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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. That'w why I cancelled my pre order :p
  2. Good point. Thats one of my concerns. I just hope I don't have to play a game where I'm waving the controller about just for the sake of it.
  3. A few of my downloads just decide to stop randomly and clear from my download list. It's really pissing me off. Happened with Rainbow 6 and Tiger Woods.
  4. Yeah, I've played loads of SC on my Dreamcast, and felt like I was getting better at it everytime I played it. It was simple to pick up but then you could stick it on the harder difficulties and it was fecking hard to master it. It is quite simply the most balanced fighting game ever. All I want is an update with HD graphics and online play. Damn you Namco
  5. Yeah, can't believe SCIII was PS2 only, since it sold quite well on GC. Might have to pick up a cheap copy of SCII for GC when Wii is released.DOA is just too annoying.
  6. Dead or Alive 4 makes me want to cry... Are there any other beat em ups coming out anytime soon on 360? I absolutley love Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive is too hard for me :-(
  7. Me niether lol.
  8. Yep lol, although I can't be bothered doing crap stuff for points anymore, so if I over take ya it'll be because I actually wanted to play the game.
  9. OK, just played GRAW and it's fecking fantastic. It's insanely hard/I'm shit at it, but it's such a fucking cool game. So glad I took a chance on it. Took me numerous attempts to complete the first proper mission lol, but got there in the end.
  10. Sounds good :p
  11. You should definitely get Project Gotham Racing 3, it's fantastic, Oblivion is also great (can be a bit annoying), Kameo was the first game I played on 360 and is also really good (although has a number of pad smashing moments), and probably Dead Rising, because although I'm still to properly get into it I think it's a game that deserves to be given a chance by everyone. I'm just about to get stuck into GRAW, although it seems like the other GR games so if you liked them then I would have thought you'd like this.
  12. Hopefully the fickle people don't start thinking they don't want one based on this. Was an interesting article and I'm not going to slate it with fanboyism. These are some of the concerns I have about the console, although I will buy one and make my own mind up, I'm sure it'll be great, but I am glad I have a 360 incase it isn't as great as we hope.
  13. QFT and I've not seen it...
  14. I'm tempted to trade in for it. Will probably regret it but I'll get back the cash on ebay anyway.
  15. Is Splinter Cell a hard game? How does it compare to the other games in the series? Because I was never that good at them but to be honest I never played a massive amount of them. I'm trading in some games tomorrow and want something to replace them. There's quite a lot out in a few weeks but I'm too stupid and impatient to save the cash.
  16. I really don't know what to say to that advert...
  17. I can't find any games I like. PGR3 is the only one I'm enjoying right now nd I want to trade in a lot of them to buy a new one tomorrow but I don't like any of them. Anyone got Tiger Woods 07? How good is that? What about Test Drive? Downloading the demos of both right now, taking ages!
  18. I'm still not sure if I want to get this. I mean the demo was woeful, it just depends how much it's improved since that build of the game. Well, after watching those videos I'm definitely not getting it.
  19. I'm still thinking of getting, but still not sure. Is it really hard to get into?
  20. Yeah, I don't like playing PC games either, the only one I've got is Football Manager.
  21. Woooo got the silver badge on Project Gotham Racing 3. I'd only got a couple of silver trophies after I played through it the first time on easy and couldn't be bothered with doing it again, and now I'm becoming quite decent at the game. Might even try and get the gold badge now. Going to spend the whole day tomorrow playing Oblivion now though, because the plan for this week was to play it and really put in some hours for it since I've only played a couple of hours since I got it, and I've still not. Can't be doing with Just Cause though, it's soooo boring. Just going to trade it in.
  22. This friend is totally different to when i knew him at school. I didn't see him for like a year and when I saw him he was one of the loudest people I've met, and he used to be the quietest. So I wasn't too into going out with just him anyway, let alone with him and all his loud mates.
  23. Quite liked that GoW add. It was quite soft for such a violent game. I liked the way they're not relying on violence to sell the game. Really looking forward to it.
  24. I'm thinking about getting it, not really sure. I'm not a massive sports videogame fan. I also reckon I'd be rubbish at it.
  25. Is this released on Mac aswell? Because I hate Safari.
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