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Everything posted by liger05

  1. What's the lowest spec pc's it runs on.
  2. Be thankful for the goons that stole it. At least we got to see the thing in action cos Nintendo ain't showing us shit. Very good. Makes some very good points.
  3. http://nintendoeverything.com/square-enix-considering-final-fantasy-xiv-for-switch/
  4. 1 step forward 2 steps back is the Nintendo way.
  5. Taken from a Gaf thread Although Nintendo say they "haven't made any final decisions". THIS IS NOT ABOUT REDOWNLOADING YOUR OWN GAMES TO ANOTHER OF YOUR OWN SWITCHES Time stamp is 16:08 ~ So what's the deal here? With the PS4 I have my own UK account and US account where my US account is primary. My son has his PS4 and his account is my US account so every digital purchase from the US store can be played on my ps4 and my sons with only one purchase required. Are Nintendo saying this isn't possible with the switch? Are the saying sub accounts can't access digital games? I really hope not as that would be quite ridiculous.
  6. There would be a downgrade. The specs dictate that but if they could nail the performance I would take the downgrade for handheld gaming.
  7. Maybe it's coming?
  8. I don't think Nintendo are going to bother. It's crazy.
  9. Speed is what counts. Even if one doesn't like the look of the PS4 UI it's still rapid. That's the most important thing to me. I don't want to have to wait extra seconds just to navigate a menu.
  10. Didn't you find the wii u slow. Day 1 it was shockingly bad and even after updates to me it still was slow. Not as slow but still very annoying the speed it took to get through menus. I'm very happy it looks like the switch is light years ahead of the wii u interface.
  11. Forgot about friend list. Yeah that blows. The only way to communicate with friends is via a phone app? No messaging, invites, friend requests via the device?
  12. I would rather have Xbox achievement or PS like Trophies. To say they have no use is ridiculous when 10's of millions seem to enjoy them just fine.
  13. The beauty of them on other systems is if you don't like them they can be disabled. Disappointed Nintendo still ain't got them implemented.
  14. I'm impressed. OS looks barebones but UI very slick. Day 1 update for eShop No achievements
  15. Ultimate team is the reason fifa still to this day doesn't play like a real football game. It makes EA so much money that actually trying to make the game realistic is bottom of the agenda. People love ultimate team which has a detrimental effect on the development of fifa.
  16. I'm ready to order a fight stick once I know more fighters are coming. Was hoping Tekken 7 and injustice 2 would of been confirmed by now.
  17. I'm skeptical it's Fifa 18. Just not convinced EA will show anything prior to E3
  18. Nintendo are learning. Like every other publisher they are not going to leave money on the table. Locking hard mode behind dlc is bullshit though.
  19. Not all games are released and secondly each store has its own prices. Each region has it own sales offers. Sometimes it can work out more cost effective buying from another region digital store.
  20. This is what needs clearing up. Those leaks don't confirm that's the case.
  21. Would certainly help if nintendo released some info. We shouldn't need leaks after the platform has been revealed and is being sold.
  22. I wish this kinda of stuff wasn't leaked 3 weeks before release and Nintendo reveals this information. It's ridiculous.
  23. We should not just accept the faults of Nintendo. They need to keep getting pushed and pushed. Region lock with the 3DS, Wii and wii u was BS. Nintendo had to be called out on this. Pal VC games being released at 50mhz again BS and Nintendo were called out on this. If they wasn't would they of bothered to change?
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