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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. It seems that Japan is getting Picross e3 next week for ¥500.
  2. You can start buying Master Seals after you complete Chapter 12/13 and Second Seals will be available to buy a few chapters after that. Until then keep shuffling your units.
  3. Yeah, they're celebrating their 15th Anniversary but more importantly, that's a super price! and for a game that suits digital distribution well.
  4. Donnel's birthday today. Visit the barracks!
  5. That's right. Someone who has MH3U on the 3DS gets a recommendation code. They can then give that code to a friend who registers their 3DS/XL console between June 3rd - July 31st 2013 and claim a free digital copy of MH3U for their 3DS.
  6. North America on June 13 and Europe on June 27. EDIT: Should've checked the home page but that was fast, Aaron!
  7. Yes it will. Animal Crossing is roughly 1 GB.
  8. You know release is close when Red whips out his consistently great Avatar & Sig combos!
  9. Some sumptuous art work. The rest: http://www.flickr.com/photos/86349099@N04/sets/72157633924180569/
  10. Actually dug up my cousins GCN to play it for a bit. Lo & behold, 1080 was inside! switched it on but only got up to the main menu as I was there to do them a favour. However, I was lucky enough to listen to this once again... I do want to see another 1080/Wave Race game but we'll just have to wait and see if it materialises.
  11. Sign me up. Dem0 - 0903-2725-1475
  12. Yup, a lot of people will be getting this game. The only question on my mind at the moment is what am I naming my town. Do you have your ideal town name?
  13. That is indeed a good price. I say those who are getting this on release should pre-order now just to make sure they at least get that price.
  14. Just wanted you to know that I've added your 3DS friend code but I can't 'mention' you in the thread. Here's mine:



  15. You'll defintely enjoy both Fire Emblem & Kid Icarus. Those are my top 2 retail games. There is indeed a variety of good 3DS eShop games. Here are the ones I own: Mighty Switch Force! Pullblox VVVVVV Mutant Mudds Dillon's Rolling Western Zen Pinball Marvel Pinball Bird Mania 3D Splash or Crash Freakyforms escapeVektor Speedthru: Potzol's Puzzle Art of Balance TOUCH! The Denpa Men: They Came by Wave Crimson Shroud Liberation Maiden Aero Porter Colors 3D! (Painting app) However there are still many other good titles that I haven't bought yet such as NightSky, Fallblox, Hydroventure, The Denpa Men 2, Nano Assault EX, Gunman Clive, Picross E & E2, Harmoknight, Mario & Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move, Sakura Samurai etc. EDIT: 3DS eShop games (EU/PAL) filtered by rating on NL: http://www.nintendolife.com/eshop/games?region=pal&system=eshop&submit=Filter&sort=rating
  16. Thanks for the add @Rummy also updated the original post with your new code.
  17. Retail games only? Fire Emblem: Awakening, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Super Mario 3D Land, Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater, Devil Survivor: Overclocked, Luigi's Mansion 2, Resident Evil Revelations, Ocarina of Time 3D and the recently released Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D.
  18. You can only enter once.
  19. 598 to be exact, and yeah seeing as the 'New World' started recently with Punk Hazard we've got some more years ahead. On a side note it I heard that the last two episodes of One Piece has finally picked up, I'm actually surprised at the very slow pace of the latest anime arc considering how much better it was in the manga.
  20. So far this is: http://www.wowhd.co.uk/games/monster-hunter-3-ultimate-nintendo-wii-u/dp/31331167?affid=11195
  21. http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Misc-/Campaigns/Monster-Hunter-Gift-Hunt-Together-Promotion/Monster-Hunter-Gift-Hunt-Together-Promotion-760515.html
  22. No, I'll just take my leave silently now. Yes I am...
  23. Which is what it always should have been. Thank Nintendo Direct!
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