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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. : One of the few mod's I'll actually miss, good luck man.
  2. Yeah, point, I mean, the gamecube had REmake and that had the best graphics I've ever seen on any console, I don't necessarily think that graphics need to get any better than that, If WII can produce that in Real Time, then im a happy camper. I think It's best to let graphics reach a saturation point with graphics and power, and then consoles won't need to be released every 5 years, we could see the same consoles holding out for 20 years or so, So I think Nintendo is taking the right approach.
  3. Ah well, there's always Metal Slug Anthology to look forward to on WII
  4. Hahah, one word: Pwned.
  5. You can buy it from gamestation brand new for £20, i think its one of the only PS1 games still in print. Or you could always try the ever realiable Ebay.
  6. QFT (tnfkingchar)
  7. Holy crap! It doesn't look all that great tbh, some things should just stay 2d...
  8. Methinks I'll sign up for American Skateland, Prime Hunters and Mario Kart plz.
  9. Cannae be as cheap as Jinpachi in Tekken 5, on hard very mode...blimey...
  10. Yah, I know you are, but there are some who are going out of their way to create problems where there are none. Aye.
  11. Well, considering that my article is titled "things that make me angry, I don't see the reason to consider other people's opinions, and tbh you're missing the point entirely anyway, the article was initially there to make people laugh, and from most feedback I've gotten, it worked, geez, cmon you can tell from the article itself that I was joking around for some of the stuff. Aanywho, it's pretty sad how a thread I started to have a bit of a laugh turned into a flameathon.
  12. All feelings mutual. That would be just peachy.
  13. As we are on topic with Cricket, I hate it when Pakistan - Australia series matches get worked up, and pakistan always lose 2-3, It's a pain in the ass. Well, the fact that plants don't have a nervous system kinda gives us the idea that plants aren't capable of feeling, but what the hey, you're probably right.
  14. It's terminator 2!....wait...
  15. Good stuff man, glad you're enjoying yourself! TTFN
  16. Yes, I do, because I was brought up there and I go there every half year, so honest to god, stop whining and grow a pair.
  17. Right, and seeing as I am from pakistan, and a muslim means that you obviously know more about the subject at hand than me right?
  18. Yup, I'd say big brother is wrong, not rap music, just some of the jackasses that listen to it, just like some of the idiots that listen to black metal who go around stabbing homosexual people. To haver, yeah, great, products of different cultures means that they're perfectly harmless, wouldn't you say suicide bombers are a product of middle eastern, muslim and japanese cultures?
  19. Well, It's my opinion, and I don't really care if it pisses people off, I mean you can't be afraid to do things just because there's a chance that it'll rub people the wrong way right? It's rewarding to be indifferent towards all that is wrong with the world? It's a sign of maturity to stop caring? Well if so, I damn sure want to stay as immature as possible.
  20. Well to be honest, it is for a column in my school magazine, and I had to make it entertaining and whatnot to the average 15 year old. Would you say it's an entertaining read? If so, then thats my job done. The things I've stated do annoy me, but perhaps not to the extent that I made them out to . Well seeing as you're 18, you can't be that much more experienced or educated than me so I don't really see where you're coming from.
  21. Well, I wasn't talking about your views Arragaun, as it is of course known, I love your opinions on everything. Aye, I suppose that may be the case as I am only 17, but would you care to explain why they are "immature and often wrong?" I don't entirely think It's fair to say that just because you disagree with them. I do drive, and it ain't all its cracked up to be. I'd much rather walk, and do something useful with my time than concentrate on the road ahead. The only reason I ever drive is if im lugging my amp around or need to transport 3-5 people. Well, whoopdedoo for "that guy in sex and the city." I agree with the animal rights protestors thing. Really? Is it that bad, ah well, I type in red on all forums I go on, and nobody anywhere else has any problem with it. This is the only forum I've ever been on where people don't customise their colour, etc...
  22. Wooow, here's my token congratulations. You're an incredibly lucky guy!
  23. This is an article that I wrote for my school magazine. (Original Draft, second had to have some “modifications”) Ok, so as many of you would have guessed by now, I am a person that gets incredibly annoyed by pretty much anything and everything, so I thought I would create this thread so you all can share my misanthropy, or point and laugh, whichever you prefer, I don’t really give a crap. Things that make me angry: “Reality” TV: Don’t let the name fool you, “reality” TV, has absolutely nothing remotely to do with reality. It is not real. It is, in fact, un-real, but that’s really not fair because seeing as it actually exists, it defies both these labels, so you can feel free to ignore the past sentence. Honest to god though, “Reality” TV ruins people, and I mean the people involved just as much as the viewers, it’s just a testimony to people’s boring, unsatisfying lives that they need to go and pry upon others’. Television and entertainment is not supposed to be used as a means for shameless voyeurism! What happened to the family sitcom? What happened to good natured fun like Happy Days, The A Team, Sanford and son and M.A.S.H.? Why is real TV dying out to be replaced by these pointless hunts for the next worthless celebrity? It is sadistic, and harmful, Christ, will people go to any lengths? You see people on TV everyday, sacrificing their dignity for money and whatever half-assed, undeserved fame they might reap from it. The Celebrities of yesteryear were celebrities because they were important. The celebrities of today are important because they are celebrities. People: To be honest, I don’t think there’s anything I hate more than people in general, and I’m not talking about any specific type of person, well, maybe, if you’re counting Jehovah’s witnesses and lawyers, but they don’t really count as people do they? Honestly, why do people have to be so intruding all the time? I don’t necessarily care about whatever god you’re touting to be the real and true deity, and I certainly don’t give a fuck about your views on: abortion, society, euthanasia, religion and all religion based products, literature, my hair and however blasphemous I may be, sport, politics, and in fact, anything, I don’t care about your views on anything, so would you please go ahead and preach elsewhere, or am I going to have to install an automatic turret aimed at knee height on my porch? I swear, people are the plague of the earth, I hate them, and boy do I hate them good. Modern Rap: My god is there any real way to sound more like a pretentious jackass than Snoop Dog or 50 fucking cent? So he got shot 9 times, fucking hell, he really picks the most odd things to boast about, how’s about I add a tenth for good luck eh? Nobody cares how “gangsta” you are or claim to be, turns out that you’re just illiterate dumbasses who, despite being 30 years of age, are still completely unable to correctly pronounce basic English words. Also way to go, yes, I’m talking to you, you rampant infidels, what’s the deal with parking your car, winding down the windows and cranking up the stereo in your “ghetto mobile” real loud just so that everyone in the vicinity with an IQ over 75 doesn’t think you’re cool, and in fact, thinks you’re an absolute insult to this already embarrassing breed of mammals we call “humans.” Chavs: I don’t have the energy to go into this one because if I remind myself of all the reasons I might just go out hunting with a fishing knife, but let’s just say they should be the chief recipients of the Darwin awards. Cars: Cars….where to begin? The number of times I’ve seen some old goon, who, if nature had its way, would have died long ago, driving around town in his seven seater by himself, oblivious to the number of oxide emissions he’s letting off, is enough to make me want to go Bourne Identity on his ass with a ball pen. I hate the look of cars, I hate the smell, I hate their greyness and bland ness and the irreparable and invasive damage they do, from road kills to the developments of roads themselves. Do we need to cover all visible landscape with grey ugliness? The internal combustion engine is nigh on the single most evil invention spawned from human minds including nuclear armaments, concentration camps, automatic weapons, landmines, torture devices, the guillotine, and as I stated before, everything on the face of the earth. The Government: This has to be the obvious one doesn’t it? Since even normal people hate the government, some of you may be able to relate to this. I hate the government and its absolute refusal to do anything remotely useful. Bring back the days of druids and Vikings! The days when if someone had a heart failure due to the fat contents of your big Mac’s you said tough shit fucker! Your fault for being a fat bastard! The days when your wealth didn’t determine your “class” or what people thought of you (oh wait, my bad, those days never existed, how peachy for the human race). There are far too many reasons and I’m far to tired to go into them here. McDonalds, KFC, and every fast food corporation: Primarily it’s the fact that we are turning into a nation of fat, ugly good for nothing confoundits that have nothing better to accomplish in life than flaunt our material possessions and wonder if those oh-so-sexy hot pants actually are available in XXXXL. Another thing is the animal cruelty that occurs, are people forgetting that animals can in fact feel? That they’re capable of experiencing emotions such as fear or pain? The Education System: What is the last genuinely useful thing you learnt in school? The last truly brilliant thing I learnt was how to pull off a decently timed shoryuken with Ken on street fighter. Examiners today are hell bent on cramming every possible thing that can be tested into an exam. What is the point of creative writing? What do you gain from being able to cram a half assed story or description you conjured in an hour and a half into a four or five page essay? More importantly, how does it make you better as a person? Why are we being forced to waste the best years of our lives in school, learning things that we (mostly) won’t ever need, just so that at the end of the year we can reproduce them in an exam and gain, perhaps, a university entry that will allow us to earn some meagre wage so we can continue to live a politically correct, mediocre life, working as a slave to the £? Do what you want, be merry, because after all “the only things worth knowing cannot be taught.” Porn: To quote a great man “If you went ahead and took all the porn off the internet, I’m pretty sure there would only be one website left, and it’d be called ‘bring back the porn’ “ dear lord, are people this lonely and lacking in any imagination? Go and get a girlfriend, I’m pretty sure there’s about a 50:50 ratio of men to women in the world so to be painfully honest there’s not really any excuse except that you’re lazy and don’t want to work for it. This society has gotten far too used to being given everything on a silver platter without having to try and they’ve come to think that voyeurism like this is acceptable. It isn’t. There are oh so many more things that make me lose my faith in existence, but these are the ones that come immediately to mind. Do share.
  24. Wii cooking is going to be crap. The only reason to cook anything is so that you can eat whatever you're making. Stupid idea, you can't turn everything into a videogame.
  25. That is brilliant. Now why don't they do something like this for Wii?? After all, it is going to be infinately more popular in Japan....
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