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Everything posted by Kaytee

  1. I hate that people still believe this. There are health warnings and a 3D slider for a reason. If they actually made people that sick then they probably wouldn't be on sale! Not sure about the whole redesign thing, would be a bit of a kick in the teeth for all of us who bought it at launch only for it to be changed 6 months later.
  2. We did talk about it, yes :p we're both fans so it seemed like a good conversation topic. Didn't talk about it the whole time though!
  3. I was thinking about this today and I realised that my main problem is that I seem to go for guys with high standards looks wise. Sure, I'm nothing special and I know that compared to other girls I haven't got a chance but should that matter? I spoke to a guy recently who I liked, we had loads in common, got on really well and he said he liked me back but then one day he just stopped messaging me after we'd met up for a drink. No idea what went wrong there.
  4. I'm guessing this is a good place to come if you want to rant about being single, so just gonna jump in here with some stuff. Basically, I lack self confidence so much, when I like a guy I tend to wait for them to make the first move etc. That never happens so I stay single. If I make the first move I always get the "you're great, but I just see you as a friend" answer. No idea what i'm doing wrong but I guess there must be something. This all sounds so lame now i've written it on here but that's what this thread is here for right? :p
  5. This is looking really good so far. A proper trailer would be nice, but I'm pretty sure i'm going to get this game regardless of how it turns out.
  6. I don't mind importing this, it's just such a hassle. I understand that some games don't make it to all regions but a game as popular as the Layton series should be the same everywhere, what's the point of releasing it in Japan and NA with the rpg but not Europe?
  7. Has a release date for Europe been announced for this? I really don't see why they wouldn't keep London Life in the game as it's already in the Japanese and NA versions, just looks like we'll have to work for it like Japan rather than have it there from the start.
  8. Thanks for the reply i'm getting it tomorrow, trading in my pink dsi for it. Can't wait! Anyway, slightly more on topic, just completed the 4th gym last night (i'm so behind) and caught a Vanillite and a Deerling. Training up for gym no. 5 now
  9. Did anyone buy the Pokemon DSi console at all? Is the game that comes with it a standard copy or is it one of those bundle ones which doesn't have a barcode therefore can't be traded into shops etc? Just wondering as I'm thinking of getting this tomorrow but already have a copy of the game!
  10. Got 6 mii's in work today, makes my total 32 since Monday
  11. Cabot and I finished at 3 so that's probably why. As KKOB said, best time is weekends as that's definitely the busiest time, plus it's half term now so should stay busy for a while :p
  12. What time was this, as I was at work in Game and had my 3DS under the counter
  13. I can understand the price issue, as I know many people got a DS for christmas or people don't want to spend the money on something which their children already have but seriously, listing the iPad 2 as the main reason the 3DS failed to sell as much? I don't see that myself.
  14. I feel so stupid but that game is so frustrating! I get to level 3 every time and then run out of lives.
  15. Which will mean some of us will lose our jobs everyone in my store thought that email was horrible and chose to ignore it. We weren't forced to go out and do that.
  16. Got 5 today, left it under the counter in work :p hoping for more though, I love this whole streetpass idea.
  17. I have the same problem, but with Kirby's Epic Yarn. The disk says it needs an update, i accept and it fails straight away. Tried updating the wii itself but that also fails. I'm on 4.2, there was homebrew on the wii but it was deleted.
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