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killer kirby

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Everything posted by killer kirby

  1. Last time I checked he ain't a big fan of FFVIII(I could be mistaken)...still think he has good taste in RPG's?
  2. This is the first game I have ever gone into a store to get ready for an area, this is...weird, yet...nice, I want to dis this game yet...something draws me to it unlike what the other Paper Mario games did. I'm confused. Also agree with Ron, Mario Galaxy series Zelda since after MM have all sucked.
  4. Cool game. Easily a 6/10 game for me very well done.
  5. The game only has a small fan base, no one else is interested in these types of games, it was going to have a big 1st week with week after that being small to nothing. Just like all the other Capcom x Namco games.
  6. Grew in how awesome I was, opportunities came and I took them, I have moved into an awesome house that's close to town so easy to walk back after a going out and getting smashed. Became a Personal Trainer but rather than get paid I get benefits (Free meals, cheaper groceries, cheaper games etc etc...) since I get paid really well where I work as it is. Goal is always to make sure each year is better than the last and for 4 years straight it has, this year will get better I'm sure of it. Main goal for this year is to make twice as much money than last year
  7. Spoiler that shit hero. And you do know oxygen that dragon quest v on the ps2 is one of the best remakes out there. So the game being supervised and made by the same people that made dqv is a sure bet Thayer this too will be a very well done remake.
  8. Really!? I'm shocked you never told us this before now. Ok let's scrap the whole top 50 and do it all over again for Wii's sake! Good list by the way, only 1 game I voted didn't get in Ah well, great list of games on that list love it!
  9. Boo fucking hoo, at least you guys get fucking 18+ games.
  10. If that's the case, why do games like Zelda, Mario and even Final Fantasy come out here so quickly after Japan's release or even yet still before Japan's release? I understand that localisation is a bitch, 10 years ago. Now it's easy to connect everywhere, it should not be hard to keep close contact with translators while the game is being made, Atlus does with most of their SMT games, why not Nintendo? You know how frustrating it is to see a new redone built from ground up FFXIV coming out all around the world yet see that Dragon Quest X get hushed away with not a single mention of it coming here.
  11. *Looks at list for any Dragon Quest sign*
  12. Meanwhile in Japan, they are enjoying Monster Hunter 3G (Now on WiiU as well over there), Dragon Quest X and Animal Crossing, while we enjoy?...Paper Mario?
  13. .....ooooook, whatever you say. Looks like a N64 game alright.
  14. guys, guys, guys...guess what Australia has had since launch. (Gotta buy it soon but paying for other shit at the moment)
  15. Low scores mean nothing to me now, I mean I still remember when God Hand got a 3/10 from IGN.
  16. Dragon Quest X WiiU footage or whatever I don't really care.
  17. Can I ask a simple question...do people get hyped over Nintendo Directs? I mean seriously, do people expect big big announcements or something on these types of events. (Just seeing people disappointed in with what was just shown)
  18. Pretty much (Still have a galaxy 3 over an iphone anyday.)
  19. I was having a talk with my roommate who is a big online gamer, pretty much he told me yesterday 'It's funny, I really think games and gamers in general are becoming isolated because everything is online, where is the fun in local multiplayer?' To which then of course he and I had a game of Nintendo Land and had a ball. But it has made me thinking, online may make the game more enjoyable, but having so may get rid of the intention of what this game is all about. Iwata said in a Nintendo Direct that most families now keep to themselves because of smartphones and tablets. No one is connecting with one another. Nintendo created Nintendo Land and perhaps the WiiU in general so family and friends can come together and play together. Do not get me wrong, I love online games, my two most hyped up future release games is an MMO and the other is a must for online as well. But for people to get the most out of a game like this they need to connect with people, imagine a little boy playing online and his father wants to know what he's up to only to say 'Playing online with some friends' instead of 'Why not come and play with me to find out.' and not having a good bond. I had fantastic times with my father playing Donkey Kong, Mario and Tetris on the SNES if those games had online I perhaps wouldn't have played with my father as much in games. In this day and age though, many kids are more isolated and absorbed with online, my nephew of 6 years old is obsessed with playing COD I never see him with his dad playing a games together. To me I just think that there are boundaries on online in games, not every game needs it. and if Nintendo really didn't care about online in Nintendo Land we would never have gotten the Miiverse integration and having the whole land filled with other players talking about their experience. But that's just how I see it Sorry for going on a rant
  20. Because of the Miiverse I love this game even more! I mean now I think just how much more fun games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros are going to be with the Miiverse
  21. It miles better than trying to find it in a scattered empty world with water. But I still agree, but as long as Nintendo keep improving. You never know we might get the triforce shards in dedicated temples soon! That's never been done befo...oh wait.
  22. Like Grazza said...Looks like it could be the best 3DS game so far!
  23. More screenies
  24. Only time I really pay more attention to the music is if I am dulled out by the game itself, hence why I know the Wind Waker music so well.
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