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Everything posted by liger05

  1. No I tried that. Doesn't allow it.
  2. Not a game breaker for me but we should have them. It's industry standard. For those who dislike their is the option to turn off.
  3. This wifi thing is bizarre. I've not had any issues at all.
  4. liger05


    £10 more on switch. Why? Outrageous.
  5. Nobody in particular. Just when it was revealed the switch would have no browser, no streaming apps some tried to explain it with Nintendo were releasing a pure games machine.
  6. http://www.theverge.com/2017/3/8/14852624/nintendo-switch-netflix-hulu-amazon-support So the 'pure games' machine excuse people tried to use isn't working out.
  7. The hori one is shit. That's on them though not the device. It shouldn't scratch regardless. No way I would risk putting mine in any dock now.
  8. The indie developers should really benefit from a good early install base.
  9. No not expecting much on these. Bomberman I think sold well in the states. It sold out prior to release. Just Dance has been done a ton beforehand. Think Ubisoft need to do something else.
  10. Na publishers don't like to leave money on the table. If money can be made they are on it.
  11. Nintendo europe say launch sales highest ever for Nintendo hardware. Ironically maybe third parties now wish they had some software on shelves at launch?
  12. 3DS did well and rpgs do well there. Wii U not so good.
  13. http://www.lefigaro.fr/secteur/high-...-en-france.php
  14. Do you think it offers value at $90 Its as cheap as you can get and the teardown proves that.
  15. An outrageous mark up made on those. $90 for all that plastic. Hell no!!! Better hope nothing goes wrong before then. Sux to know that if for whatever reason one needs to replace the switch all save data is lost.
  16. The save game data being tied to the console memory is a major oversight. It makes no sense at all. To not allow one to save to external memory is just bizarre.
  17. Hoping some third party docks appear. Ones that look a whole lot better.
  18. Do you have Aquariams in your house? They supposedly cause an issue with joy con connectivity.
  19. That was quick. Not sure how that solves the problem for those stuck with the one they got out of the box. I see on gaf some have said other online retailers have pulled it as well. I cant believe the price of it. Initially I thought in comparison to other hdmi-usb C docks the price matched those but having seen the tear down its ridiculous. The dock looks like it would cost Nintendo about $5 to produce. It's just all plastic with tiny electrical board. They should be selling those for $40 max.
  20. @Nickwingfield 1. Fri-Sat sales of Nintendo Switch in Americas exceeded first two day sales of any system in Nintendo history. 2. Switch Zelda best standalone launch title sales beating Mario 64 System sales are compared to consoles not handhelds.
  21. Oh man the thunder is something else!!! I have been on some missions running for ever to see Robbie. This game is huge. I came across some huge monster sleeping and just left him be.
  22. How do you make a horse your own. I had one but when I whistled it did nothing.
  23. You've lost me. Not selling enough? When exactly would anyone of said that considering it was released Friday? Yes we know the 2 mil units put out there for worldwide release was low but I still didn't think the UK market would be as effected as as much simply because it's been rough for Nintendo here the last few years. I don't think it can be any surprise Nintendo kept the initial allocation to the UK low.
  24. Yeah really not sure why the long wait got Mario Kart. This should of been ready to go for end of March.
  25. I think I read 22% of Zelda sales were wii u copies.
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