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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. I see what you mean, not many people have this version or they don't need it because they have/played the original/HD collection. Anyway IMO, this version was awesome, but this game NEEDS to be played on a TV. I've been pretty quiet only due to the fact that the only game I've played since the launch of MGS 3D is MGS 3D! (and a spot of revelations)
  2. Pretty nice trailer, the Dual mechanics are looking really good. Krom looks friggin awesome! can't wait to kick ass with him in the next smash This was from Gonintendo via Siliconera:
  3. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2012/03/3d_beauty_clock_timing_a_release_on_3ds_in_japan Awkward bit of news, it's JP only so far.
  4. AH! so that's why I saw his life guage and stamina bar for a few moments, I actually considered popping him from distance, but there were two sentries with him aswell. so while I was figuring out the best way to take em out, he disappeared
  5. Good to hear Gibbs! hopefully you'll start to enjoy the game soon welsh, as I honestly can't stop playing this! always knew this was awesome but not this much. I'm currently playing in Hard difficulty and have played 6hrs+. I've been waiting to play this game properly for so long and I can happily say that its delivering. so far it's the best MGS game that I have played (excluding 4). the story is superb, and the historical references makes the story all the more real even though I hate history and can't stand the dull, black + white media from yesteryear, I can't help but read, listen and understand each word in every cut-scene, this is only helped by the awesome characters as well. the fact that I look forward to listening to para-medics movie experiences after saving the game every time only reinforces my point. The stealth in this game is top-notch, the guards/enemies are very intelligent and are more difficult to evade compared to the previous games, but using what in your bag or surroundings can help especially the animals! its always fun to watch their reactions after throwing animals (that you've captured alive) at them. speaking about animals I've already eaten; Crocodile Snake Rat Frog Fruits Fish Crab Noodles Squirrel Bat Hornet nest Ration ...but there's still an entire jungle out there to feast upon! the controls with the CPP make it MUCH easier to play so far I have had no issues with the controls. the atmosphere that the game creates through the stunning visuals and the crisp audio are one of the main reasons why this game is so good considering this title was released almost a decade ago proves this point.
  6. @Agent Gibbs I'm really liking that case! BTW after attaching the "Armour" to the 3DS, you can't use the CPP without taking it off by the looks of things. so how easy/hard is to De-attach/attach.
  7. Yay finally pit won! based on what I read it sounds like these AR cards are going to be hard to collect. well at this moment in time that is.
  8. New Characters & New details on the Job system. http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/36225/new-dragon-quest-x-characters-unveiled/
  9. http://www.renegadekid.com/bombmonkey.htm The above is a link to 'Renegade Kid's' NEW website. the site only consists of a single page teasing a NEW eShop title for the 3DS. I'm really interested to see how this one turns out as I'm a BIG fan of Mutant Mudds! Btw... Give me some Mutant Mudds!
  10. Sure thing! and yes I do have the CPP, it came with Resi.
  11. My copy just arrived, but I won't be playing now because I'm busy. But I shall enjoy it tonight! ah but my bro's playing now.
  12. Valiant effort by The Arsenal. A few of them looked as though they were carrying injuries, but they soldiered on. Newcastle next, it will be a tough game at home on Monday, they've got to keep performing like they have in recent games. Let's move up the league.
  13. A host of downloadable treats have been announced for NOA. the majority of these titles are 3DS Download Software. Here are some notable mentions: 8th March Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! $4.99 (I'm guessing this will be £4.50 in the UK) 15th March Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble $4.99 Shinobi $3.99 Dragon Crystal $2.99 22nd March Zombie Slayer Diox $5.99. Haven't heard anything on this game, but it's another "Zombie" themed game (3 already) Here's the trailer: April Colors! 3D Rhythm Thief & the Emperor’s Treasure 3DS Demo For the full link: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2012/03/north_america_these_are_your_upcoming_eshop_games Quite a nice mix coming very soon to the NA, come on NOE we need more 3DS Download Software!
  14. New Details from Gonintendo via http://www.siliconera.com/2012/03/02/friends-can-help-you-win-fire-emblem-awakening-battles/: - allows for local wi-fi dual tags - allows nearby allies to join you in a skirmish - friends act as extra support - also supports StreetPass for My Unit exchanging and side-story maps - features a bond system, which affects battles - develop ties when fighting together on the battlefield
  15. I haven't received any e-mails yet, when were we supposed to find out if we won or not?
  16. Monster Hunter was great, KH was Awesome, now THIS? It's too much now, this is just plain unfair (if it stays in JP) it looks beyond awesome. any inside pics Ike? Just saw the Bundle-Box on Gonintendo:
  17. eShop Update The eShop has gone Retro this Month, Here's what's on offer this week. 3DS Demo: Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games 3DS owners have an opportunity to try out Mario and Sonic's latest Main-event collaboration. 3DS VC Super Mario Bros. The NES Classic is now available to the public. It was originally part of the 10 NES Ambassador games available for 3DS early adopters. Most people would already have downloaded this on their Wii, if not then you can get it now on your 3DS for a shocking £4.50 price. I was expecting these (NES Titles) to be cheaper than the GB VC titles, but now I'm worrying about the soon-to-come Game Gear VC downloadables. Punch-Out!! Another All-time great, although the same thing can be said about this too, A lot of Wii owners would already have this game as it's one of the best VC titles available, and IMO one of the best games Ninty has ever made, having said that it still shouldn't be priced at £4.50. but I may download this game at some point in the future.
  18. The rest of ONM's Preview: http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/35992/rhythm-thief-preview/
  19. I finally got a 3 star rating. I got very annoyed at one point, so I decided to try and get 3 stars on a single GP every week. 1 GP every week. that way I won't get annoyed as much and I wouldn't have wasted a lot of time, eventually it paid off especially yesterday as I felt confident and completed 4 Mirror Mode GP's all with 3 stars on the first attempt.
  20. March will now be known as "VC" Month. The EU will be seeing a total of 12 VC titles across the Wii & 3DS. Here's are the 3DS VC games: Dr. Mario (Game Boy) — Pills and viruses once again with the good doctor. Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters (Game Boy) — To nobody's surprise, Nintendo is preparing this GB-only title ahead of the launch of Kid Icarus: Uprising. Punch-Out!! (NES) — One of two NES titles heading to 3DS this week, alongside... Super Mario Bros. (NES) — No introduction necessary, surely. Dragon Crystal (Game Gear) — An intriguing roguelike, if not a bona fide classic. Shinobi (Game Gear) — More Musashi action on the go. Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble (Game Gear) — The first appearance of Nack/Fang the Weasel, fact fans. Quite the haul? Nintendo: For the Full list, Including the Wii titles hit the following link: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2012/02/european_virtual_console_set_for_bumper_march_crop
  21. LOL! those times where I would try to save All those weapons even those that were Grade C, I would even take down the map's boss with a D/E weapon. memories are flooding back, Oh the stinginess!
  22. Awesome Cover! Trying to show something with Marth going the other way?
  23. http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/121/1219540p1.html I've hardly played KH, so I don't really know, but does it's story SUCK? or is this another typical IGN article. This question goes out to anyone who's played KH or knows the story.
  24. What about if the opposite happens? I streetpasseed a female gamer last week who recently played "Shrek" (don't know which one)... Surely if you don't know what game to get, then at the very least purchase 3DL or Nintendogs & Cats. but perhaps they didn't buy it themselves It was vomit worthy nonetheless.
  25. that's a gorgeous cover! is there a possibility that the west can get the bundle? if so I'd definitely want that. either way I'm buying this game.
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