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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. man, nuclear death jeeps are so good. I use that alot with my regular guys Nice idea with that plane attack mind. I'm gonna try that.
  2. Nice one Dante. I wasn't planning on reading the entire series or anything, and it's not like you're talking about a major character, either. oh wait...
  3. Not sure 'glory' is quite the word I'd use...
  4. I'm not saying it wouldn't work, I'm saying nobody would pay for it.
  5. I think a vice movie would be impossible. Part of the whole thing of the book is how stupidly...mundane super heroics are in that world- you know like 'hey honey. sorry I'm late I was battling a time dragon" or whatever. In a comic, you can just do that. In a film you can only do that with a stupid large CGI budget (and a film about five hours long)
  6. oh, definitely the 'awesome' kind of huge. I'm sure I've already mentioned that I think Kirkman is planning on bringing the coalition sub plot to the centre. It makes alot of sense. 66-67 is just the beginning. I wasn't sure about Walker but some of Destroyer rocked the house. He's waaaay better than he was (although he'll never be as good as the current team is)
  7. small point about Invincible: 14 Months on, is the term 'all new, all awesome' not running out of steam? the 'aftermath' banner still tickles me. Nice piss take of Dark Reign. also: Yeah no more Conquest. Then we have 2 issues before the artisté switcheroo. I'm expecting that arc to be huuuuuuuuge.
  8. haha nice try, but no. I used to be a big fan. They were the first band I ever saw live. dull dull dull.
  9. There's more? fuck! urrgh it's rancid. I've rarely been so bored listening to music. Just...blaah. What happened to these guys? They used to be fucking amazing.
  10. Jesus Fuck. You guys like that song? total gash, people. Irredeemable.
  11. Good to know. I might watch if I feel the need to hate someone.
  12. tempted to watch, but being young and living at home I'm not sure I'd escape from the show unscathed. These kids have never lived alone though right? least I did uni for 3 years.
  13. Got laid eh? well I played videogames and drank alone! awww yea! ....
  14. Congrats dude.
  15. That would be most awsum! you got scans or real issues? :p
  16. sounds like the dude is crying out for more New Games Journalism. If he is, he's a damn fool. NGJ is the most god awful, pretentious would be gonzo guff cloud ever conceived.
  17. haahahaahaahahaahahaahahahaha!
  18. in support of Rourke: There's no post processing on that image. Ever seen un-doctored footage from films like LOTR? goes from 'Fantasy Epic' to 'Bunch of dicks in a wood' fairly fast. So much of the look of a film is created in the editing room that judging anything by set photos is a fools game.
  19. Yeah I'm looking for Green Lantern 20+ and Green Lantern Corps 13+ and any other Sinistro/ Corps material. The ones I have atm are terrible scans. Some douche scanned in all the two page spreads out of order and lumped them together in the back of the scan. total nonsense. It's impossible to read.
  20. I'm trying to work my way towards Blackest Night via my dogshit GL scans. It's...fuck, next to impossible. Replacements have to be found because I'm really getting in to it. edit: rats. thanks for trying anyway.
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