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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. I've made a personal decision that if a veiled women comes to my till at work I will not serve them . Expect to see where I work in the papers lol
  2. I think a ban in places where normal people would be expected to take off hats, hood etc is a must. Its just double standards we are the natives surely we should have the most right
  3. When i do eventually upgrade I will pick up the HD-DVD add on for 360 can't moan for £130
  4. Its all down to security I would like to express myself by wearing a baseball cap but I am not aloud to in many places so they can see my face better they should do the same. Secondly there is no need for them to cover their faces in this country women have equal rights they should free themselves from it
  5. This seems to be the hot topic in the news at the moment I want to try and get a real discussion going on here but guys try and keep it clean. Anyway my opinion is that in public I do believe it should be banned. In this current day and age where we are so security aware you need to be able to identify someone. Not only that but I do find it uncomfortable at work when serving someone at work wearing one as all you can see is eyes no facial espression and it comes across as an evil look to me. Theres a few of my opinions whats everyone elses?
  6. For me when i go to a club or a party i like something i can dance to so for me its a bit of hip-hop or whatever you want to call it. Then once the alcohol is really flowing you put on a bit of the old crunk music then go really crazy.
  7. I've got a mini nova ask google about it
  8. The opening was good rest was garbage compared to season twos first episode
  9. Pre-ordered mine today in game nice to have it finally done
  10. As said above i doubt the list means shit. Yes they will phone those on the list but it wouldn't surprise me if they put a big ass poster in the window saying pre-order now as well
  11. Deny them entry to your home would be another good way
  12. Apparently he was doing 300 mph when it happend. From what i've read he deployed the parachutes which act as a break and he veered off the the right and it rolled a couple of times
  13. Not sure if many know but gameplay is actually owned by game so you will probably get just as good a service with their online store plus reward points
  14. Same here was gonna get that wii play but i don't think i would play it much so i'm just gonna get the wii mote on it own
  15. Just to add to the first post the wii has built in wi-fi where as you would have to buy the 360 wireless adapter if you wanted wireless on the 360
  16. I'm going to midnight launch don't really know why really but i'm sure it will be good at the time will probably go to a club before
  17. Was having a think last night so Nintendo have said Wii games will be between 35 and 40 but thats highstreet prices. So what i'm wondering is will we be treated to the usual 10 pound discount we usually get when buying games online. 30 quid for a game would be awesome spose we will have to wait till places get concrete information because I think places like play.com are just guessing
  18. Hehe went into Game today was a huge line but then I saw the manager on the shop floor so i asked him about Wii pre-orders same as said above he said I can put you on a list of those that they will call when they are taking pre-orders he put me 5th on the list then said i've still got to transfer all of the people that registered their interest ages ago onto this list. He said there were over a 100 so I timed it right snuck right in there
  19. Just spoke to someone from Gameplay they are going to start taking orders once they are told how much stock they are getting.
  20. I'm gonna use gameplay they never let me down
  21. Hi all this is just a little money saving tip for those that are going to pre-order from gameplay. First of all congratulations because you are already saving yourself money by buying online anyway my money saving tip is to the postage. I know a lot of people will be tempted to pay the extra for next day delivery in a hope that they will get the console the day before launch. It won't happen I did the same on Gamecube launch and got it the day of launch and on Xbox 360 launch consoles were sent on the Thursday. The moral of this story they won't break the street date so just get normal postage
  22. No it is not Tim who told me and the above reason is why I am not naming my source
  23. I'm talking a guy from the real early cube-europe days
  24. Got it from a guy that was on here years ago who has many industry contacts
  25. I'm looking forward to tomorrow so i can say i told you so to the haters
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