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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Votes: Jonnas (1): heroicjanitor Aqui1a (1): EddieColeslaw Esequiel (7): Mundi,Esequiel, Dyson, Diageo, Ellmeister, Nintendohnut, Rummy EddieColeslaw (2): Jayseven Majority is 10
  2. Last post before work :p Votes: Jonnas (1): heroicjanitor EddieColeslaw (1): Rummy Aqui1a (1): Ellmeister Esequiel (2): Mundi, Esequiel Majority is 10
  3. No. Votes: Jonnas (1): heroicjanitor EddieColeslaw (1): Rummy Aqui1a (3): Ellmeister, mr-paul, Diageo Esequiel (3): EddieColeslaw, Mundi, Esequiel Majority is 10
  4. Votes: Jonnas (1): heroicjanitor EddieColeslaw (1): Rummy Aqui1a (4): Ellmeister, mr-paul, Diageo Esequiel (3): EddieColeslaw, Mundi, Esequiel Majority is 10
  5. Votes: Jonnas (1): heroicjanitor EddieColeslaw (1): Rummy Aqui1a (4): Ellmeister, mr-paul, Diageo, Esequiel Esequiel (2): EddieColeslaw, Mundi Majority is 10
  6. Votes: Jonnas (1): heroicjanitor EddieColeslaw (1): Rummy Aqui1a (4): Ellmeister, mr-paul, Diageo, Esequiel Majority is 10
  7. Go compare advert is annoying as hell. I don't really watch tv anymore, everything I want to see ends up on iPlayer, 4OD, youtube, 'specialist sites' That one you posted is horrible. The singing is really irritating.
  8. All of the above, while listening to:
  9. Now that's a Tintin right there
  10. Papercuts! Or... Being turned into a ghost of some kind but you have no affect on the physical world. Not only that but someone else has possessed your body and is going around living your life... but being a bit of a dick too. You're forced to watch someone else living the life you left behind (you cannot move more than 10 feet away or something), no one can hear or see you and you can't touch anything.
  11. took me ages to sort this night out lol First post updated with all days/nights - also character pic of ReZ added to latest write-up :p
  12. Night 2 A rat-like man squinted through the dust at the uniformed man in the distance. "Hey! Hey you! Come on, you need to help me!" He shouted. The other man looked around, he had other plans that night but the shouting man was very insistent. Someone was strolling through the deserted streets. A soft shuffling and groaning was getting louder. Before they knew it, the zombies had them surrounded. The pilot was coming in for landing when he saw the raging water. Using all of his skill he managed to pull up just in time and find another place to land. A short distance away, a man was searching for his target while another was caught in the flash flood. He was very angry indeed. *** A man sat cross-legged in the rubble trying to fix his camera in time. Various parts were scattered around him but all he needed to do now was reassemble them. A round object rolled unnoticed next to the man. He had just finished screwing the case back on when he noticed the object. Thinking he must've left a part out by mistake, he unwittingly picked it up. The 10 second fuse allowed him just enough time to see his mistake. "What the hell is.... Oh." The grenade exploded and scattered pieces of Mike Craft all around his camera. Mike Craft is dead, he provided vital assistance with his camera. He was good. ReZourceman is no longer in the game. 19 Survivors: Aqui1a Cube Dannyboy-the-Dane Dazz Diageo Dyson Eenuh EddieColeslaw Ellmeister Esequiel heroicjanitor Jayseven Jonnas MadDog mr-paul Mundi Nintendohnut Rummy Tales ReZourceman Day 3 begins Majority is 10
  13. Jayseven destroyed my team lol 4-0 loss. One of my players is injured until June, thanks Jay!
  14. Staff meeting at 10:30 this morning and I have a shift starting at 3. I could've gone home and watched Chuck but I have to get a taxi to and from work (luckily got a lift last minute this morning) and it's cheaper just to stay here for 4 hours. Means I can't watch it until tonight... So basically I hate you for watching it and those spoiler tags are crushing my soul.
  15. I find Roger more miss than hit but he does have his moments
  16. Fuck You'll be alright Iun, maybe it's just aids! Seriously though I hope it's all ok, you're a legend. I think 80% of my 'thanks' end up on your posts.
  17. A fully working TARDIS
  18. I like that they've gone for animation. Makes it more comic-booky or whatever which stays true to the original books. There would be a lot more complaints about looks if they used live action... this way, fans of the series can see the actual characters as they've always looked. Although if they had gone with live action... You can't look more Tintin than that.
  19. Someone needs to take him down. I don't want him to be promoted (though I'm basing my hatred on suspicion that he dirty tricked me and dannyboy and then faked one on himself... likely?)
  20. This is going to cause a bit of upset with jjohnandrews99
  21. Happy birthdays
  22. So this is 2 years away? I'll wait to see some footage before passing judgement. I used to love The Flintstones but I'm not that keen on Family Guy... American Dad is pretty funny though.
  23. Yes. I predict you will read this white text
  24. Tintin is the tits. I will be seeing this.
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