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Everything posted by OVERLORD

  1. Copied from another forum so thank OP if this resolves your problem but it reminds me of problem I had when I imported a Wiimote from Dealextreme.
  2. Wish I was her neighbour
  3. How about Species star Natasha Henstridge?
  4. Courtesy of Jeuxfrance
  5. Anyone with similar setup might be interested in trying this. Out of curiosity I connected my GC to newly purchased Panasonic DMR-EX87 1080p capable DVD/HDD Recorder via AV2 SCART input having previously connected console directly to the TV with so-so results. Recorders AV2 input would normally be reserved for set-top boxes eg. sattelite/freeview. GC's RGB output before then connected directly to HDTV looked poor in comparison with that found on my 9 year old 29" Mitsubishi. Colours are now more vivid. I can now upscale GC output via HDMI output on DVD recorder to 1080i Expensive upgrade I know. But I bought recorder originally to replace failing VHS recorder. I am trully amazed by the positive results this made to GC's images.
  6. Only wish I was an insider!
  7. Double post!
  8. More trailers posted http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=kyono007
  9. New trailers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K74pZb0gUIs
  10. Nintendo have plenty of cards to play! New screens http://www.dengekionline.com/data/news/2006/11/30/9377a9f499b02d87306e305e53a8d749.html
  11. Oh dear! Guess who isn't getting one.
  12. Hmm.
  13. http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/newsArt.cfm?artid=12467 http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/gameon
  14. Updated Trailers http://www.pokemon.co.jp/game/wii/pbr_sp/
  15. Sorry if this has been already posted. Saw this posted originally here http://www.3dgameman.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44368 New screens:- http://www.ngcfrance.com/news.php?op...0&idx=6041&r=1 http://previews.operationsports.com/...me=madden07wii See IGN for comparison http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/82...43/imgs_1.html Looks like EA got out Mr. Sheen. Looks more polished.
  16. DVDCrave expect new stock 12/11/06 £18 delivered http://www.dvdcrave.com/products/product.jsp?pid=27679
  17. Anyone still looking for this game can buy it for £18.54 delivered here http://www.devoteddvd.com.au/shop/product_info.php?products_id=30203
  18. Having run COD2 with all effects on midrange PC ie 3GHZ P4 128mb direct9 ATI card I'm still impressed by Wii. Even considering this is SD rather than HD, which PC can do. The original footage gave far more insight into Wii capability and looked good for a rumoured 700MHZ CPU, directx 7 tweaked console!
  19. http://www.jeux-france.com/jfplayer_video6487.html http://www.jeux-france.com/jfplayer_video6486.html http://www.jeux-france.com/jfplayer_video6481.html
  20. New footage http://www.jeux-france.com/jfplayer_video6476.html
  21. Get real! Even off screen they look better than mag scans presented recently!
  22. Hope someone handcuffs you, to prevent you doing anymore damage! Mods please imprison this man for such treachery Treason of this kind should be punished! A padded cell would be too kind. Loose the pads. Replace with Katana blades. Impale him till he succumbs to Wii-NV! :wink:
  23. http://www.jeux-france.com/downloads6475_video-call-of-duty-3.html Limited bandwidth may cause delay. Please persevere.
  24. Relax m8. Neither was your comment. Many of us thank you for that insightful yet equally contrite contribution. Glad you participated and got this off your chest. Next!
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