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Posts posted by Magnus

  1. From the article:


    The changes - a new world map design with chibi-style characters to fuel an odd new kingdom strategy game, and a brand new real-time battle system - do not feel like a case of change for improvement's sake. Ni No Kuni's turn-based combat was one of the best bits of first game...

    The battle system was my least favorite part of the first game by far. Absolutely hated it. I have no idea what changes they've made to it in the sequel, but I can't imagine a scenario where they could possibly have made it worse. :confused:

    • Like 1
  2. I've beaten 50, although that's counting Souls bosses I summoned for. It still counts even if someone else did all the work, right?

    Happy to see Riku on the list. He almost got me to give up on Kingdom Hearts. And then I got stuck on him again in Chain of Memories and had to put that game aside for over a year because I got so frustrated.

    Souls has nothing on Kingdom Hearts.

  3. I disagree and think that you should only watch Murder House and then stop. :heh:

    Well, Asylum might be worth watching too.

    Coven was the worst thing that has ever been created by any person ever.

    Freak Show was boring.

    I haven't been able to bring myself to watch seasons five and six yet.

  4. I've had terrible luck with audio books after finishing up the Discworld series earlier this year. I decided to tackle The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and I loved the first book, but after that, the way Douglas Adams was clearly just making things up as he went along and the way he would constantly stall for time when he couldn't think of what should happen next quickly started driving me nuts. It didn't help that Martin Freeman did an awful job as a narrator, either.

    Despite all that, I thought I'd listen to the Artemis Fowl series next, since Eoin Colfer wrote the final Hitchhiker's novel. I realized less than an hour into the first book that I'd made a huge mistake, but I still trudged through the first three novels because I'd bought them and by God, I was going to get my money's worth (I didn't realize until I had two hours left of the third book that Audible has a 'great listen' guarantee, but oh well).

    After that, I discovered that Tina Fey's Bossypants was available on Audible (it hadn't been the last time I'd checked). And it was good! Finally!

    I'm currently listening to the Hunger Games trilogy, and... it started out so well. I loved the first two books, and I thought people were probably exaggerating about the third one, but man. It has been completely horrible so far. I have no idea how Suzanne Collins managed to drop the ball this badly. I only have four chapters left, so I should have this wrapped up tomorrow, thank God.

    I'm not sure what to listen to next. I've been toying with the idea of listening to Stephen King's It, but it's 45 hours long, and my luck hasn't exactly been the best lately. :heh:

    Edit: Decided to go with Amy Poehler's Yes Please as a palette cleanser. I'm pretty sure no one's going to get their head cut off or get blown to bits in that book. Well, I guess you never know with Amy Poehler.


  5. 32 minutes ago, killthenet said:

    I feel like the co-op aspect of the gameplay was a failure too, Sheva is useful for holding onto items and healing you when you're low on health but her AI is so moronic that she gets in the way a lot of the time or gets herself hurt too easily.

    The co-op aspect is a lot more fun in co-op, shockingly. :cheeky:

    • Like 2


    Euron feels like someone's Mary Sue self-insert. I think I may actually dislike him more than the Sand Snakes.


    2 hours ago, MindFreak said:

    Arya is bad-ass but I'm looking forward to her returning to Winterfell now. It's a shame that Rickon was killed because then all Stark-children could actually be reunited which would be nice. 



    You may want to rewatch season three...


    • Like 2
  7. It sounds like a joke, but yes, about three weeks ago they suddenly started requiring a paid subscription to hotlink images. And yes, it's really $400 a year.

    But it's $40 a month if you don't pay for a full year in advance, so $400 is a great deal if you think about it.

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