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Everything posted by -Dem0-

  1. First 105 minutes.
  2. Nah not me, I've got all the other Layton titles physically and I seriously enjoy having those delicious boxes on my shelf. Layton 5 will join the family.
  3. Likewise, episodes 7-10 all give me that same message.
  4. Reviews: http://www.cubed3.com/review/1163/1/professor-layton-and-the-miracle-mask-nintendo.html http://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/3ds/professor_layton_and_the_mask_of_miracle
  5. From the official Twitter: So, if there's a sequel it should happen on the 3DS.
  6. I don't know what you mean, but here's the unqoted PR email that was on GoNintendo: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=187901
  7. I finally got my first Dream World Pokemon, it's Onix! Nature -Impish Ability -Weak Armor My Black 2 FC: 3225 3451 4315 Any of you guys play competitively? I've been thinking about giving it a go after I finish this game.
  8. Call of Duty ELITE is now FREE for Black Ops II
  9. No, haven't watched them since the 4/5th episode. But I would usually watch them right as the eShop weekly update happened, so we're talking around 2:00pm. Have you tried again recently? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mutant Mudds DLC trailer
  10. Actually Nuketown was a pretty hectic affair, strategy goes out the window on this stage. What I hated most about that stage was the people who would sit at a respawn point, be it behind the fence, hedges or that little shed, it's annoying as hell. But more often than not, I'd have a few laughs throughout. Fore example, at the very start of the match your entire team would come forward and start chucking grenades to the other side for a chance to bag a kill or two, but at least half of them get killed themselves by opposition grenades. The funniest part is that they do it every single time.
  11. Why is that lostmario?
  12. Pokemon Train http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2012/10/121012_e02.html
  13. -Dem0-

    "Jinbei, Join.... my crew!"

    Was that great or was that great!? Even though nothing happened in this episode (action-wise) I still thought it was a really good episode. The best part was the transfusion, where it showed the suffering that had been going on in the past, and having "We Go!" played in the background added to it.

    I thought Jinbei was going to join the Strawhats but I'm a bit confused as I was recently spoiled a bit through a later manga chapter and I couldn't see Jinbei with the crew.

  14. When you launch the game select “Mystery Gift" then “Receive Gift" after that download it through Nintendo WFC. Collect it from the delivery man in any pokemon center.
  15. Dewott, Swadloon, Magnemite, Growlithe, Lucario & Genesect now.
  16. Just came across this review: www.destructoid.com/review-code-of-princess-236347.phtml
  17. How long is this going for or is it just based on a limited amount of stock? Anyone apart from canand getting this?
  18. I got therian forme Tornadus.
  19. After the 1st Gym I have a Riolu, Oshawott, Swablu, Sewaddle, & Genesect.
  20. I don't know, in fact I haven't even come across any shaking grass so far.
  21. DLC Another Story: Future of Despair 3 (18th October~) The war in the future of despair has reached its final battle. Can the future of the children really be changed?
  22. Well having a major release arrive the day before launch, which is also your Bday must be great. Happy Birthday! Black 2 has arrived today, but I just got home 30 minutes ago.
  23. Jools Watsham: Lovely! btw, what happened to Bomb Monkey? EDIT: October 18th for the EU & the 25th for NA.
  24. Chasing Aurora Here's an interview between the developer; Broken Rules and NintendoLife. /10/interview_broken_rules_talks_about_chasing_aurora_and_being_early_on_wii_u"]http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2012/10/interview_broken_rules_talks_about_chasing_aurora_and_being_early_on_wii_u[/b]
  25. eShop retail game file sizes: -Animal Crossing: Jump Out – 8,192 blocks (1 GB) -Mario & Sonic at the London Olympics – 4,096 blocks (512 MB) -Mario Kart 7 – 8,192 blocks (1 GB) -Mario Tennis Open – 4,096 blocks (512 MB) -Super Mario 3D Land – 4,096 blocks (512 MB) -Pilotwings Resort – 1,024 blocks (128 MB) -Hana to Ikimono no Rittai Zukan (3D Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna) – 8,192 blocks (1 GB) -Star Fox 64 3D – 5,120 blocks (640 MB) -The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D – 4,096 blocks (512 MB) I would've thought that AC will be bigger than that.
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