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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. I'll play with you Hamish ;P If we have loads of people we can always split up into two groups of 7 or something and switch over if people want to mix? I'm sure something will get worked out if we have more players than spaces :p
  2. Sorry Chair but you can be any 'class' and still be a chav. Just like you can be any class and still be a cunt. As others have said, it's more about your attitude and actions than your upbringing. So unless you're saying only one particular class can be chavs (which I find to be classist), I don't think you can call MadDog classist for calling that cunt-scum a chav. That woman is clearly an idiot. I'm glad the transport police are following this up. If she didn't have a kid with her, she wouldn't have left that tram... and no one would've minded.
  3. Whoo not last! And second in the running for Team of the Month :p not too bad
  4. @Jonnas :p These are all from the previous day phase I'm quoting these to get a better idea of what happened the night before last. I believe Dannyboy and Eenuh when they say they protected Sprout. Eddie apparently had no target and mr-paul says only Eenuh, heroicjanitor (innocent) and Dannyboy targeted Sprout (besides himself). Hopefully I can get a better idea of who this shady character is that Eenuh saw. I think it's most likely Zell and he doesn't show up in mr-paul's results because he didn't actually reach his target... but there's a chance mr-paul or Eddie are lying. Eddie has no night target but knows what Dannyboy did at night. Could be like Cube's power where she has to target in the day but gets info about the night... but I dunno. We shall see what comes of this :p
  5. "Well there's something you don't see every day..." *2 mins later* "oh."
  6. *notices that my two most suspicious people are saying we have too many protectors*
  7. I suggest you re-read the last day phase
  8. It's unclear who roleblocked you anyway mr-paul. There's been a long-standing argument that Zell roleblocked by hitting people on the head and that did not happen to you.
  9. @heroicjanitor Killed a freshly-revived thread not cool man.
  10. @Dazz didn't you get an evil result on diageo? Guess you are paranoid the n. My suspicions are on Mr-paul Eddie and to a lesser extent, cube
  11. The average is supposedly 7 minutes or so. I nearly always take longer than that. I'd have to be completely exhausted to fall asleep in such little time I think. I always stay up until around 4am. I would rather be active at night and sleep in the next day than go to bed early and have the morning. I think I subconsciously want to get the most out of the day by prolonging sleep as much as possible or something :p
  12. I have not finished Skyward Sword. Stupid work getting in the way!
  13. I'm quite sure Dannyboy is good. Hopefully I won't regret trusting him ;P Eenuh doesn't really feel mafia. She was the first to post information about Sprout yesterday and it didn't conflict with anyone else's stuff. I also trust Tales. To be honest my only real suspicion at the moment is EddieColeslaw but it's not really based on much. mr-paul said Sprout was only targeted by Eenuh, heroicjanitor and Dannyboy but the killer would not have reached Sprout so may not be included in his results. I hope you targeted heroicjanitor last night mr-paul! I had a feeling we'd be losing herojan or Dannyboy seeing as I cleared them both in the last day phase. As outed kill-protectors they're obviously the best targets for the mafia.
  14. Just discovered Ultrasound who were around in the late 90s and only brought out one album. But it is fantastic. They sound like Suede but more awesome. Very britpop.
  15. @DuD Now he will :p Thanks for switching things! And is it 100% certain that we won't get DV from these games? We won't get a change report until the top league finishes...
  16. Very disappointed to learn that DV won't affect the change report between now and the season end. One of my forwards was injured and out for 3 or 4 games right near the end of the season and I couldn't get his DV higher than 8 he didn't raise in skill last season so he'll either stay the same again or drop. I'll have to think about buying an outsider next season... @Haden me and Aqui1a already had a friendly lined up for this Tuesday. Is there anyway you can cancel our game so we can play in the Tea Cup? Flink, we'll find out once the top league ends - 2 weeks from now! Annoyed I didn't back ReZ in the pools, I had a feeling he'd win. I bet on a draw though, everyone else said he'd lose so I would've won instead of just getting my money back :p
  17. Or someone is lying about their targets... I think the shady person is either Zell or Dazz. vote: Zell
  18. We can still get more dv from friendlies before the season ends... can't we? I'm hoping we can anyway! I know I've only come 7th but it feels like I've won can't believe how great the end of the season was for me. Not actually lost in like 6 games!
  19. Don't really see how you can claim those games are over-hyped when you've not played a game (or just war games?) since 1999. Medal of Honour Allied Assault was a fucking gem by the way. I got like 10 years gameplay out of that. If you're looking for war shooters then really the better games are Battlefield and CoD. In my opinion, Battlefield is much better and BF3 is definitely worth getting. I still enjoy MW3 but it doesn't really offer anything MW1 or 2 didn't - although if you haven't played any of them then I suppose you can't go wrong. If you just want a first person shooter game then I recommend Crysis 2 or Deus Ex... google also brings up a game called Homefront which I have heard of :p Outside of CoD and Battlefield, FPS games tend to lean towards sci-fi/apocalypse genres. Probably because they're unlikely to be able to compete with CoD and BF3.
  20. Eenuh, herojan, Dannyboy - targeted Sprout Cube - targeted Dannyboy (I think) Dazz - targeted heroicjanitor Tales - protected himself Peeps - no target Eddie - no target Zell - Darksnowman Darksnowman - ? (likely no one) mr-paul - ? Not sure if this helps anyone :p at least we'll have a record.
  21. I do agree but he was 3 votes away and I just want to make sure the day won't end too early.
  22. Aaaand just got my PM from Jonnas. Seems to be saying that both heroicjanitor and Dannyboy are telling the truth. It's not within your roles/night actions to notice what other people are doing, also when you're shouting you're less likely to hear someone else shouting at the same time... Because neither of your roles are designed to receive third party information such as who else is targeting your target or whatever... you didn't notice each other. You were both too focussed on Sprout and the one who ran away. So as far as I'm concerned, Dannyboy and herojan are both good and their roles are what they claim to be. Eenuh specifically said she was talking to @Sprout - can you back her up? Zell apparently roleblocked darksnowman. Seems odd to me but I guess I can see why he's done it if true. If he was mafia, they may well have been using him to kill. His alignment wasn't revealed so I think he was either neutral of mafia. I don't see why Jonnas would hide an innocent alignment... the mafia would already know he's not mafia anyway. Cube did you target Sprout too? Tales protected himself. @EddieColeslaw who was your target last night? Apologies if you've already said it. Eenuh, herojan, Dannyboy - targeted Sprout Dazz - targeted heroicjanitor Tales - protected himself Peeps - no target Eddie - ? Zell - Darksnowman Darksnowman - ? (likely no one) mr-paul - ? I will Remove vote for now actually.
  23. I was about to remove my vote on Zell but then I saw his claim of a target =\ Dannyboy, those possibilities are just my own opinion on what has/could have happened. Dazz, you keep saying voted for but I think you just mean targeted :p
  24. What would you like to hear from me? I have no night power :p I'm about to select some text to quote and see if I can help get to the bottom of this. Wanted to quote Eenuh too but I can only do a maximum of three. I see three possibilities at the moment. 1. Heroicjanitor and Dannyboy both protected Sprout. Herojan chased away the culprit while Dannyboy shredded the fake evidence. 2. Heroicjanitor chased Dannyboy away who tore up his own fake evidence. 3. Something else Eenuh saw a shady person who turned away as soon as they heard her voice. Eenuh you don't protect from arrests, do you? I'm not sure who would be described as a shady person.
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