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About Syxoed

  • Birthday 09/29/1989

Personal Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Drawing, the piano, latin?
  • Occupation
    I'm a Manga artist, and I work part time playing the piano.


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    2 Gameboys colours, Gamecube, GBA SP.
  • Other Systems Owned
  • Favourite Game?
    Super Smash Bros, Legend of Zelda, Killer7.
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Link, Samus.
  • Gender

Syxoed's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Funny as hell heck!
  2. Lol, keep it up lad
  3. Topic, you just get a " [/img] " what are you supposed to insert inbetween? Sorry for horribly stupid question.
  4. Sprout, you make my christmas worth living... ...maybe not, but it's quite remarkable that you use paint, impressive at the very least. You should maybe go on to drawing?
  5. 1. - Killer7, I love that fucked up game 2. - Super Smash Bros Meele, I'm still playing it 3. - Metroid Prime, such good memories 4. - Legend of Zleda, need I sa more? 5. - Pokemon, wonderful games
  6. Pikachu. He's my toy in super smash bros, I love that game!
  7. I agree with you Meo, just spend millions in marketing, and if done correctly it'll pay back in sales.
  8. Yeah, a tennis, golf, baseball and even *shivers* cricket... All of those would fit perfectly.
  9. I agree, "N5" or "Boxofinconceivablehorror."
  10. "Ominous", sorry.
  11. Lol, "brb". Forboding...
  12. Sorry for double posting.
  13. I think the controler rocks, but I still don't get how SSB will be played...
  14. So who was Iwazaru anyway?
  15. It's dull to be searious.
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