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Everything posted by arab_freak

  1. I wasn't talking about the "read last post" button, I was talking about the hyperlink: "See latest post" next to thread titles.
  2. Guy get caught fapping to WoW http://youtube.com/watch?v=PjZROKZpW9o&search=World%20Of%20Warcraft
  3. The "read last post" is pretty useless, I sometimes mistake it for the thread title when browsing. Also, the little "minimize" button above the reply box. I think it's useless as well. Thanks for adding the BBcode helpers in quick reply, though. Almost beats going to advanced. Could be better if we could quick reply with quotes. Huzzah for replacements!
  4. I remember the Yoshi ones. Did you mean this one,fieldsofanfieldroad?
  5. Bootleg recordings of the concert where they played them exclusively. Lol, I heard Flea say "If you're smart you'll record the next song and bootleg it on the internet, so you can make some fucking money".
  6. HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Seriously, dieplz. http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3421 http://ipodlinux.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5281
  7. I've listened to some of their new songs, and they definately are going back to their roots. Kill For Your Country was a great tune, but Dira California was a dissapointment for me.
  8. As none of you know, I'm currently on a 2 week vacation in my hometown country, Kuwait. So I was browsing through one of the many stores this country has to offer, only to find out that they still produce my favorite ice cream, ever. http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/8876/funnyface0bf.jpg http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/9822/icecream9cu.jpg They ripped Nintendo's trademark character, and used him for a mockery of a fictionous icy treat! The picture on the wrapper is nothing like the actual thing.
  9. I couldn't care less about the CD cover. It's not like you're going to take it with you whereever you go. It's going to be tucked away on a shelf, and you would've probably ripped them and put them on your PC/mp3 player.
  10. You have to have a hotmail account, or create a passport for an existing e-mail (much like how people use Gmail accounts and such on MSN messenger).
  11. Me and a friend of mine were "exploring" an abandoned apartment building that was going to be demolished. We found 2 empty bottles of Absolut Vodka, 2 red Johnny Walkers, and 2 small bottles of unmarked liquor. I took an Absolut bottle for decoration, and gave him the rest. Accessorizin'
  12. Stadium Arcadium is due to come out tuesday may 9th 2006. I can't wait. : peace: Key Tracks: 'Dani California', 'Hard To Concentrate', 'Desecration Smile', 'Charlie', 'Snow', 'Stadium Arcadium' SNEAK PREVIEW of what is to come from the Red Hot Chili Peppers this spring, including a peek into the first single "Dani California" Watch Below: http://streamos.wbr.com/wmedia/wbr/rhcp/rhcp_sa-sizzle-dc-public_5g8c3f_300.wvx
  13. I'm in the sit-around-on-my-computer type business. Seriously, I wouldn't think they'd care.
  14. No, not an ad. http://www.microsoft.com/mysterysolved/corp Just log into Passport, fill out the personal information, and correctly answer 4 questions. Totally free, including shipping. Look at the right side of the column and click on the USB stick. Here are the answers: (1) 2 (2) True (3) True (4) True
  15. Precisely. The avatar isn't warped and it certainly isn't me.
  16. Rofl, all I did was copy+paste this dude's topic: http://newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=311942 Here's a more recent picture of me.
  17. I went to Japan for a week (9 days actually) with my dad. Just for vacation. I stayed in Tokyo and on the 3rd day we went to Kyoto. I went inside a buddhist temple and then came out and walking down the street is him! The god of Nintendo. The creator of countless classics including Mario and Link! I chatted to him for about 7 minutes. He plays guitar and his dog (a colly) is names Peke and will be in Nintendogs. I have some pictures of me and him.
  18. I met Shigeru Miyamoto. No lie.
  19. http://www.freewebs.com/monkey_of_asia/index.htm
  20. Can a browser really handle a connection that fast? I'm a noob in stuff like this. Imagine online gaming with that thing. Pings would be a thing of the past, we'd all play in real time.
  21. Try system restore.
  22. Ohh, that happened to me once. Exactly the same thing, except I was removing IE 7. Answer here: http://newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=321875
  23. No, I think it's a coincidence we're discussing the show while we can see it's someone's brother.
  24. Coinky Dink? http://newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=443869
  25. http://newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=423867 sidebar = OSX dock. folder search = spotlight. gadgets = dashboard. WMP7 = iTunes. fuck, even the reflection.
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