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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. You betcha!
  2. Sounds great, although I'll probably be drunk :|
  3. Well Gears of War is an absolutely fantastic game, fully deserving of the score I think. I think some people are a little blinded by fanboyism here. I'm guessing you've never played GoW? Or Zelda TP for that matter. *Goes back to 360 thread*
  4. Yeah, it must really piss you off that it got 0.2 less than Edges score... Personally I think the review is alright, and of course, you can't comment on a review until you've played the game because at the end of the day a review is an opinion and how can you agree/disagree with it until you have an opinion yourself?
  5. Yeah me too. If I didn't have Gears of War, Viva Pinata, and Zelda to play over the next month then I ould but... I do.
  6. Ooooooh God. Hmm, do I cancel and just play more Gears?
  7. I've found that too. Games generally get me very angry and I can't play for long, but I'd play this all fecking night if I wasn't so knackered. Gonna play some co-op tomorrow night if anyones up for it.
  8. Thanks for that, it is quite nice, unlike some of the other slightly crappy ones. None worth paying for though... What a bastard. Those sorting offices fuck me right off. Only open until 2.30 so when you're out of work you can't get it, cus it's closed. Hate them. I'm annoyed for you.
  9. Oh wow what a game! I've been looking for a game that really said 'yes, 360 was worth the cash' and finally, this is it. The control system is near perfect, including some fecking fantastic aiming. The one slight problem I had with it is the way you move out of cover accidently by moving the analogue stick off slightly. I've died loads of times and not felt frustration once yet. Just straight aay carried on playing loving every second. I think I'm at the end of Act 1, which is a bit hard I found cus the squad member keeps getting killed and it's ending my game. Too tired now, although I could stay up all night playing it. Can't wait until the end of work tomorrow! :bouncy:
  10. You're spot on there. As long as it's not stupidly short (say, 3 hours) then it's fine. Pikmin was short but one of my favourite games ever.
  11. Yay, my Gears of War has been sent today. Cancelled it at Amazon cus they didn't send my +44 cd Monday when it was supposed to have been released.
  12. Great write up, thanks for that. I'm starting to look forward to it a little more now. I did love SA1 at the time (only Sonic bits) so this sounds like it could be pretty good. Hows the camera holding up? What about the usual pit falls where you move the stick slightly and you go flying off to your doom? That still happen?
  13. Good. :horse:
  14. I suck arse at games and even I loved the pad smashingly hard later levels. I finished expert mode in Monkey Ball. My greatest gaming achievement... Never managed to get through it without using a continue though, so never had a go at the Master levels
  15. Anyone else noticed that your team mates in GRAW are tossers who just want to get killed? I've just been hammering the 'regroup' button and he just kept firing and going out into a shower of bullets getting taken down twice. I just let him die and left him, rather than risk me getting killed out in the open. Complete joke, is it me doing something wrong?
  16. Me too, it wasn't great but it was a lot of fun playing as Sonic. Sonic 2 was as fun when you were playing as Sonic but the rest was crap. Hopefully this will be good, I've changed my mind again and I'm getting it, so hopefully it'll be better than the demo.
  17. Finished Oblivion! I'm well happy with that. Ending was a bit disappointing though and now I'm out in sunlight and just can't get anywhere without being killed, damn vampire... So I don't think I'll bother too much doing side quests. Going to try to get into GRAW or Dead Rising this week before having a massive GOW marathon this weekend. BTW, if Zelda is the only game you want on Wii get the Cube version and buy a 360. If you really want the Wii version though, Wii is your obvious choice. Either that or you could do what that guy did on the internet when he wanted a mac and just ask people to give you money for it...
  18. OMG I'm right at the end in Oblivion and now that vampire bollocks has started to affect me. I'm at the end so hopefully it shouldn't hurt me too much but I'm going to have to go through a very long quest to get rid before I do all the other ones.
  19. Sod that it's out after pay day and I can afford both. Screw xmas presents. They can go without.
  20. I really want the HD DVD drive but can't afford both that and Gears of War, and then there's the Wii. What date is it out?
  21. Haha, yeah yeah, I meant just how it seems like a lot more people will be interested in Wii. :p
  22. Do you reckon Gameplay will be a good place to pre order? When do they normally email? Obviously I'm not going to get an exact date, but just wondered if anyone had pre ordered from there before.
  23. Yeah, I know what you mean, but I love it. Not been able to play it since the weekend I bought it. Damn work making me too tired for games. I've a £50 credit note at Gamestation and am not sure what to spend it on. I've GoW on order at Amazon and so it's between Vegas, Sonic, or just getting a couple of DS games. Can't decide, I kinda wanna play Trauma Centre.
  24. Wii creating sadness :-( Hope all you people get one. Hell I hope I get one. Can't wait for the online stuff to come out, Mario Kart on Wii *dreams* The Wii will be such a hit at parties if Nintendo market it properly. Singstar and Eyetoy have sold shitloads of PS2's, Wii Sports and Wario Ware can do the same if people know about it. These things might not be 'cool' but this isn't the market Nintendo is trying to reach with them. My mom was well excited by Wii when I told her about it, so tell fecking everyone about it! No one in my family ever cares about games so Wii might really be fecking amazing.
  25. I told my mom what I'd pre ordered tonight and she was like I've got to have a go of that. It's gonna be fucking awesome. I'm so hyped for Wii. Still kinda not bothered about PS3 even though I've become more open minded about video games in general, I just can't see anything to get excited about.
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