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Everything posted by Myke Greywolf
Well, that's the reason why I said it should have information relevant to developers, and not that it actually has it. Anyway, I don't really need game footage at this time... I'd be happy with a couple of tech demos, just to showcase the controller.
Well, Iwata could be trying to "sell" the system to developers that hadn't really given it a thought until now. That's the whole point of the conference speech: trying to convince developers that aren't currently developing for Nintendo to do it.
The GDC, being the Game Developers Conference, should have information that is mainly relevant to developers, not to gamers. That being said, we shouldn't expect for game footage or announcements - what good would that be for other developers? But there is other information that is relevant to both developers and gamers, and that we could expect from Iwata's keynote: - Release date - Specifications - Tech demos - Complete description of console features - Online infrastructure In my opinion, this is the kind of information we should expect from Iwata's speech, and nothing more.
Consider me sold on this one. Beyond Good & Evil is definitely one of the forgotten gems of this generation. The game was only too short for people who don't have anything to do besides playing games, IMHO.
IGN-Matt hints we'll see Rev games before E3!
Myke Greywolf replied to hamzik's topic in Nintendo Gaming
You read it here first, folks! -
IGN-Matt hints we'll see Rev games before E3!
Myke Greywolf replied to hamzik's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Megaton = Revolution will launch on November 7 (Yamauchi's birthday). -
I would buy this game on the cuteness factor alone. Who knows... it might even be fun!
Knowing about their current distribution method and the probable low-end budget for this game, it might be a download game for the Revolution. Remember that not every game will come out on disk format... we also have to consider games that will only be distributed on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Well, if you don't think Zelda, Mario, Smash Bros., F-Zero et al can "compete" against those games (whatever "compete" means in your context), why do you want a Revolution anyway? "Competing" is not Nintendo's game. "Competing", in the current generation, resulted in: - Several publishing houses and developers going under. - Only a handful of games a year get to make a profit. - Licences and sequels galore. - Only a limited amount of genres get any attention. - Game development budgets go towards making shiny graphics instead of improving playability and AI. - ... Are you sure that this is the "competition" Nintendo should get into?
Wrong. Many, many low-end plasma and LCD TV's have 480 pixel vertical resolution, even though they are advertised as HD-ready - that only means that they can receive a 720p signal and downsize it to 480p! And those TV sets, the cheap ones, are the ones most people are buying. Nintendo already stated that the Revolution will be able to output a 480p signal, so it won't look worse on those TV's than the PS3 or XBox 360, resolution-wise. You seem to be clearly uninformed about these matters. (This is an eufemism)
A spiritual sequel to Blast Corps. An enormous vehicle with hazardous cargo is making its way through some VERY tight spots. You play the part of the guy who clears the path ahead and directs the vehicle by waving a glow stick to the driver, trying to avoid property damage and a potential disaster.
You DO know why they're putting the 512MB of flash memory, don't you? To compensate for the lack of a hard disk, that's why. If it wasn't present, people would rant on how they aren't able to download their favorite NES, SNES and N64 games without being forced to buy expensive memory cards. The relative lack of memory would make it unable to process HD textures. However, the GameCube has the fastest memory in the present generation (1T-SRAM) and large CPU caches, which enabled it, performance-wise, to surpass the PS2 and almost match the XBox, even having less RAM than its competitors. An evolution of those designs and technologies is expected to be used in the Revolution, in order to enable the Revolution to achieve next-generation visuals without being too expensive, noisy and volumous - 3 things that the XBox 360 is, and that Nintendo is trying to avoid.
Make tha cool Revolution name!
Myke Greywolf replied to Gaijin von Snikbah's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Now seriously... if it's not simply the Nintendo Revolution, I'm betting on Nintendo Freestyle (after the controller). -
Make tha cool Revolution name!
Myke Greywolf replied to Gaijin von Snikbah's topic in Nintendo Gaming
*Mr. Reginald Fils-Aimé comes out at the E3 conference, and addresses the audience* Reggie: "Ladies and gentlemen; for a couple of years now, I've been kicking ass and taking names for Nintendo, and you've been loving it! I've kicked so much ass that I acquired special steel boots so that I won't injure my feet, and my name list goes all the way around planet Mars - twice over! Now, it is time to show you the fruits of all the ass-kicking and name-taking Nintendo has been doing recently, and to take this attitude a step further I present to you - the Nintendo Reggielution!" *Mr. Satoru Iwata and Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto step in from either side of the stage, wearing matching Mario and Luigi costumes, steel boots (a la Super Mario Bros. movie) and wielding enormous notepads and pencils. The curtains open, and the Reggielution is revealed in all its ass-kicking, name-taking glory. It's not much different from the previously seen prototype. The crowd goes "Huh?"* Iwata: "Dear Nintendo fans all over the world; You all know about the revolutionary aspects of our new home console, such as the virtual console and freestyle controller. What you don't know, is that the Reggielution is not only revolutionary, but also reggielutionary! And now, to announce the surprise feature announced in December 2nd, here is Mr. Miyamoto." Miyamoto: "Hi everybody!" Audience: "Hi Mr. Miyamoto." Miyamoto: "So, let me show what this reggielutionary surprise feature is by exemplifying it. Send him in, boys!" *A youngster, barely in his teens, wearing badly matched clothes, his face covered in pimples, and with a "Sony r00l0rz" cap, reluctantly enters stage, and is immediately booed by the crowd* Miyamoto: "Meet Mr. Playstation Fanboy! He came today to visit my humble Nintendo abode, and to have a go at the Reggielution! Isn't that right, Mr. Playstation Fanboy? Say, that's not your real name, is it?" PS Fanboy (pointing at the console): "LOLOL! Is that it? What a joke! Reggielution? More like, Faggielution! The graphics on the PS3 are much better than the ones on that piece of s**t, never mind that I never saw them before! LOLOLOL!!1! Oh, and my name is Daniel." Reggie: "Huuuu, that has got to hurt! What now, Mr. Miyamoto?" Miyamoto: "Well, we'll see if Daniel here has the skills to match his mouth! Care to join me in Smash Bros., Danny?" *Miyamoto gives Danny a freestyle controller* Danny: "LOLOL, look at this piece of trash! It barely has any buttons! How am I supposed to play this s**tty game with this s**tty controller." Miyamoto: "Like this." *Miyamoto the proceeds to completely squash Danny at Smash Bros., using a few well placed waves and moves of the controller to pull out incredible acrobatic moves with his character. Danny's character flies off the screen in less than 10 seconds.* Danny: "I can't believe this! How?..." *Two guards dressed as koopas come in and drag Danny off the stage* Miyamoto: "So, folks, now you know why it's called the Reggielution. If you ever play against someone who doesn't "get it" - like Danny here, you'll be able to easily kick their ass into kingdom come, in true reggielicious fashion! And what Danny here doesn't know, is that the Reggielution's built-in microphone has taken his name when he said it earlier, and sent it through its wireless Internet connection to our world wide database, where it will join the list of jerks who despise Nintendo for no other reason than our commitment to making games fun, regardless of the age of the people playing them!" Iwata: "Soon, the Nintendo police will knock down their doors at 04:00 in the morning, break their PS's, throw their XBoxes out the window, and kidnap their children for enrolling in the "Nintendo Academy for Videogame Reeducation" - all free of charge, of course." Reggie: "It's ass-kicking and name-taking gone extreme! It's the Reggielution revolution in videogaming!" *The crowd roars and goes wild.* -
Versão portuguesa Já alguém reparou em como, na publicidade televisiva em Portugal dos produtos representados pela Concentra (incluindo os da Nintendo), é sempre mencionado o site da Concentra, que quando é acedido, diz que está em "remodelação" e que "tentarão ser breves"? E já alguém reparou que o site já está assim há pelo menos dois anos? English version Has anyone noticed that, in the portuguese TV ads for Concentra-represented products (including Nintendo's), the Concentra site is always mentioned, and that when you try to visit it, it tells you that it's "down for maintenance" and that it will be "available soon"? And has anyone noticed that the site has remained that way for at least the last two years?
Developers speak about Revolution game ideas.
Myke Greywolf replied to BGS's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Was it my imagination, or were most of these developers reeeeealy cautious while talking of what could be done with the controller? Some of them never got to tell us that the possibilities were endless, instead saying that somethings could be done, BUT some other things that we are used to are out of the question. It seems to me that these are people who, having been asked about the possibilities of the controller, were happy to talk about that, but most of them are not really looking forward to work around it, since they're so dependent on the orthodox gameplay models. -
We've had national ID cards in Portugal for ages. *looks around* Hmm... nope. No police state here. We need ID to: - Open bank accounts - Cash cheques - Pick up packages at the mail office - Get a passport - Enter national territory without questioning - Prove our age, if necessary - Give our ID number at the reception desks of some buildings, if requested - Show to the police, if requested and justified We do not feel watched, because all these entities are not related, and don't share information with each other. There's no "big database" tracking our every move. Just a bunch of small databases that are pretty useless by themselves. And there are laws imposing strict rules regarding stored personal information. The card itself might be easily faked, but it's no worse than a driver's license, and not everybody gets one of those.
djamb3: Isso é porque os espanhóis e franceses têm fórums de vÃdeojogos decentes e bem populados nas suas lÃnguas nativas que podem utilizar, ao contrário dos portugueses (RIP Mconsolas.net). Assim, não têm necessidade de frequentar um fórum onde se utiliza primariamente a lÃngua inglesa. Translation: djamb3: That's because the french and the spaniards have decent, well populated, native language forums which they can use, unlike the portuguese (RIP Mconsolas.net). That way, they don't need to use a forum where english language is primarily used. Can you guess where I'm from?
Here's an abridged "no-marketing-bulls**t" version of this interview: Q: So, is there anything we don't know about the Revolution? If so, when will you tell us? A: Yes. Soon. As you can see, zero information lost.
Regarding Nintendo games on that list, it seems like someone just gathered a list of all Nintendo franchises and appended "Revolution" to each one of them. Great job, Einstein!
So who's looking forward to December 2nd?
Myke Greywolf replied to Stocka's topic in Nintendo Gaming
They must know that Nintendo fans all over the world are following their every step, and interpreting their every word - and that the fans will be increasingly disappointed if nothing is revealed within a reasonable time frame. Knowing that, it's possible that Miyamoto will throw a bone at the fans - even if it is a small, almost insignificant bone, just so that we can't say that nothing was revealed. -
Cube games left you intend to buy before REV(56K no!)
Myke Greywolf replied to Stocka's topic in General Gaming Discussion
I have quite a long list, since I include old games that I haven't tried yet. (rated * to ***** for interest) - **** Baten Kaitos 2 - ***** Battalion Wars - **** Chibi Robo - *** Custom Robo - **** Dancing Stage Mario Mix - ** Donkey Konga 2 - ***** Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - *** Gun - **** Hulk: Ultimate Destruction - ***** Legend of Zelda (The): Twilight Princess - *** Mario Smash Football - *** Need for Speed Most Wanted - *** Odama - ** P.N.03 - **** Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness - **** Prince of Persia: The Twin Thrones - *** Shadow the Hedgehog - *** Spartan: Total Warrior - **** The Movies - *** True Crime 2: New York - ***** WWE Day of Reckoning 2 - *** X-Men Legends 2