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Everything posted by liger05

  1. Amazon never send early prime or not. So why does it only seem to be the left side? Love how you came to a conclusion after watching a 1 min video. I guess the multiple sources all saying they have the same problem just have gigantic hands or someone blocking the screen.
  2. Woah http://www.polygon.com/2017/2/24/14723308/pre-review-the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-nintendo-switch-wii-u
  3. Blaster Master day 1 Japanese eShop.
  4. So what the chances of Nintendo saying something? If it's a simple fix I would expect something pretty sharpish considering its only 7 days before release. Hoping something is said today.
  5. Let's just wait a see shall we. Instead of being so sure of yourself when you have been wrong plenty before I would wait to see what happens. If this isn't a software issue but a hardware one this day 1 patch you talk of changes nothing. If you can point me towards any media outlet with preview switches being told this issue will be fixed with a day 1 patch please post a link. Thanks.
  6. That joy con issue is worrying. Stuff like that is a recipe for bad pr and returns. Jason Schreier is saying that Zelda is unplayable using the Joy-Cons independently or in the bundled grip and he's now using the Pro Controller exclusively in docked mode. Nintendo need to fix this!!! Surprised it got past Q and A
  7. Hope it isn't widespread as that would be a nightmare for Nintendo.
  8. 3 hours is fine for me. That's more than enough without needing a charge
  9. From neogaf Source: http://www.melty.fr/nintendo-switch-...s-a592119.html Yes I'm an entitled gamer and disappointed.
  10. No you are wrong. I can buy it day 1 and still get plenty of enjoyment from the the product. However that doesn't mean I accept whatever bs Nintendo give me. I'm allowed to be disappointed when Nintendo don't match the standards I expect. I mean God forbid someone would expect them to not miss the VC store 3 times in a row. How dare one think they might just of delivered this time. What I do think this shows is VC isn't so much a revenue spinner for Nintendo hence once again the lack of urgency to get it running. Maybe it's time they look at the obscene pricing model and start selling 20 year old games cheaper.
  11. Really hope this isn't a HW issue
  12. Entitled gamers? You mean customers who just expect better. I wish people wouldn't pick and choose when they want to compare Nintendo with the competition. Either do it for everything or not at all.
  13. It is worth asking. It always one step forward two back with Nintendo. I'm expecting VC now to launch when the paid service launches. Sucks!!!
  14. No VC at launch again. That's 3 platforms on the Trot now this has happened. Not good enough. Knew it was happening though as the Nintendo silence confirmed it.
  15. Demographic of those watching the brits probably is more likely to find 1-2 switch interesting over Zelda. Friend codes lol. Ridiculous!!! We can't add each other by gamertag name? Surely not. What's the point of the nickname then?
  16. Friday just to take delivery. I'm looking forward to commuting to work with the switch in my hand.
  17. Probably not but just contact PayPal to make sure.
  18. Too late now. There won't be a direct. We are in the lucky position of not knowing what to expect. Thanks Nintendo.
  19. Rather they did a direct than some shitty unboxing with those Jokers. http://gonintendo.com/stories/274527...ste-for-switch Trailer: Shame no Dpad means playing games like this in handheld mode is out of the question.
  20. Yeah playing it day 1 was such an anti climax. Such a disappointment
  21. Splitting hairs much
  22. Some GameStop thoughts on switch. http://www.alistdaily.com/strategy/gamestop-nintendo-switch-pre-orders-attach-rate-higher-wii-u/?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=alistdaily&utm_content=GameStop:%20Nintendo%20Switch%20Pre-Orders%27%20Attach%20Rate%20Higher%20Than%20Wii%20U The attach rate comments are interesting. Launch time is when people are likely to buy multiple titles. Not every game is to my tasting but the more games people buy the better. Also as has been mentioned before maybe the wii u problem was on launch there were too many games available. I think people are just excited about the switch while the wii u was just something extra from the wii era.
  23. Looks like relying on previews for info while Nintendo stay silent. Where there fcuk is this direct already.
  24. Amazon honored my wii u pre order. £199 instead of £299. £95% reduction however is just never going to happen.
  25. The extra joy cons not coming with charging grips is a piss take.
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