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Everything posted by peterl0

  1. Our local Odeon does half price on Tuesday evenings - not sure if this is nationwide?
  2. Nostalgia plays a part in the ordering but I don't think that it factors for Majora's Mask as it came out after the formative game (Ocarina of Time). Usually it is the first Zelda game (or first 3D variant that a person plays that they end up loving the most. If it wasn't that, it must be because the game does something pretty different.
  3. Based on the first playthrough: 1. Majora's Mask (High because of the character story arc involvement and the Zora/Goron masks) 2. Ocarina of Time (High because first 3D Zelda with many groundbreaking innovations) 3. Skyward Sword (Good: Motion controls/stamina meter, Bad: Unconnected level like world, desolate sky, the fat boss) 4. Windwaker (Good: Musical combat/prehistory/graphical style, Bad: Empty sea/Triforce quest/Photo quest) 5. Twilight Princess (Good: Spinner/Ice Dungeon/Temple, Bad: Dull world, boring post game content - poes) If we are including the HD remake, probably want to switch SS and Wind Waker. SO in this Zelda I want: 1) Stamina meter (or more precisely running) from SS 2) Not too fussed about motion controls because the horse back fighting and slowmo seems cool. 3) Character involvement/side stories from MM. 4) OOT is the template, so no worries there. 5) Combat/History from Windwaker 6) Pro controller support because now my arms of too weedy for the gamepad with larger battery. 7) From Twilight Princess the promise of the original trailer?
  4. Mine have not all stood the test of time. You are probably right though, most people will already have them.
  5. These don't seem to be as rare as the adaptor itself. Just ordered the controller for 25 at the Nintendo store, where they (appear to be) in stock: http://store.nintendo.co.uk/elysium.search?search=smash (More controllers than adaptors?) Edit: I will post if I actually get it.
  6. That trailer makes me want an original 2D/Alpha style of game more than the 3D snippets shown which really did not do anything for me. Too gritty somehow. I liked the vibrant colours of the originals.
  7. Wow, tough luck to those who have had orders cancelled! At the moment, at the bottom of the thread, I have an advert for shopto showing the adaptor and controller, which seems a bit cruel.
  8. I got an email last night from Amazon saying that three were coming but that Kirby was delayed until Dec 19th. They must have had stock difficulties as well. Went into town to pick him up and Toysrus had not had their delivery yet and neither had Argos, but another argos nearby had 1 in stock. Went there and passed a GAME on the way that had none on display (and a massive queue) but did mange to pick up the one from the other Argos. Phew. Weird mix of Apathy and stock shortages there.
  9. Ok, just had the text saying its on its way. I guess that means tomorrow then....
  10. I'm in the same boat here (but with the day off tomorrow and the gaming coming to work). It will be inconvenient to pick it up tomorrow. Still hoping but I doubt it. Mine said it was planned to ship yesterday, but the order still says processing. I have not had any other emails like some of the guys that picked up the GC controller have had.
  11. To install it I did nothing other than connect it (into the Gigabit ethernet port on my routed but I am sure that was not actually necessary) go to the connections, choose wired, it then ran a test and it was completed. Do you have the official one? What router are you using? As for reliability it does cut out less than the wireless one for me. I have still had a few disconnects from Mario Kart, but only in the lobby (which I think can happen if the host drops out?) none in the races, which I count as a win.
  12. They do but after the end of the promotion (March or May 2015 I think). Once they are on your account though its just like normal money. Edit: It was a good promotion. I liked the fact that DLC counts towards it as well (*) which meant I had one more voucher than I would otherwise have got. (* Why wouldn't it? Well Nintendo.)
  13. Yeah that's the one. It definitely benefited from an orchestral arrangement in that recent(*) Zelda concert thingy. (*Could well have been 1-1.5 years ago now.)
  14. I really like the ballad of the goddess in Skyward Sword. Does that get included when people talk about the shabby music? Because if it doe then I guess I disagree that it had shoddy music. (I cannot remember anything else, so perhaps the rest was. )
  15. Yes it is the end of December. I managed to get what will probably be my last code last week.
  16. Is this what we get now that Nintendo have closed down the official magazine? Regurgitated news from the Japanese website. I guess that it is one more way in which the Japanese company is controlling everything from within Japan and the EU and US have less control. (Or it could be part of cost cutting, as suggested in their recent earnings report.)
  17. Mine said that too, but the DLC was downloading the the background anyway on the download page. After that I had to install the update, start the game, then restart the game to auto download the next update.
  18. Wow, they are well hidden. Guess I will try and get a better medal before I play those though. After you complete the game is there a level select, or should I have been keeping a save at the start of each?
  19. Not found any portals except the red ones for access to the shop. Weird.
  20. Just playing through the first game on normal - having the same continues issue as @MindFreak but I am only on level 3. What/where are the darkened medals on the level summary screen - what am I missing on the levels? Never got anything other than a stone award on a whole level despite getting a mix of bronze/silver/gold/platinum in the different sections that I play. Is my overall award bad because of the missed level parts or the use of continues?
  21. Guess: Initial development/some financing was actually started by Sega and then the game got canned. Edit: Ooooh intriguing
  22. Thanks S.C.G, thought I was keeping up with this thread - clearly not. How, err, 'big' is it, compared with the main game - can you play on all of the levels or just a few?
  23. Has anyone played the online on this yet? What is it like?
  24. Cheers. Perhaps they have changed, it was a while ago that I fell foul of that policy.
  25. Usually, yes, but only after 2-3 purchases within 6 months on your card. I have just changed card with them and so they won't for security reasons.
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