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Everything posted by evad_lhorg

  1. just looks like ninja gaiden/DMC. Those games are great but I dont really want a clone.
  2. If I have loads of stars that come with games that I havnt actually put onto my account will they be ok?
  3. Play-asia's white ones are not official. I have seen them. game sell them for £10
  4. who do people play as? I havnt played a smash bros since the n64 and I cant remmeber it really. I have been messing around as kirby. got it on wednesday and played a few online games with no problems. Ill have to read up on a lot of stuff cause im pretty much just button bashing
  5. evad_lhorg


    well in Dublin city center they are a minute walk from each other on either side of the city
  6. evad_lhorg


    what's that?
  7. i have been playing this for the last 3 hours. very very good. the driving is a lot more realistic. Niko controls very heavy and walks real slow. The mobile phone is really well done. cant wait to properly get into it.
  8. played a little of this yesterday. very strange game. will take a while to get used to the dual screen fighting thing but it seems very well done. it is a bit mad though.
  9. oh Chobot is so hot
  10. ill never forget my last pikmin experience and I havnt gone back to it since, the pain is too much. I was playing pikmin 2 and I was in one of the caves early on in the game and came across a giant slug as the cave boss. I was kicking it's ass but the all of a sudden, my hundreds of pikmin fighting him from all angles got crushed when he decided to just roll over. seeing all the pik-ghosts go up to the sky was enough for me. a sad day
  11. I got my freeloader today. I havnt got any improt wii games yet though because Im broke. I tried all my import gamecube games though. Neither of the megaman collections work. original resi 4 works but the screen is off center. mgs twin snakes works fine. These are the exact same results I got with the old way of loading the gamecube freeloader.
  12. I have a copy of this hidden in work because I just know this one wont be mass produced. going to wait until I can acutally afford it.
  13. does the online multiplayer work ok in the US version. ?
  14. maverick that is one of the nerdiest things I have ever read
  15. that 9 year old is unbelivable.
  16. thats because its just fuckin noise and a piece of shit song
  17. I got a gamecube off them about 2 years ago. ive been a member since just after wind waker came out.
  18. loada me bollix it is!! I want that fuckin zelda statue!
  19. anyone else had problems logging in with their regular email that they used to use?
  20. I cant log in. it says my email is invalid which is a load of bollocks because I used to go to it quite regularly. do I have to register again or somethin becuase I had star points before
  21. yea and the world might end next week. but it wont.
  22. I have this now. not mad on the zapper tbh. I tried it and tried the gameware one with the remote and nunchuk in them. the game brand one isnt as good with the remote and nunchuk in..
  23. I cant even get to lou on hard. stuck on the 7th tier of songs
  24. using a pad or guitar? ps good work on the boob hoosh : peace:
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