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Everything posted by Caris

  1. Caris


    "And the company that brought you Call of Duty"
  2. Does anyone remember this? http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-05-17-rare-hiring-for-multiple-aaa-future-console-releases
  3. This has been one messy evening for Microsoft.
  4. Okay long post coming up... Is anyone else genuinely worried about Microsoft? I feel everything they are touching at the minute is turning to rubbish. Windows Phone is way behind iOS and Android and has been for some time. Windows 8 has had a very poor reception, the Surface tablet is selling poorly and to top it off they seem to be making the XBOX brand worse year by year. It seems to me they just don't know what company they are trying to be, Apple and Google are pushing them under the water at a very fast rate at the minute and I feel this could be a Nokia situation where they are a huge house hold brand then over a number of years just start to disappear. I was in Currys last week having a look at some Windows 8 notebooks and I couldn't get over how poorly designed the OS was, now I know I like my Apple stuff but I'm not anti Microsoft by any means. I thought Windows 7 was a great OS. But 8, it was shocking. Even just browsing through the settings menu felt unnatural. They need to scrap this horrible Metro UI and start to re organise there devisions ASAP. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ballmer get the boot soon. Oh, and the Xbox One looks like a 1980's VHS player.
  5. Yawn so far.
  6. I still can't get over the fact that we're here already, it feels like just yesterday I was chatting to Stocka and CooInTheZoo about securing a Xbox 360 Core on launch.
  7. Awesome, cheers Cube.
  8. Hey y'all. I've just sold a MacBook on Ebay and I need to ship it across the country, I'm wondering if anyone has got any recommendations on postal insurance? I've checked Royal Fails website and they say Laptops are excluded and a few other companies have this too. Just wondering if anyone can help me out. Thanks.
  9. I'm a hairdresser, and people ask me about this all the time. When they do, I always remind them of how awesome this man looks.
  10. A gun.
  11. If they change everything about the past 5 games then it might be ok.
  12. Hiya Championship.
  13. Haha I was waiting for something like that.
  14. Yeah but the extras you get in the premium model is easily worth £50 in my opinion.
  15. The basic really isn't worth buying.
  16. Good songs but no, like I say it sounds like it has a flute or something in the background. Yes, found it!
  17. Female singer.
  18. I heard a song on the radio this morning, I swore to myself I would remember the chorus but its totally gone from my head. The best way to describe it is that it was a dance type of song, current chart song I presume and it sounded like it had a ocerania in the background through it ha. I k ow its vague but can anyone help?
  19. This thread is hilarious.
  20. Caris


    Looks like Halo, Skyrim and Boarderlands mixed together which can only mean good things.
  21. Does anyone know if PS4 games will be native 1080p?
  22. I've just been catching up today, to be honest taking into account they have to save some stuff for E3 I thought the event was pretty much flawless. It's everything I wanted. I feel like Sony have just simply listened to the fans this time around and done exactly what they should to please everyone, I don't know what else to say really. Little disappointed they didn't show the console but whatever. If I was Nintendo I would be very, very worried right now.
  23. Anyone got a stream that will work on my iPhone?
  24. I'm thinking about building a Windows 8 based machine. I used to build computers regularly but over the past 5 or so years I've been in the Apple camp and my knowledge of the other side isn't great now, so I'm looking for some help. I would like you to use http://www.overclockers.co.uk for the parts as the customer service I've had in the past has been great. Also a few things... The £600 doesn't need to include a case. I don't want a SSD. I would like a Intel based system. If possible a pre overclocked graphics card. If possible a modular PSU. Last of all I would like a decent aftermarket CPU cooler to be included in the price. Thanks in advance.
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