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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. The trick to finding a girlfriend is don't look for one.
  2. I 100% agree very much overated enjoy single life as much as you can. I'm seeing someone at the moment and she wants it to get more serious which is a good position for a change as i'm calling the shots and not the girl. As soon as you take away the pussy power its all a lot easier.
  3. I too was talking about the flash forwards.
  4. Jin isn't dead he's clearly still on the island
  5. I'm surprised by the lack of WTF?s regarding Christian in the cabin and the whole move the island thing WTF??
  6. Got it all sorted now:D
  7. Hi all just got back from hols and parents have just gotten a new router. Only problem is when i do a search for wireless networks it doesn't come up on my computer. I did a search for wireless networks on the wii and that found it right away and connected fine once i put in the code
  8. I have it directly plugged in its odd had the old one for years with no problems . Its strange cause it never loses the connection to the router just the net. Is it possible to reinstall all of windows networking drivers?
  9. I'm pretty certain its not the router as all other devices work fine. Haven't updated the drivers or anything.
  10. Hey guys got a little problem that has popped up in the past week. Basically i'm connected to our wireless network via a usb dongle its literally been fine for the past four years and now all of a sudden the internet keeps stopping. It still stays connected to the network the whole time but i'll be loading a website or on msn messenger and it will sign me out all of a sudden or stop loading the site. Then you give it 20 or 30 seconds and it works again. I've tried buying a new usb dongle and its still doing the same thing. Also I have other devices that I use the wireless network such as xbox 360, ipod touch and my n95 and these all still work without a hitch. Any suggestions? cheers in advance
  11. No info from me either. If anyone has any could they please come forward so we can actually get the game moving
  12. Can't help but think this thread is still glamorizing drug use. We have a lot of young members we need to set an example
  13. Where are you getting this info from?
  14. I'm so confused I don't know what to believe. This all started because one person dropped rainings name a few pages back then everyone jumps on the bandwagon. But then i'm not convinced by the defence hmmmmmmmm what to do. I wish the info gatherers would come forward I know they would probably make themselves a target by coming forward but least it might actually kick some pace into this game its going so slow.
  15. Am I the only person thats lost on where this evidance is coming from :S
  16. I have most likely miss something but how do we know raining again targeted moogle viper
  17. Vote maase Seems like he's resorting to desperation
  18. Anyone got anymore evidance on this maase guy?
  19. Hang on a second I don't understand why you're all just voting straight away... All we know is that someone was possessed and forced to kill. Forced is the important word, isn't it? Just because he was made to kill doesn't make him evil, it just makes the blob evil. The lack of info is making me think that someone should investigate nintendonut to find out if he is good or bad. Also apologies for not posting sooner been at work all day
  20. scubahood

    Wii Fit

    Lol being branded a racist for calling someone fat classic what next
  21. Woohoo gotta love shopto.net got the game to me today off to have a play now. Will report back in a bit with impressions Update: Just gave House of the dead 3 a quick bash its fantastic! Played with the wii zapper really east to control a lot better than umbrella chronicles. Graphics are pretty good as well. Gonna give 2 a bash now. Anywho would highly recommend to everyone!
  22. Vote: No lynch
  23. Hehe you'd be plesently surprised that i'm actually a really cool guy. Sadly I won't be attending the meet up though best to keep internet people to the internet
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