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Everything posted by Bo130

  1. Only PC games I play at the moment;
  2. Taru means barrel. It's MOST LIKELY Donkey Kong: Jet Race (Bongo Blast), which is mentioned
  3. Ya, like Moria said before me, assuming you were the only one with a time machine, and the only one who knew such a thing existed, and you told them all that stuff... You'd be the prime suspect in no time :P. I don't know if I'd use it at all. I kinda like the feeling of not knowing what's waiting for you in the future. Would be cool to start a paradox, though :P
  4. Own & Used to own. Some won (Bloodrayne, Turok, etc.), some bought, some reviewed for a site (P.N.03, etc.) - none rented. Can't find a place to rent Nintendogames in Denmark :/ Animal Crossing Atsumare! Made in Wario Beach Spikers Beyond Good & Evil Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg BloodRayne Bomberman Generation Burnout Burnout 2: Point of Impact Def Jam Vendetta Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Donkey Konga Donkey Konga 2: Hit Song Parade Doshin the Giant Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem F-Zero GX FIFA 2003 Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Ikaruga James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire Karaoke Revolution Party (Getting in 2-5 days) Kirby Air Ride Kururin Squash! Lost Kingdoms Luigi's Mansion Mario Kart: Double Dash Mario Party 4 Mario Party 5 Mega Man Network Transmission Metal Arms: Glitch in the System Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Metroid Prime Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance NBA Courtside 2002 P.N. 03 POKéMON Colosseum Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Pikmin Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Resident Evil Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil 4 Sega Soccer Slam Skies of Arcadia Legends Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Sonic Mega Collection Soul Calibur II Star Fox Adventures Super Mario Sunshine Super Monkey Ball Super Monkey Ball 2 Super Smash Bros. Melee Tales of Symphonia The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker The Sims Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 TimeSplitters 2 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 True Crime: Streets of LA Turok: Evolution Viewtiful Joe Virtua Striker 2002 Wave Race: Blue Storm XIII
  5. I assume this is after the Final Boss Battle? Then Killer7 and Conker's Bad Fur Day comes first to mind. Ah, K7 is so amazing <3. Otherwise I liked Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64
  6. 3 discs? Why? And I saw it announced for september, why has it been pushed back!? Why
  7. Scrubs is truly the best TV Show of the ever! - JD, Janitor, Turk and Cox gotta be my fav-characters In one episode, season 5 is done with in Denmark. I liked a couple of the shows, but season 1-3 is still very preferable. Absolutely loved those. I'm pretty pissed it can't be downloaded from the danish version of iTunes, and I need a credit card holder from another country to download it from their iTunes store
  8. The Pokémon part of the movie See "opdatering 4". We've cut out the bit about Pokémon, seeing as their site is very slow. You can download the Pokémon part there (1 minute ~~ 1 MB)
  9. I absolutely love it. Great challenges on the check lists, fun in Top Ride and Air Ride with great levels, and fun, alternating, stars. I don't really see why people bash it so much. It innovative, because the A (R/L) is brake instead of acc., and that ****s them up, "crap / 10 - can be completed without touching the joystick", ya, of course, but that's on 1/3 of the game modes, and with computers @ level 1. If you like a fun, alternative racing game, buy this, IMO. EDIT: Conclusion, great game with worthy opponents, and is fun to play for records in, IMO
  10. I'm pretty sure you mean wireless. Last time I checked, SMB DS wasn't online.
  11. I really hate that they removed the competition mode from the 2nd game. That one rocked, would have liked it to last a whole set of levels, though, instead of just 5. For most parts, the party games are better in the 2nd game. I happen to like it more, now, as I've found several ways to complete each main level, and that keeps me on it. The only real complaint that remains is, that you can easily beat Master and Master Extra, given the 99 lives you can purchase. The original was so much harder to beat Master 10 in - I still have nightmares about Master 3 :P - three insane levels compiled into one; great stuff! (if you didn't know, then it determines (sp?) on the number of continues you use, and in SMB1 you won continues instead of lives . The series is great overall, though. Absolutely love it.
  12. I want the final name to be Nintendo Revolution. If they decide to change it I prefer the rumour about the name Nintendo Monolith, though
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