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Status Updates posted by Retro_Link

  1. It's a hint that I have started Uncharted. That's one epic Title Screen(/Main) Theme! :D


    Currently put a couple of hours into it probably. The opening chapter was incredible, exploring the jungle and the underground 'temple' (don't know what to call it). And then the cliff hoping and finding that U-Boat perched on the waterfall! :D


    There has since been a very long section of firefights!... currently I've been exploring the new Island for maybe an hour I'm not sure and they're still going! So I'm kinda hoping I find Elena soon and it might all stop! :p Not to say I'm not really enjoying them though; I do love my pistol, and I've already recieved trophies of having reached 20 headshots and 50 kills with it I think. And the environments have been kinda fun atleast.

  2. haha cheers! :D


    They do look fine in that video. I think it probably is more to do with me not knowing exactly how to use them and instinctly hold the controller yet. Tbh with the shoulder buttons I wasn't sure if I should be having a finger on each (so two up top), or just one, which is what I went for and what is apparently right, as that's what you do.


    Also wasn't sure how much I should be gripping the 'handles', and yeah knowing how to use the sticks.


    All this sounds incredibly lame on my part, I mean it's a controller ffs! But it just goes to show how difficult it can be to shift from the feel you've always been used to!

  3. I'm not really sure what it is about them, Yeah I think it might be that they quite stiff, or springy maybe... so at the moment I'm not finding very gradual movement/input all that easy, I'm more constantly nudging. Anyway I'm sure I'll get used to it/break them in.


    Yeah I think I need just a standard pastry case (one with the wavey edge), and then one of those deep ones that you then remove the side from once it's done to get it out.

  4. Yes you are cruel. :p


    OK you might be right if I play it on Easy. The sticks are really annoying me at the moment though, I didn't want them to make aiming frustrating, so wanted to get some practice in.


    Yeah I'm glad they didn't show it either; red hand ftl! :woops:

    Brendon's getting ever so slightly annoying/smug (I know he doesn't mean to be, he can't help that he's acing the bakes they're givong them atm, but still).


    I actually think I want to ask for a couple of pieces of baking gear for Christmas (if I don't buy it myself sooner); something useful day to day. Then it's Treacle Tart time! :D

  5. Can I instead distract your attention with talk of the dramatic Great British Bake Off the other night!! :p


    *holds up Mary Berry as a Shield*


    Haven't actually got round to playing them yet! Don't really know why, but I've spent very little time gaming lately (I think it's because I know I should be spending more time working on my portfolio to send it out to potential employers).


    However I did download the demo of F1 2012 last night which reignited the flame!


    Also... having never owned a Playstaion before I'm finding the controller a bit of a bitch, and I want to be comfotable with it and know where all the buttons are instinctly etc... before takling the greatness of Uncharted! I was thinking I might use Portal 2 to help me get used to them.


    #OnYourMarksGetSetBake! :D

  6. You want John to win you mean? Yeah John's got a good chance *wondering whether to get my hair cut a bit like his atm! :p*. Man Ryan was so close to going this week though, but apparently that pie was to-die-for so what a save! Brendan is coming on strong. Scottish James bugs me slightly, not really sure why... plus he always seems to be saying how he's getting his recipes off the internet and stuff (that sweet potato pie... and others previous weeks), which I'm sure some of the others do aswell, but he keeps going on about it.


    Have to say I am rather fond of Cathryn [/crush] and wouldn't mind her winning!


    Has to be Sarah Jane who goes next surely! Don't know how that guy Stuart who went last week lasted so long!

  7. Hey man, so when are you off?


    Have an Epic time in Spa!! :D

    and bring Kimi that first win for me ok! :p Cheers!

  8. Happy Birthday man!! :D

  9. Ah ok cool, hope he enjoys!

  10. Glad to hear it arrived before the weekend, so you can get some Resi action in!!


    Definately recommend using the CPP controls for the game (although I didn't try the normal), and there are some customisation options for it in the menu should you want anything changed.


    Enjoy! :D

  11. *RAH* I'M BATMAN!! :D

  12. So when do you find out how you did at college, this week? Message me and let me know how you got on! :)

  13. ... Except from a whopping £900 price tag, and yeah I'm wondering just what extra you do actually get for that money. Tbh I am interested in Frames Per Second and I think the 60d is 5.(something) compared to the 600d 3.(something), but that's not worth £400 or so, so I REALLY need to try and look into what justifies the price difference!

  14. How are you finding the Canon 600d?

    I need to get a new camera now and am kinda scared about spending so much on the 60d and am thinking I might go for the 600d instead.

  15. Hey man, can you unlock the Microsoft E3 Thread. Cheers!

  16. haha :D

    Also... how low are their trousers!!!!!!!

  17. Was just gonna be a reference to you and chair sharing a smile, but didn't bother in the end.

  18. Yeah you can't blame him, the SomethingForTheWeekend stuff must come naturally, but he was like 'I'm gonna get in trouble for that'. :p

  19. Well (regarding the below post, I assume intended for my wall) wasn't it a good thing I checked your wall before it moved on!


    You can post that pic on my wall again btw! *faints*




    Anyway, was a really good Sunday Brunch this morning!


    Though Tim's mistake reading out the SFTW email address was cringing!


    Basically I love Lisa Faulkner!

    ...and Danny was great on there too; I'm liking it.

  20. Hey, I've listened to the Some Nights tracks and the two with videos from Aim and Ignite. It's well worth me watching the live stuff, but so far I'm liking quite a bit of it. I'll have to look into what gigs they're doing this year.


    Somehow I think I'm aware of All The Pretty Girls from sometime before?... did it do well for them? (but then that makes me think I'd have been more aware of them as a band)... or maybe I'd seen it posted on here sometime over the years.

  21. Managed to get my Amanda Byram fix in Total Wipeout before The Voice on Saturday... but yeah they definately need to bring her on board!


    Ah ok cool, I'll give it a watch this Sunday (when coincidently they also have Danny from The Voice on).


    Waaaaaaaaaait, a minute, I'm sure you said something *goes and checks*...


    "We went into HMV for I had plans to purchase Moneyball and Kid Icarus..."


    Oh ok, maybe I mis-read it... or you mis-spelt it? I dunno? lol

  22. Did you say in your Brighton post that you were after Monkey Ball 3DS?... if so it's £8.99 @Play for today only.


    Also... WTF happened to Something For The Weekend?!! *sadface*

    I hadn't watched it for quite a few weeks because I'd been busy... then when I did go to watch it I found it wasn't on that weekend... then I started seeing these adverts for Tim/Simon on Ch4... and now they're on Ch4 doinf near enough the exact same programme! (I only caught the last 10mins of it last week)...


    ... I'll tell you what, that's going to some extreme lengths to get rid of Louise! :p

  23. Nope, no Tumblr as yet... I'm not sure what I'd use it for? What ya gonna do on yours? :)




    *warning* racy back of the head shot alert! ;)
