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Everything posted by taiq

  1. It has virtually no exclusive games. That says it all, really.
  2. Isn't it supposed to be out in America today? Wikipedia says so, and Wikipedia is never, ever wrong.
  3. Legend of Zelda Mother Snake Rattle & Roll
  4. Another World by Delphine (SNES) Today, games are becoming more and more like movies. There's that upcoming "The Movies" game, Fahrenheit for the PS2, and also that DS game whose title I forgot. Another World, released in 1991, was the first game to attempt this - and it r0x0rs. A very stylish, very absorbing game based on the Shadow & Flame engine. Play it now, you wuss. Intelligent Qube by SCEI (PS) A rockin' puzzle game that ISN'T a Tetris clone, with grand symphonic music. Nothing could go wrong, you might think - and nothing does. Well, the visuals are a bit dull I guess - but it's as fun as a weekend with Audrey Tautou and only half as exhausting. Basically, you're a man standing on a big, cubic structure in space. You can hit X to mark a square, then hit X again to capture whatever's rolled onto it. A group of cubes rush from one end of the arena to the other, and you have to capture some - the grey and green - and avoid others - the black. Capturing grey cubes will expand the arena, lessening your chances of falling off. Likewise, capturing a black cube will knock bits off the arena. Capturing green cubes will activate extra marked squares that you can activate seperately. It's not confusing, I'm just highly illiterate. You should also play Valkyrie Profile, Vagrant Story, Wild Guns and Commander Keen, but I'm not writing about those.
  5. This is highly arousing. This does have practical applications, you can use it to make models of characters, objects, guns, etc and put them directly into the game, saving a lot of time and money making the graphics - which is what we need. Less money = less risk = more quirky and crazy games.
  6. Did I miss a cutscene or something? I saw a character hand someone a box in the street, then I went into a hospital and shot some Regenerator-looking fellows... and there's a man hanging on a string every time you look around. I'm frightened.
  7. I have the opportunity to buy a Dreamcast for $80 AU (which is something like 30 pounds). Would you say it's worth it? I can think of a couple of games I'd like, but I'm pretty poor and I wouldn't be able to buy any Cube or DS games until xmas - and I really want Tales of Symphonia and Golden Sun.
  8. My criteria for purchasing a console, in order: - Who is EAD developing for? - Are there a significant number of interesting quirky titles? (Katamari, Ico, Pikmin, etc) - Who is Capcom developing for? - Who is Namco developing for? - Which system has the most RPGs? Because of this I purchased Nintendo's console as well as Sony's this generation; but not Microsoft's. I suspect the same will be true of the next generation, though I hear Sony is losing a lot of third party support.
  9. As long as they're not taking steps back, it doesn't bother me. I'd rather have a cheap console that's easy for third parties to develop for. Realistically, there's not really a lot more you can do right now. Resident Evil 4 was fucking amazing, for the next few years you can only make minor improvements upon that.
  10. Hey, that sounds pretty awesome. RES (pronounced 'rez') - Revolutionary Entertainment System. Good idea. Personally, I'm rooting for Nintendo Waffler.
  11. have the ability to remove the "remote" and use it mid-play. Just think, playing Zelda with a GameCube-style controller, but when you start a battle, you grab the remote from the back (like a DS stylus) and wave it around to use your sword, then sheathing it in the shell again.
  12. I really hope they don't call it Revolution. I sort of like the title "Pandora", you know, with Pandora's Box being an advertising theme. That, or the Nintendo Happy Joybox 5000.
  13. An N64 ROM is usually about 14mb. Some are bigger (64mb is the biggest) and some are smaller (2mb is the smallest). A SNES ROM is usually about 2mb. I think the biggest is 8 and the smallest is 200kb. A NES ROM is between 20 and 200kb. You should be able to save 30 N64 games at any time, plus more on cards you can buy.
  14. I'm not playing anything right now, sadly. I have a stack of games I haven't played, but none of them grabbed my interest in what I've played. (Final Fantasy 1,2,8, Suikoden 2, Breath of Fire 3,4). I'm spending my time hunting down the few games I really crave.
  15. It was Pitcairn Island, here's a link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitcairn_sexual_assault_trial_of_2004 I agree with dukkadukka. This is a tremendous act of animal cruelty, but much worse things happen to animals raised for meat (and don't argue intelligence, pigs are more intelligent than dogs).
  16. I liked Vice City, it wasn't great but it was fun. I had a short go with San Andreas, but I don't like its style (the whole rapper/gangster pimp thing). Okami looks gorgeous! I'll have to pick that up as soon as it's out!
  17. You should be able to find hundreds of FAQs online. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=313348 It's pretty easy. Put a Windows CD in your drive, reboot*, follow the prompts and select "delete all partitions". Install on the big blank one. Voila. * You may have to tell your PC to boot from the CD first, hard drive second, etc. Reboot and it should say "Push DEL to enter setup" or "Push F12 to enter setup", make the CD top of the boot order.
  18. You must play Banjo-Tooie. The first one is great, but Tooie is absolutely amazing! Space Station Silicon Valley is a great overlooked gem. It's a sort of platformer/puzzle game where you control a microchip that can possess all sorts of animals. If you like platformers, grab Rayman 2 (it's much better than any of the other games) and Donkey Kong 64 (provided you don't mind collecting heaps of stuff). Winback is anothe really nice title that got absolutely no recognition. And the obvious - Super Mario 64, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask.
  19. This isn't related to Shigsy at all, but I just wanted to say that I want a Donkey Kong Classic level in SSBR. You know, from the original DK, first level - a construction tower where barrels are rolling all round the place and hammers and the like.
  20. I'd have to say Knights of the Old Republic. Perfect balance between freedom and linearity, with a great battle system, interesting story and excellent character development. The light side/dark side system was a stroke of genius, too, meaning you have to play it at least twice to get the whole story -- and you can still replay it again and do things differently. I love it. Other notables - Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil remake, Golden Sun, The Wind Waker, Katamari Damacy
  21. I've only ever owned Nintendo consoles (GB, GBC, GBpocket, GBA, DS, SNES, N64, Cube) and a Sega (Mega-drive 2), but I just bought a cheap modded* PS2 and I'm unsure of what games to get. Can anyone recommend me some really great titles? I tend to like RPG/adventure games (but I dislike Final Fantasy due to the amount of cutscenes and bad gameplay) like Zelda, Breath of Fire, Earthbound, etc - and quirky games like Katamari and Rez. What I already own: We Love Katamari, Rez, Ultimate Spiderman, GTA:VC, AFL 2003 What I want but can't find: Beyond Good & Evil, Code: Veronica, Super Monkey Ball DX What I'm unsure about because it sounds really interesting, but a little boring: Ico * To play my imported "We Love Katamari" which won't come out here in Aus, not warez
  22. I wouldn't like to see him as a character. He should have his own mode. Shigsy mode, sort of like the "Adventure" in SSBM. Miyamoto is in the background, and he draws enemies that come to life to attack you. Over time, he draws bigger enemies, he draws quicker, he uses 4 or 5 hands to draw multiple enemies at a time. It doesn't end, it just keeps getting harder. If you get high enough scores, you can unlock his bio and maybe an interview.
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