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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. That's really good! especially your FFA Wins. that's a 60.8 win percentage! I mean winning (1st Place) FFA's aren't easy. Also that's a pretty sweet deal with the +3 Heart Bonus, awesome stuff.
  2. I don't mind about the speed, I'm a fan of Strategy +/ RPGs. Have you played it @Serebii?
  3. 3DS Game Card Sizes http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=174709 I don't get this. 512MB Card One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP Episode 1 (Bandai Namco) 2GB Card One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP (Bandai Namco) There's only one One Piece game for the 3DS and it's One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP yet namco cut the game in half. so which one is correct; the 2GB Card or the 512MB Card? either way those lazy assess couldn't be bothered to deliver what they originally stated and blamed it on translations instead. Kid Icarus: Uprising (Nintendo) Monster Hunter Tri G (Capcom) Pretty impressed with Uprising, jam-packed with content all in a 2GB card. 4GB Card Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (Square Enix) Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D (Konami) New Love Plus (Konami) Resident Evil Revelations (Capcom)
  4. I've not heard much about this game (Nobunaga's Ambition) since it was revealed in December. is anyone expecting much from this?
  5. -Dem0-

    Do you watch One Piece or do you read the manga, or both?

  6. How's the online going for everyone? I havent changed my weapon in a while mainly because it's very good, but it's flaws are holding me back a bit. these are what I'm waiting for!
  7. Le Tissier pointed that out a couple of times during coverage as well. Wenger's been saying for a while now that we need to focus, todays performance only reinforced his words. We need to amp up our game and beat those b-mancs. speaking about the b-mancs... Sunderland should've won the game, they played better & Dzeko went for a dip. But boy is Bendtner performing, and don't forget the ever consistent Larsson. unlucky cats.
  8. Just found this out this morning. It seems they've caught him early on, seeing as they were aware of his fever before the diagnosis, hope he gets better soon. In other news Carroll has said; I don't see him scoring today, infact I think Newcastle have a pretty good chance of winning this match.
  9. Actually I was going to ask you about Triple Trouble too.
  10. SEGA are axing jobs & cancelling games in order to tackle their massive losses. http://www.segasammy.co.jp/english/pdf/release/20120330sega_kaikaku_e_final.pdf
  11. Two New Trailers. Some Artwork.
  12. Look's really sweet! THAT metallic blue!
  13. I see, that's what H-o-T was talking about too. Well after you progress in the SOLO mode you could try playing against low level bots, to kick things off and then see how it goes from there.
  14. If you have time you should get into the multiplayer, it's fun & fast paced and you'll get used to the controls very quickly, not ignoring the other benefits such as earning more hearts and acquiring new weapons & powers.
  15. Latest Trailer for FE: A http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/36797/fire-emblem-3ds-trailer-showcases-brutal-battle-scenes/ Nothing new really, it's just showing some more battles scenes, classes & leveling up. Perhaps getting those lucky JP gamers hyped up for it's release next month.
  16. This should look pretty good in 3D. I shall eagerly await the first gameplay video.
  17. No problems Sam, I enjoy reading your reviews. looking forward to it!
  18. Natural stylus.
  19. Is it this? http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=9097483
  20. Someones 3DS screen-protector after playing Uprising... What kind of screw-driver of a stylus were they using? besides, how hard are they pressing down on the screen?
  21. @Ike Just in case you haven't read Nintendolife's review for Dragon Crystal; here it is: http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/eshop/dragon_crystal_gamegear It's a Good read.
  22. I see, well I really want to get into DQ now. I've got DQ IV, V, VI, IX & DQMJ2 all to play this Holiday... and that's only part of the DS games in my backlog, let alone 3DS & Wii titles. There's at least 30/40 games that I need to play it's almost a joke. But hey, what are holidays for anyway?
  23. crud. you must seriously love this (DQM), I can't wait to play it now!
  24. When the 3DS is moved/shaked there are sounds that come from it; this is usually the built in pedometer. Does it sound 'Awkward' or 'Different'? Believe it or not, my 3DS was out of order for about 1 month (Major water spill) I left it to dry and it's been working fine ever since. (it's been at least 5 months since the incident) Have you tried leaving the console alone for at least a day?
  25. same for Punch-Out!! the rest of the titles will probably be updated as they become available to everyone. anyway. I'm slightly interested in playing Shinobi. Anyone else thinking of playing some GG games?
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