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Everything posted by Kaytee

  1. Thanks annoyed with all these disconnections though. Doesn't give you much chance to talk to anyone, and I lost my oak silk moth!
  2. Looks like the servers can't take the strain of all the players at the moment, everyone is having problems it seems. Did you get to keep the apples? I still had the cherries so I would assume so.
  3. My gate is currently open if anyone wants to trade fruit EDIT- this game really doesn't like going online at the moment, sorry to whoever got kicked just then
  4. @LukeLee @Fused King Added you guys back. I'm interested in doing a fruit trade later, so if anyone is free around 6pm my gate will be open (I have apples by the way)!
  5. This is what I settled on in the end. Nothing fancy, I just like that the town hall is at the top, the plaza is near it and Re-Tail is on the bottom half of the map
  6. Re-Tail gives you more for your stuff I believe
  7. Apples are my native fruit. So glad it wasn't cherries for once, I love them but I've had them in all of my towns!
  8. After resetting my town for what seemed like forever, I finally found a layout I liked! I also got two of my favourite villagers, which is awesome I named my town Violet and there's a villager here called Violet, which is a bit of a weird coincidence...
  9. I think it's the Rainbow Screen, looks like someone from the UK downloaded it earlier.
  10. Started the game up and realised I still don't know what to call my town... this could take a while.
  11. Just got home from work and my copy was waiting for me! Wanted a physical copy even though I've ordered the 3DSXL, so will probably end up with two towns at some point. So excited to start playing! Had to change the delivery date on the bundle to tomorrow as no one was in to sign for it so have to wait a few more hours for that.
  12. I've got that at the moment. I assumed it was for either E3 or Animal Crossing but since you're in Canada AC is already out for you so it can't be that...
  13. The people who already have the game, have you tried downloading anything through Spotpass yet? I just want to see if we have any of the DLC NA had
  14. Got my email from ShopTo this morning, it's been dispatched! Totally jealous of people who got their copies today though :p
  15. Mine have only been processed so far. I got two emails today, one which said I'd been charged and the other saying it was processing.
  16. I was doing this all day too, then as soon as I stopped checking for a while I got the email. - this really is the most accurate description of how I feel right now.
  17. ShopTo have started processing orders, looks like it'll be dispatched tomorrow and hopefully arriving Thursday!
  18. It's nice to know its quite common. I guess like you said people don't tend to admit it. I'll see how this whole online dating thing goes the second time round then and hopefully build up some confidence
  19. I know I shouldn't, but it's kind of hard not to when you're pretty much rejected every time :p Don't really know anyone on here so I'm just going to go ahead and share this- I've never been in a relationship. Not one. This may be a large part of the confidence issue! I've only used OKCupid so far so I can't help much I'm afraid!
  20. I think I phrased that wrong, I guess it's not so much not knowing how to meet people but not being confident enough to approach them. If I was out at a bar or something there's no way I'd have the courage to go up to a guy as I'm no where near attractive enough . I think that's why I prefer online dating as although you have pictures up you can read a bit about a person and message them to get to know them.
  21. I disabled my account on an online dating site a couple of months ago, I decided to re-start it again tonight after talking with a friend about how I felt it was time to meet someone. It's probably kinda bad that I don't know how to meet people in real life, right? I'm not really one for going out, apart from to the cinema or out for meals which aren't typically the best places to meet people!
  22. I have a list of names for my town, just need to decide on one before next week! Has anyone on here pre-ordered the bundle? Or have you all gone for just the game?
  23. Nope, I'm a different Katie.

  24. Adding everyone who's posted in here so far, feel free to add me back if you would like to
  25. Added you back @Aneres11 Adding everyone from the Animal Crossing thread now so feel free to add me back if you want to
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