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About knightendo

  • Birthday 12/21/1977

Personal Information

  • Location
    Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • Interests
    Nintendo(!), Knight Rider, Transformers, looking after my fish, swimming, sharks.
  • Occupation
    In a wee shop with my girl atm, but ideally in travel (not in an agents, I mean on planes/boats etc)


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Wii, DS Lite, (2nd hand:N64)
  • Favourite Game?
    Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
    7291 8534 8641 9506

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. check out http://www.wii.com!! looks like bit by bit all the info will go up as each conference is held, cool! (oh, and nintendo look like they're treating australia as a proper region instead of an expansion of their european launch) and even if christmas is a big event in japan, they are gonna lap it up the second it goes on sale, so nintendo can afford to be later there. and as far as the US and Eur releases, they keep on saying they don't see PS3 as their competitor. well, of course they do, but i think these release dates show so much confidence in ninty with Wii, which is good to see i don't think they've changed anything because of sony... and maybe if we are first that'd explain the 6th november closing date for the ONM competition perhaps..? we'll see... EDIT: HER! HERE! dunno if this is posted yet, if it is sorry. click here SO. MANY. GAMES!!! and is that nintendogs and a resi evil mansion i see in there???? (not together obviously!)
  2. d'oh!! slept straight thru it, damn!!! and the hoff rules! go buy the spongebob squarepants movie if you don't believe me
  3. if ur after directions to miyamoto's pad, click here http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/feature/how-to-visit-nintendo-155964.php
  4. haven't ninty already said a load of months ago that it'd ship with two controllers?
  5. OWEN!!! you took the words i was gonna type right outta my keyboard! it does indeed feel like christmas eve to me(!!)... weird, huh? lol the conference starts at 2am (BST) we're thinking the speeches and news will be revealed at the beginning inside the first coupla hours, with the rest for journalists to play games and do interviews. perhaps they will be able to find out things for themselves during that time to, but the majority should be at the beginning, so most of the news should be up well before 8am.
  6. i can't believe i'm about to say this but i just watched "just friends", cringing as it started thinking i was gonna be tortured to a chick flick or teen movie... but to my shock it was brilliant!! not one of the gags falls short, plenty of slapstick (that for a change isn't gross-out but intead would make laurel and hardy proud!!) and the cast are all superb. anna faris and ryan reynolds are equally superb! i challenge anyone not to laugh all the way thru... don't read the cover tho, it does it no justice as going on it alone i did NOT wana see it. you do! trust me lol! 9/10
  7. but they're completely different games. the other version may look like the cat's cajounes, but it is basically sonic heroes/shadow the hedgehog/sonic adventure with better graphics. this exclusive game has even the multi-format games mags in a hype 'cause it's bringing the sonic gameplay back thanks to the wiimote.
  8. nice one man, its a place i SO wana visit. and needless to ask perhaps, but u visiting akihabara?
  9. ah right i see. well, hopefully e4/more4 will keep to their track record of keeping close to the US transmissions oh here, while you mention it, what's courtney cox's new show?
  10. why close it just because it hasn't got picked up?! i really don't understand your reasoning there. anyhoo, will be interesting to see if mathew perry can get himself away from the chandler-esque characteristics which he showed off so well in the whole nine yards. aye noodleman you may be right, even though i've never watched the west wing, pretty hard not to see adverts and articles in mags such as tv zone etc. EDIT: cool, so it's picked up. but is the season made yet or we gonna be waiting a while after the pilot? and don't worry ashley, i for one don't download tv shows off the net, don't think it's fair to take away from the creators without giving something back like ratings or money... that's the media student in me talking
  11. all those levels look fantastic, and solitanze, a "family friendly" sonic? what are u expecting from the ps3/360 version, blood and guts? from what i've read, the ps3/360 version is just another boring 3d sonic adventure with HD graphics, whereas this is PROPER sonic, taking the gameplay back to what he does best can't wait! this has the potential (along with madden etc) to really show which of the new consoles is best by far :D:D
  12. well, everyone wrote off the friends cast when that show ended, looks like mathew perry is gonna do alright with himself: check out this new show superb creative team, interesting subject matter, and an EXCELLENT cast(!!). mathew perry ofcourse! amanda peet (hmmmmm... amanda peet....) who starred with perry in whole nine yards (let's not forget HER best scene in that movie lol!), steven weber from the proper Shining and the hilarious DL Hugley! and where do i know bradley whitford from?
  13. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9160
  14. ah right gotcha. well, KITT is looking forward to his PM then
  15. good point! d'oh! completely forgot about that since it was always advertised at the beginning that it was turbografx games that were coming over. lol, oops, ignore my post then
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