about taking gaming out of the TV, and also Reggie's more personal promise of keeping all fans "warm and safe." Hope this puts your minds at rest. In reality I dont know what on earth it's for, possibly a DS docking bay, or a method of connection between Rev and an as yet unseen peripheral. Perhaps it is a DS card slot that has the ability to write to blank DS cards, thus allowing the playing of Virtual Console games on the go?
Effectivley if this was true there would be 2 FHC included with the Rev. It could just be Nintendo being secretive, making us think they are including 2 revmotes when in reality its just one revmote and the other bit.
It's not a flap, It's a button, and pressing it causes the side of the console to flip up revealing a portable screen. So there! Taking gaming out of the TV indeed.
Thats a very good point, infact as of now we have more evidence to believe that Killzone 2 will be a bad game rather than a good one. It's not like were are judging the game on a video; many, many people, myself included have played the original killzone and have been massively dissapointed. Of course there is no reason to believe that Guerrilla Games will be unable to rectify the faults of the first game. However as it stands they have made two games, that by all accounts are average at best. The onus is on them to prove that they can make a decent game, its not like the situation with Halo 2. Killzone 2 is not being built upon a solid foundation of an original game. Edit: - I quite enjoy a quick mess around on GTA, but San Andreas was too big for its own good IMO
Whack Fleetwood Mac's Albatross on your comp/ CD-player/ "Ghetto" blaster and sit down and have a play around on Doshin the Giant. It is one of the most relaxing gaming experiences I've had to date. Failing that, the fishing game on Ocarina of time is also very good at soothing the nerves.
Yeah thats true, Chaos Theory did look a lot better on the xbox than the GC and ps2, I assume that was because it was made for the xbox then dumbed down for the other consoles (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just going by the release dates from memory). However I still won't concede that the PS3 games will look substantially better, I think that this time it's far too close to call in terms of graphical ability, whereas last gen the xbox was clearly much more powerful than the other two machines (as in having features built into the GPU that GC and PS2 did not have - bump mapping etc.) the PS3 does not have any features on the GPU that the 360 is unable to use. I can see developers simply creating an engine that will run on both machines easily enough with a minimum of optimization, rather than creating a seperate engine for each console which would be needed in order to notice any major graphical difference. This generation should be much more about creativity and art design than previous generations, and I think this is where we will see the difference in graphics. I totally expect to see no difference in 3rd party releases on PS3 and X360, and for first party games we can hopefully look forward to equally detailed environments on each console that are distinguished by the artistic style of the developer.
I highly doubt the Ps3 hardware will be more powerful than 360's, or at least if it is then it won't be noticable in the games, this is more or less confirmed by the fact that Kojima himself stated that "power is not an issue this generation". The games you mentioned will not benefit in any way from the graphical upgrade interms of making the game any more fun to play. You also forget that Killzone was more or less tripe on the Ps2 and as the old saying goes "polishing a turd doesnt make it any less a turd" (something along those lines anyway, I'm tired). This generation showed there were next to no differences graphically in multiplatform games ( a point, I believe, that enraged many an xbox owner) so your comment about them looking WAY better is just plain wrong. There is no doubt that the games you mentioned will probably sell well, but when games are getting into number 5, 6 and above for sequals you have to wonder what new gameplay will be added besides the graphical upgrade. Frankly I'm so far unconvinced about the PS3, Sony are great at marketing products so of course it will sell well, but PS2 was a joke IMO compared to what it was supposed to offer. I guess we'll have to wait untill the console is out and we can play the games, personally I would say the "winner" of the console war was the console with the best games, not the highest sales, quantity never has and never should be regarded as a measure of quality.
I dont know if any of you will remember the game Trespasser for the PC, it was a "digital sequal" to The Lost World (Jurassic Park). Incase you've never heard of or played the game, it was played through a first person perspective, but using the mouse the player had full control over the character's right hand and could reach out into the game environment and pick up and use a variety of objects and throw them away. The pace of the game was very slow and puzzle/exploration oriented and I believe it was one of the first games to feature a (usually) working physics system. Unfortunatley the game itself was, to put it mildly, utter bollocks, there were frequent glitches, the graphics were poor due to some bizarre Level of Detail system and the gameplay generally was dull and uninvolving. Now, while the game was undoubtably bad I think a game with a similar design would work perfectly with the Revmote controller. Using the remote the player could physically "reach" into the game world, using the trigger on the underside of the remote grab hold of various items then move them around. Another problem with trespasser was the extremely complicated controls, using the Revolution controller to stack up boxes and create a makeshift staircase would be a breeze, the force feedback of the controller would be able to indicate impacts between objects in the game and I think it would make any similar game extremely immersive and fun to play. Hopefully some of you will have played or seen Trespasser before so you will know what I'm talking about. To sum up a rather long post, I think this type of game is ideal for Revolution, what are your thoughts?
I'll be going for white myself, like you i was dead set on black at the time of E3 but after seeing the new images of the white console with the white controller I just think it looks much better. It would be based purely on "cool factor" for me and I think the white one looks much more high-tec and expensive. Not that I buy any consoles on how "cool" they are you understand, the games are most important but I deffinatley prefer the look of the white console over the black one.
Theres a similar poll on the BBC website, BBC revolution poll Get voting people! By the way I love the controller and I really cant wait to see what some of the more adventurous dev. companies can do with it.
This probably isn't the ideal time to make a first post (1:58 AM) but what the heck! I hope against hope that Iwata will show us something of the Revolution controller at TGS, and I can't honestly see any reason for ninty not to show us what they have produced. If it's so revolutionary then surely they will have taken out all the neccesary patents to stop the likes of Sony and Microsoft plagiarising whatever it is that makes the Revo' so special. I will be waiting up as i can't seem to get to sleep, fingers crossed!