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Everything posted by arab_freak

  1. HDS is a useless accessory. Just wait a few years till high-end cards become cheaper, you'll find that HDR is not that big of a deal.
  2. It'll be hard playing doctor on it. You'll have to either imagine that the 'body' is lying in front of you, or have a top view of the surgery table and operate (much like that DS game). As for Paint, I can only see painting on some sort of canvas, which looks okay. Google earth would have to be operated through the controller's buttons, not the gyroscopic feature.
  3. They're milking it for all it's worth. >=( Here's something similar, only it applied to the nano. http://www.ilounge.com/images/uploads/nanoxx.jpg
  4. Ha, that looks useless. My 2 GB nano has linux installed, I can now watch videos and play Half-Life on it.
  5. Oh noez, I am so offended.
  6. My clan can't wait 'till the riot sheild returns (if it does). I found it useless in 1.5
  7. You're all part of the puzzle. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=39826
  8. Looks fake, but still makes you wonder. http://www.piczo.com/padofvariasam2?g=9422950&cr=3
  9. Haha, cool stuff.
  10. It's cheap, and it's fun. If you try it and don't like it, don't sulk. It only cost you 12 pounds.
  11. I had BETA 1. They copied everything off Opera and FireFox.
  12. No I didn't. All I said was I keep phone and organizer functions to my cell, and mp3 and video playback to my nano.
  13. Probably some things that have to be processed by the REv first, before sending. They probably wouldn't let you download the stuff of a normal computer and send it via the USB attachment because of piracy and stuff. =\ The second image has been removed. Would someone care to host it again and put it up? I didn't get to see it.
  14. I was about to say that too, but I have an N-gage so I didn't. Either way, I like to stick those functions to my cell. I can't stick 20 different objects in my pockets.
  15. Yes I know, Moria. But I keep those functions to my cell phone. An iPod is an mp3 player, not an organizer.
  16. What's the point of putting an alarm in a device that has no speaker? Sure, there's the click speaker, but it's too damn low. As to your query, I'm sorry. I haven't used my nano other than playing music and videos.
  17. How's that for an avatar? Too bad it's not going to happen.
  18. I want one of those. NOW. http://www.artlebedev.com/portfolio/optimus/ I would like to see how this would utilize in Counter-StrikeL Source and other games such as Max Payne and GTA.
  19. That PC pwns me on so many levels.
  20. Hella old, except the one I saw at my computer mall had fish in them. Tiny little goldfishes.
  21. I had the EXACT same problem. It would freeze to 82%, then to 85%, then to 95%. I restarted my computer, and it downloaded and froze at 99%. I went to sleep and updated the following morning with no problems at all.
  22. 3gp is phone-cam format. :|
  23. Link to the server, perhaps? Thanks a lot, too.
  24. It's amazing what happens when you forget the - in fat-pie.com
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