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Everything posted by Adthegreat

  1. I think that's where my hesitation came from. Having one of my team level faster than the rest made it much more annoying to keep them all at around the same level. Of course, now in those gen with the new exp. share mechanics it's all been made easier.
  2. For some reason I like to have all my main team Pokémon caught by myself. Especially my favorite evolutionary line of all. But thanks for the tip.
  3. Excellent, thanks!
  4. Would anyone help me to evolve Kadabra? All I need is to trade it and then have it traded back. Thanks in advance!
  5. It will be locked to the device, but you can use the utility tool to transfer the software from one 3DS to the other. There's also a save backup tool, though I've never used it.
  6. Directly from your bottom screen. You can find the button for Wonder Trade there, and the nice thing is you can do it wherever you are
  7. Added @gmac @King_V @Ramar and @Serebii
  8. I have a spare dab table, if you want it.
  9. The internet integration is really neat. Much more seamless than ever before, it's a joy to use. In my first wonder trade I got a Panpour, so that was quite fun. Although I feel bad for sending a rather less interesting pokemon in return. Looking forward to seeing the rest of you in the friends tab on the bottom screen.
  10. You would have thought that they would send them all simultaneously. Oh well, as long as it gets here by tomorrow.
  11. Did you already get yours from GAME? I still haven't received it
  12. Looks like going to digital route was the tougher one. All these teasing posts maybe I should banish myself from this thread until I get it.
  13. Thanks for the info, I'll take the risk then.
  14. Does anyone know if eShop codes are region locked within Europe? I saw that game.co.uk was selling them, but I don't know if I will be able to redeem the code if it isn't a UK 3DS. Specifically for the Pokémon X digital pre-order thing they have going.
  15. Thanks for your opinion. It's a shame, because I was sort of hoping that I just hadn't heard of all the positives, but as it turns out there just aren't that many of them. Looks like I'll be passing on it for now.
  16. You have a point, but on the other hand Wind Waker HD I was hoping people could mention the positives of the Wii U, because I don't really know all that much about all the features and so on. Basically the other things that I could do even if I only have WWHD as the only game at the moment.
  17. I posted this over in the Wind Waker thread, but it might be more relevant here.
  18. I haven't really been as involved in the Wii U as I was with previous Nintendo consoles, but I did love Wind Waker back on the Gamecube. So there are some gaps in my knowledge in regards to features, visuals etc. for both the hardware and software. Would this be a good time to get the Wii U WWHD bundle? I can get it for the equivalent of 250 Pounds here, which is actually almost what the basic white version costs. It does seems like a lot for just one game at the moment, so some convincing would be appreciated!
  19. Stellar, simply stellar. I don't even know how it is possible to do that, to us unartistic people it just seems absolutely miraculous.
  20. I would love to get this program if I could actually get some eShop credits :/
  21. I too am always very impressed by all of your amazing letters. Really puts my lack of drawing skill to show
  22. Too bad there can't be similar communities like in Mario Kart.
  23. Still waiting for @Cube @Jamba @The Bard @ShadowV7 @/nando/ @Ashley @Tales @Dyson @Tellyn @Ganepark32 @Blade @Eddage
  24. Been visiting this site for about 7 years, and I don't intend to stop anytime soon! Keep up the great work
  25. That's a shame It doesn't seem like something that would have any reason to region exclusive. On the contrary, since the more countries the better for filling the maps.
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