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Everything posted by Jordan88

  1. The new features on bungie.net are ace.
  2. Haha that’s ace, thanks for that.
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_div_1/table/default.stm That made me laugh.
  4. Yeah I downloaded it in 5 mins but cant play it yet as Xbox live is still playing up, tried Halo earlier but it wouldn’t join a single game and private chat wouldn’t work either. Although i can connect to live and send messages if thats what you mean.
  5. Get your call of duty 4 beta keys now.
  6. Get your call of duty 4 beta keys now.
  7. Well xbox live dosent seem to be working, cant join games or chat.
  8. Heroes HD DVD boxset is awesome.
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_div_1/table/default.stm That made me laugh.
  10. "Last night at dinner I was having dinner with three blu-ray owners, they were pissed about no Transformers Blu-ray and I drank the kool aid hook line and sinker. So at 1:30 in the morning I posted - nothing good ever comes out of early am posts mind you - I over reacted. I heard where Paramount is coming from and the future of HD and players that will be close to the $200 mark which is the magic number. I like what I heard. As a director, I'm all about people seeing films in the best quality possible, and I saw and heard firsthand people upset about a corporate decision. So today I saw 300 on HD, it rocks! So I think I might be back on to do Transformers 2!" Link
  11. Paramount already do HD DVD's but they are now exclusively supporting HD DVD "The studio says it will launch its exclusive HD DVD program with the release of 'Blades of Glory' on August 28th (a release which was previously announced for both formats), and will follow with two of the biggest grossing movies of the year 'Transformers' and 'Shrek the Third."
  12. Flatout seems ok, it starts quite fun but gets hard pretty quick. Also it is extremely unforgiving which is one of the reasons I have given up on it already.
  13. I’m playing custom games now, it seems someone found some sort of glitch or something.
  14. Anybody played the custom games yet?
  15. There is a demo up of an fps called Blacksite, it seems pretty good and looks nice, never heard of it before though. Anyone know what time the beta comes out Wednesday?
  16. What a win for us tonight, which means we are still in with a chance of avoiding the drop and Healy is on fire.
  17. Yeah it’s meant to be like that and when you get used to it usually in a couple of minutes then it is a lot of fun, especially in multiplayer against someone at the same skill level. Just go into the training mode and there is one about ball placement which tells you how to aim properly.
  18. I’m for from a fanboy and the reason I would think that is that nearly every single thread I read it seems you are trying to promote Sony products. Anyway it wasn’t a serious question just a stupid joke.
  19. Domstercool are you secretly an employee of Sony?
  20. I’ve sorted it now (thanks to Shorty for the VLC suggestion). I know you aren’t really supposed to mess around with the aspect ratio as it will usually make it look bad, but I am using 4:3 aspect ratio and cropping it to 16:9 and it looks rather good and doesn’t cut off any of the picture. Thanks for the help.
  21. As my 360 as broken I have now go to watch DVDs on my PC, but watching them on a widescreen TV obviously means I have black bars at the top and bottom. On the 360 it has a letterbox zoom which makes it fill the screen without cutting any off and is still great quality. So does any body know of any video playing software that has a letterbox zoom feature? As I can’t find any and have been looking for hours. Thanks for any help.
  22. Well my 360 has stopped working again. Anyone no how much Microsoft charge to repair them when the warranty has ran out?
  23. GTA followed by MGS.
  24. Thanks everyone Ive had a great day so far, Thought id give bowling a go as i havent played it in about 10 years and its alot harder than wii sports. Also went to watch Smoking Aces which i would recommend as it was great.
  25. Can you still add games to your cart? When I click them it just comes up with a blank white page. I take it they are sold out then if nobody else can?
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