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Everything posted by liger05

  1. 12 copies? You would expect one store to have at least that. I did see people on neogaf say this game wasn’t stocked anywhere. I know it’s a port but NFS isn’t a niche franchise and 12 copies total for every store sounds crazy.
  2. Well not really. 12th on the UK chart right now wouldnt translate to a huge launch. It looks the 3DS + Wii u version totalled 17k sales. If the Wii U version accounted for more than 50% of wii u software sales then it really doesnt take a genius to see everything else is selling very very poorly.
  3. Any idea when we can be expecting some new eshop titles?
  4. And hopefully a lot quicker than this one!!
  5. http://www.chart-track.co.uk/?i=1569&s=1111 I think that shows just how bad everything else is selling on the platform.
  6. April 8th. That’s crazy!!
  7. Gears opened with 4 x less sales than GOW3. GOW: Judgement and GOW: Ascension are titles that never needed to be released. Not surprised NFS didn’t chart. Improvements or not it’s still an old game and its expensive. Hopefully MH will have some legs. Luigi’s should do pretty well and I will be shocked if Lego doesnt do good. If there is one game that will benefit from the drought its that. GOW: Judgement and GOW: Ascension are titles that never needed to be released.
  8. The problem is they don't want to upset the retailers. It's the same for Sony and MS. They need the retailers to sell their products.
  9. http://www.gamespot.com/events/pax-e...ml?sid=6405809
  10. UK retailers: Zero interest in Wii Mini launch #1 http://www.techradar.com/news/gaming...terest-1139934 Not surprised!
  11. I feel the same. It really wouldnt bother me if no games had off tv play and the pad was instead used to enhance all games. I have the 3DS to play games in my hand and if anything I feel pushing off tv play simply makes it harder in trying to tell people what the Wii U actually is. I tried it a couple times to see what it was like and the streaming tech is impressive but I dont think its a USP simply because handhelds exist as do tablets.
  12. £25 for a retail game is a good price
  13. I would be so pissed right now if I paid £299
  14. I have done nothing to the card yet. On my lunch break I tried to run MH again. This time the game booted up and I have managed to play the game with no problem. When I get home I’m still going to format the memory card and start again as seem way to temperamental for me to trust it not happening again. Thanks
  15. I have no time for console gaming right now. 3DS taking up all my time.
  16. 'SD Card has been removed' I can see all the files but whenenever I try and load a game this message appears.
  17. The thing is its free money for nintendo isnt it. I dont think they need to kill them off but they just need to make sure they dont push them anymore. I am not sure if its still current but when I checked the nintendo site a few weeks back they had a comparison page showing the two wii u packages but on the same comparison page they had the Wii as well which to me just made no sense. As for the UK market's attitude towards nintendo. On the home console front the wii was an exception. The UK market has never relly been very good for nintendo consoles and we could just basically be seeing a repeat of that. Animal Crossing just will not stop selling. Incredible!!! Wii U sales depressing but predictable. When are they going to announce confirmed dates for Wii Fit U, Pikmin 3, and Wonderful 101?
  18. It has appeared on the french amazon site http://www.amazon.fr/Square-Enix-Dragon-Quest-X/dp/B009FBMM3I/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1363730189&sr=1-1
  19. I would love a good cricket game!!
  20. The system most defiantly doesn’t work. Third parties have to pay a licencing fee to put games on the Wii U and less third party support means less revenue for Nintendo. There was a reason Nintendo didn’t mind all the 3rd party shovelware on the wii and that was cos they were still making a pretty coin of that rubbish. The idea that people that buy Nintendo hardware should be grateful for any 3rd party support regardless of the content is crazy. Personally I do buy Nintendo HW mainly for the Nintendo games but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t expect better 3rd party support. I remember the Gamecube droughts and we shouldn’t have to suffer that again. The reality is there is only so much money people have and Nintendo are in competition with others. There is no guarantee that the Nintendo hard hitting software will change the fortunes of the console. The gamecube had the big hitters and still struggled against the competition and the Wii u could suffer the same fate. I don’t know what goes on at Nintendo HQ but at times I feel like they are living in a bubble not taking into account market trends and what developers/consumers want.
  21. I still think when they were banking the dough with the Wii and DS they should been buying more studios in the west.
  22. It isn’t all Nintendo’s decision but historically Nintendo hasn’t had the best of relationships with 3rd parties. Whether it was the bigger royalty fees charged in comparison to sony or the N64 cartridge when CD format was preferred Nintendo just doesn’t seem to get it when it comes to 3rd parties in the West. Nintendo can’t carry a console by themselves and 3rd parties are key. I would agree we don’t know for sure about next-gen development and how that effects the wii u but I’m defiantly in the pessimistic camp and not expecting games unless 360/PS3 ports also happen which will eventually stop.
  23. Well Nintendo did say prior to release that 3rd parties were going to be more important this time around so was expecting the relationships between nintendo and those to be better.
  24. Yes I have a Wii U and thats why I'm pissed. I fully expected games like Tomb Raider, Bioshock, MGR, etc to get same day releases as the 360/PS3 versions. I really wasn’t expecting to see 2 year old games get ported. Now I pretty much accept I have a console which will be great for Nintendo games but anything else is a lottery.
  25. They dont even give the titles a chance. At a minimum they should release them for £20 - £30 max. If they port new games and they bomb I can understand them being cautious to release games on the wii u but sending old games out to fail is just baffling. I think Nintendo HQ would much prefer if if 3rd parties were releasing new games like tomb raider on the wii u!!
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