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Everything posted by RATM_4_EVA

  1. guys ive been trying to download torrents fora while now. when ever i do it, it downloads for ever. is it always like that.
  2. HELLO _____________________
  3. Basicaly Some guy on gamespot and Nintendo NSider forums started a petition for a Pokemon MMORPG. Here. And sign here.
  4. yep ________
  5. My Gannon Avatar is gettin really old. Can someone Please make a Lost related avatar, one with Lock would be nice. Thank you.
  6. Plastic. I mean how many things in your home are made out of plastic?
  7. Im from the U.S. sooo.... yeah!
  8. http://www.4colorrebellion.com/archives/2005/10/14/revolution-in-spring/ IGN -Matt, love the site. I read somewhere that revolution is launcing in spring 2006 in japan! does that mean it will go toe to toe against ps3? Matt responds: I saw that rumor floating around. It's not true. Someone mistakenly reported that Revolution would launch in Japan in the spring of 2006, based on Nintendo's recently released financial reports. However, if you read the financial reports, you'll see that Nintendo only stated Revolution would launch in 2006, period. Sorry kiddies, just another one of thoes rumors ...Crap! oh well these things happen.
  9. http://www.nytimes.com/video/html/2005/06/29/technology/highbandwidth/windowsmedia/20050629_GUEST_VIDEO.html excellent spoof. Funny.
  10. ....I like trees. Their nice.
  11. any small furry animals are cute. they are even more cute if you hold em....
  12. wow it looks so strangely animated. +1 fake rep. points awesome!
  13. wikipedia dude. i typed in See you on the Other Side...just go here . i tryed to get it bigger but some copyright crap, yada, yada,yada got in the way.
  14. Oh Man, This is like #1 on my cant afford because im broke list. W00t cant wait. and this too-
  15. this is better, WAY better. http://images.devilfinder.com/ :awesome:
  16. yeah thats good and all...but the cost...
  17. What the Fuck Was that^
  18. OH dear god, WHY people WHY
  20. exactly. they are just gonna milk it dry until we get fed up. then they release the best pokemon game of all time, and then we buy it. It then becomes the best selling game of all time. then when thats dried up they release a half-assed sequeal. we buy it, but we we want it better, but they dont release one until a few years after. Again we get fed up, they release a new bad ass RPG, were happy, we buy it, and the cycle conitnues... (GO NINTENDO)
  21. ....dick? ogga-booga (message too short)
  22. The robot can navigate along a black line or chase a nerf ball. (thats kind of funny).
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