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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Awww yeah, this shit be fo' real now mo'fuckas.
  2. Weed anyone?
  3. These is a seed Inside of me That makes me
  4. one good deed deserves another. :P
  5. This thread is so fun that it almost makes me want to weep with joy.
  6. Cos you got my heart in a headlock You stop my blood make my head soft And god knows You got me sewn Nah nah nah etc.
  7. Lawnmower Man... fuck yeah.
  8. Definitely, this thread has given us many highs and lows over just a few pages.
  9. Ty Dyson, : peace: I did wonder how long it'd take you to notice them. :wink: ^^^^ there was this one too. -------------------------------- We are trawling this thread like bots.
  10. We should be in trouble with the cops for... word trafficing, or something
  11. When my face is chamois-creased If you think I'll wink, I did Laugh politely at repeats Yeah, kiss me when my lips are thin
  12. Wait, they don’t love you like I love you; wait, they don’t love you like I love you; Ma-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aps; Wait! They don’t love you like I love you.....
  13. In the gaps between words are the things that really intruige me It's the gasps and the sighs that say more about what's inside you
  14. fans... of the rabid variety.
  15. Cats pwn =^.^=
  16. Houston, we have a problem.
  17. You're right mate there is no turning back now.
  18. Blu ray >>> Dvd >>>Tape
  19. Show me your Rage!
  20. To this thread I call Sage!
  21. awww yeah, no two words the same.
  22. ^^^^ this mofo be tame. it's a Shrew lawl
  23. Killin' in the name of...
  24. Damn Moogle, 'fo real, 'dat byatch be fine, aledgedly....
  25. Oh boy you ought to leave this town Get out while you can the meter's running down The voices in the streets you love Everything is better when you hear that sound Woooaohhh Woooaohhh Woooaohhh
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